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Everything posted by TRC

  1. What did he say? I rim bentley so if hes been a cunt Im not going to be happy
  2. You might be thinking of Darren Anderton. :lol:
  3. Isn't Metzelder very injury prone or am I thining of someone else?
  4. TRC

    Beye today...

    Is it a good thing he doesnt get the recognition in the press? first solid fullback we've had for over a decade.
  5. Nope Newcaslte is voted one of the world's top 10 party cities Out of interest, is that above london?
  6. Yeah, was it him who was crying after he scored then found out they couldn't go through to the next round anyway?
  7. Veron was awesome at Parma. I just don't really rate Deco that high, and don't see what the point in signing him would be, when we don't know how he would adapt, and what would motivate him to come here, dunno anything about that other kid, but Bentley is the main man at the moment we should take the chance while we can unless he does another Shauny Wright and fucks off to Chelsea to play 5 games a season.
  8. Maxi Rodrigues would be ideal.
  9. Not really a fan of Deco, seems like another Veron. Rather we just splashed the cash on Bentley, as I can't see any of the big 4 after him.
  10. Deffo gonna win the league like, NSG was right about when we signed Owen.
  11. TRC


    Thought he was class, but he takes one to many touches, and is always injured, so I reckon we should get rid.
  12. TRC

    A Legend

    Better claim to fame than you will ever have.
  13. TRC

    A Legend

    Howay man, it's past the watershed. I wanna see Scholesys cock
  14. I just imagined Wise chasing a 11 year old like Rocky chasing chickens in Rocky 2, then I clicked on Wise is probably smaller.
  15. TRC

    A Legend

    cant believe noone posted THAT picture, hint hint
  16. Well, if pushed I'd take that. Tbf, I'd be pretty pissed off with that, no clean sheet? Shocking.
  17. TRC

    Ronaldo vs Henry

    Henry, quite clearly IMO
  18. Haha class, Shola most expensive loanee, a film should be made about this guy, abit like rocky but without the boxing, and stallone.
  19. Thats not funny, nor is it a six figure sum.
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