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Everything posted by TRC

  1. TRC

    Alan Smith

    Baggio you might laugh, but that is exactly what he did, if he had have ran when Owen had the ball we could have played easier balls to break Pompy down, rather than Owen going for a 30 yard ball, we might have scored. Fuck that actually this is Alan Smith, he would have controlled the ball, fouled Kanu who wasn't even on the pitch, got booked for his 10th of the season, and got suspended for his next game, which is argubly better than 2 points.
  2. TRC

    Alan Smith

    Yeah he did, he got in the way of Martins, fouled Campbell and still fell over, then in the dying minutes we were on the break, and Smith is second furthest forward, and he strolls about the centre circle. Feel harsh on the kid, but fucking hell. Still can't believe we signed him, everyone wanted a creative midfielder to replace Dyer, and we get this cunt.
  3. TRC

    Alan Smith

    Also his best game this season was when he played upfront for England with Owen. Fucking Englands Alan Smith...
  4. TRC

    Alan Smith

    Fucking Chopra has more than him.
  5. TRC

    Alan Smith

    Nevland had finishing of 20 on the last footie manager I played though.
  6. TRC


    Not starting rumours or out, just know he was in Milan on Monday night/Tues Morning.
  7. Robert Green for England?
  8. TRC


    Anyone know why he was in Milan earlier this week?
  9. Did Shola score? I said at the start of the season for Hull to go up, sadly I didn't bet on it.
  10. Hope Fulham and Bolton go down. Nearly put money on Bolton to go down this season at 6/1, wouldn't have mattered anyways as I forgot all my user names and passwords for my betting sites.
  11. I reckon it would be easier to put Faye there and look for a replacement for Faye.
  12. I thought all of our midfield were good today, although Ron's corners let him down abit, and he should have shot first time or not have give Owen the shout.
  13. I thought he was older than 30 like, 32 or 33 surely?
  14. TRC

    That wifey on Setanta

    James is a ledge tbf
  15. TRC

    That wifey on Setanta

    Is she? I haven't seen any pictures of her.
  16. Worse than that bird from MOTD. To David James "why did you not win today?" "because we didnt score more goals than them" Bint
  17. Yeah, well you said he's been cack for over a month, and I was just saying last week he was class. Don't really see your problem to be honest.
  18. Just saying last week he wasn't cack, he was MOTM probably.
  19. Both have been cack for over a month though, you only have to look at the results and Brummie's comments to see that. Not saying they've had bad seasons overall like. Barry scored two and set up 2 last week, and Agbonlahors finish was class....
  20. Really don't understand why people rate him, good dribbler, but that is very rare, usually he just runs around like a headless chicken, Dyer was far better at the same age.
  21. They will probably beat us 1-0, which I won't be too bothered about as long as we give it ago, they are a far stronger side than us in midfield so it will be hard to boss it unlike against the shite of Reading and Spurs. Just hope they don't nick a goal early then just destroy us.
  22. To be fair, he offers fuck all, a very overated player, been shite for 2 years now.
  23. Have to disagree with that. The season where we were turning around scorelines week after week when Robson was here (the 4-3 Leeds season) the squad were fantastically fit Yeah suppose, but towards the end of the 2003 season we faded alot.
  24. We've always been a pretty unfit team tbh
  25. If it wasn't for Alan Smith we would be top by a longway
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