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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. Fat Sam patently didn't rate Enrique and I get the feeling he only bought him because he didn't want to leave Spain empty handed. No chance of him going to Blackburn.
  2. Redheugh right again. Cunting hell, i'm getting my hopes up.
  3. Probably not the best idea to go about publically slandering your employers if you're on the verge of walking and taking them to court for breach of contract.
  4. Got to love a good Keegan bashing. Ignore the fact every other manager in the league when quizzed about it said they'd have done the same, he's a selfish knob.
  5. Aye, but we can't someone with cash to buy the club outright. Why would they pump cash in to reduce debt/pay for players if they're only going to get a fraction of the cash Fat Ash will when it's time to sell up?
  6. What's in it for the Yanks/Canadian's though?
  7. I've always liked you, Dave. Now tell me what the fuck is going on
  8. I fucking hate Stephen Ireland.
  9. I don't actually believe Kinnear was ever appointed. He just rang Sky Sports, told them he was manager and Fat Ash and Disco Dekka were too busy dicking around in Dubai to notice. They return and find some greasy haired throwback doing the job gratis and let him get on with it.
  10. That's horseshite of the highest order.
  11. Good job you're not Barry fucking Moat then, isn't it?
  12. I thought Colo was decent. His man got on the wrong side of him a few times but he gets his foot in and blocks the ball now, which is something he lacked when he first came here. Enrique was man of the match by a mile for me. Harper was decent but two saves in 90 minutes (did he actually touch the ball in the first half?) isn't that spectacular.
  13. Aye was cracking tonight. Though i was stood on the steps for the whole game! I thought I was going to have to when I arrived at my seat to find the fucking Addams family lounging there. I couple of uncomfortable looks were exchanged, we compared tickets and they insisted they were in the right place until I pointed out that their ticket said row X and they were sitting in row Y. Thankfully they acknowledged their mistake rather than challenging me and fucked off. I was not in the mood to be teaching the alphabet to them.
  14. To be fair i've thought about buying the club.
  15. Great atmos tonight. Never planted my arse on my seat once.
  16. It'll just go into MA's pockets though.
  17. The NUSC 'h8rz' out in force again There is quite literally bugger all wrong with the official line. Graham Roberts has came out and name dropped them and they've clarified their position, which is nice because one of the sticks used to beat NUSC with the last time around was their lack of communication. They're not prancing around shouting "OMG we wnt a seet on teh borrrd!1!" or anything vaguely similar. James, you need to grow the fuck up. Did Colin Whittle fist your lass or something? It's pretty pathetic.
  18. Wait till you find out who is alongside him in the bid!!! Shirley Bassy?
  19. don't forget alan shearer: "Alan Shearer will absolutely be the manager. He's Mr Newcastle." "So you have spoken to him?" "Well no....." "If we take over Newcastle will be debt ridden.....I mean debt free"
  20. This is fucking hilarious "Have you talked to Keith Harris?" "No, he wouldn't talk to us." "Have you talked to Derek Llambias?" "No but i've given his personal phone number to someone else in the consortium." "Have you talked to Mike Ashley?" "No."
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