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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. I get the feeling the players committee of Harper, Smudger, Nolan & Butt are running the gaff, hence the reason Ranger gets away with coming in late all the time. I don't believe the players have huge respect for him but I think they're behind them like the Mackems were behind Sbragia last season - he gives them an easy time of it so they're happy. That's not to say Hughton hasn't done an admirable job. I mean tactially he's on another planet at times but he's not one to persist if something isn't working. He'll quiet happily make a change. He also seems to get on with things with the minimum of fuss which is nice after JFK came in, swore like a docker and then nearly died. Attention seeking cunt. I'm one for dictatorship in the dressing room, not democracy. If we go up I can't see our current set up lasting very long so I want to see an out and out manager brought in. Chances of that happening are slim if Ashley us still here though.
  2. Bad crowd but the apathy is reflected across the country. Until you reach the quarters then all sides will struggle to get anywhere near capacity. Unfortunately the FA Cup just isn't that much of a big deal anymore, especially for clubs such as ourselves where it's an unwelcome distraction from getting back to the top flight. I didn't go, I couldn't be arsed. Considering I put a few hundred pounds into the club in the form of a season ticket I don't think missing a fairly pointless FA Cup game that I found very hard to care about is a cardinal sin.
  3. Apparently so. I've heard someone from Sage is involved but that's just through the grapevine and will probably be total horseshite. If its Wiley then its horespoo. He has said many times that he has no interest in owning a football club No name was given as the lad I was chatting to couldn't remember, but assuming he hasn't been involved in Sage for quite some time I doubt Wylie (!?) is the person in question.
  4. Apparently so. I've heard someone from Sage is involved but that's just through the grapevine and will probably be total horseshite.
  5. Did well today by all accounts? I couldn't possibly comment as I was too lazy to go into town this evening but every time I've seen him at right back since we've signed him he's looked poor.
  6. Ryan Taylor is not a natural fucking right back.
  7. I had 4-0 NUFC with EMO first goalscorer when we played Stoke in the third round a few years ago. I was set to win just shy of £100 when Liam Lawrence scored a screamer in the last minute.
  8. I misread it slightly, the figures are from July until now, not over the course of the season. Anyway here's the e-mail: I've tried to ignore everything after 'Also consider'.
  9. I got an e-mail back from them today. Basically the gist is that these are projections made by the club for the coming season post relegation. Incomings and outgoings were factored into the figures and after that we're making a small profit of £1.5 million, however some of the clubs estimations have been surpassed meaning that we're making more in various areas (in some cases substantially). If the clubs predictions about outgoings are correct then over the course of a season we'd, on a monthly basis, have made a tidy sum which would amount to the magic total that has got so many people so upset. Obviously I still think the figures are radical (the clubs own and NUST) and there is quite a bit of guesswork involved but there does seem to be some method behind the madness. After all we haven't see a penny of the money from Martins, Duff, Beye, Bassong, Given, Milner or N'Zogbia put back into the first team and the club was being ran on bank loans all summer, bank loans which have been reduced to the allowed level but not paid off. I still wouldn't have released it yet mind. It's not NUST's job to be doing a John Pilger, let the newspapers break the stories and NUST comment.
  10. It snowed here for about half an hour very, very lightly and now it's just dull again. Call it off I say.
  11. Unless they call games off for it being a bit dull outside nowadays I think it'll go ahead.
  12. And thats a fair point however it needs members, and plenty of them to get on the message board or email in and point out the fact, everytime I have pointed out something like this to other committee members then they dont see it because their mates in the pub, family members etc havent said its a bad thing and the members havent complained about it officially. They dont see it whereas I do because Im on these message boards. You're quite right. I personally didn't send an email straight away as I assumed it was a typo and I know Optimistic Nut had managed to calm himself down long enough to pen a message. I was waiting to see what the response from that before I got on my high horse and started peppering the e-mail addresses of NUST. I will be dropping them a line this evening as sitting on here whinging is hardly the most constructive thing to do. And congrats. Again
  13. I long for the day a sensible debate about NUST breaks out on here. There are far too many people who work themselves into a state of hysteria when anything vaguely unprofessional works it's way out into the public domain. Some of the stuff posted on here over the past 24 hours ("They may as well jack it in", "I'd rather Ashley than them" etc.) is just as cringeworthy as their last newsletter. And before I'm pigeonholed as an unquestioning NUST minion (as I have been before) I would like to point out that I find the latest email completely laughable and I think they need to seriously take a look at themselves for publishing such a statement regardless of the validity of it. If there is truth in it then a comprehensive press release detailing all the sums, their sources etc. is a much better platform for it than a rogue, unsubstantiated sentence or two which is simply going to incite the masses. It beggars belief that they can't see that not only would such an approach shield them from criticism but it would present them as a safe pair of hands, especially as people are being asked to trust them financially. Unless these figures are then corroborated by others sources, regardless of whether they do finally present the fans with something that does make sense, they're going to look very silly. It's naive in the extreme.
  14. I think that's a bit sensationalist. I haven't seen a concerted effort from NUST to lie to the supporters on a consistant basis. I get the feeling they've got the remedial wankers manning the emails because over the past few months their image has improved quite a bit, they're using the media better and they all seem to have a vague idea in which direction the trust is moving however they always seem to send out some ridiculous message to their mailing list with some cringeworthy prose or laughable piece of propaganda. Considering this is their main way of communicating with us and other fans it's simply not good enough.
  15. Fucking hell, £7 million You need to calm down.
  16. It's a choice between Beckford and nee bugger. I'll gan with the Ealing Eusabio.
  17. I used to see him every game when I sat in my old seat. Also there was a David Brent lookalike that sat near me in Milburn L7, used to eat 2 or 3 burgers every game. The guy that used to sit a few along from me looked like Jim Carrey, and further along the row was Al Pacino. I love spotting lookalikes. I was stood next to Father Ted in Idols (I know, I know) before the Derby match. Where he sits I do not know. Having a bit deeks at the strippers? No, I went in for the ambience and quality lager.
  18. One of the many reasons I don't trust anything Skirge says. Who the fuck dresses their dog up?
  19. I used to see him every game when I sat in my old seat. Also there was a David Brent lookalike that sat near me in Milburn L7, used to eat 2 or 3 burgers every game. The guy that used to sit a few along from me looked like Jim Carrey, and further along the row was Al Pacino. I love spotting lookalikes. I was stood next to Father Ted in Idols (I know, I know) before the Derby match. Where he sits I do not know.
  20. As a Beckford skeptic I'll admit was impressed by him today. He tore Brown a new arsehole for large parts of the match and while his touch was poor he seemed to be able to use his mental and physical speed to make sure it wasn't much of an issue. On the whole though I'm still not sure about him as he was sure to up his game for today. I don't think it's going to make much of a difference to our prospects of getting him really because I can see Bates being a cunt about it and Ashley turning his nose up at the asking price.
  21. I don't particularly want a petulant 26 year old who has never played above the third division.
  22. It's been sitting in my sig since the year dot. Typical of NUFC under Fat Fred.
  23. Do you think your argument might hold more water if you upgraded the fee slightly? I know he's out of contract in the summer but this isn't 1970. He's out of contract in June and he's basically been sent out on loan to put him in the shop window. Man U clearly don't want him and will take whatever they are offered. Why steam in with a million quid if just a fraction of that will get him? They'd get more than that for him if they let him leave in the summer from a tribunal. Right answer
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