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Everything posted by TRC

  1. Smiths decent upfront, but shite in midfield IMO, and that looks like where we will use him.
  2. Sam said he wants 4-4-2. Where would Smith play in a 4-3-3, he hasn't got the pace to play as a winger.
  3. Defenders would be nice like...
  4. I do hope thats sarcasm, for your sake. Why would it be, and what will happen to me? :lol:
  5. TRC

    Idiots booing Dyer

    I'd love to know why these family problems weren't mentioned at the beggining of the transfer window when more could have been done to plan on replacing him. Or why a resolution couldn't involve moving his family to Newcastle. I don't want to be overly cyncical, but this coming out so close to the end of the window appears very much like twisting the clubs arm into accepting a cut price bid. Engineering a move even. It could be true for all I know, but he signed a contract not that long ago and he should be expected to honor his commitments. Especially to a club that has made him a very rich & successful man. all true would never boo but cannot really criticise those who did I can criticise them for believing they are at a christmas panto and not at a football match. assuming you've been to a game, have you ever booed? There is always one loser who busts out that argument. Have you ever thrown a coin at Dyer? I didn't think so, cunt
  6. TRC

    Idiots booing Dyer

    Boo him tbh. Possibly throw coins at him too, but dont get caught like.
  7. I expect the this rumour to be denied in the next few days. My source is pretty reliable.
  8. My ITK has told me Deco has not been offered to Newcastle, and nor are Newcastle interested.
  9. TRC

    Howay The Zog

    Lets go. IP ban
  10. TRC

    Howay The Zog

    Nout new there then
  11. Never realised he was 29, I thought he was 25/26, I remember when he was just a kid. Carragher is class, he's just unlucky he was Terry and Rio to compete with.
  12. Not sure how you think Gudjohnsen is underrated? Since he left Chelsea he has became very overrated. Good player though, but people talk about him on here as if he was better than Bergkamp.
  13. Rather have Viduka, atleast we know he can do the business. Raul is overrated as fuck, still good though.
  14. De Ridder was linked with us a few years ago.
  15. Brightest talent? Sums us up tbh, we don't have any up and coming talent (Krul, and possibly Taylor) but attacking wise, Zog has much more potential, but sadly his ego is too big, although Sam could sort him out. Martins is practically the same as as Milner, a much better prospect. We also have Viduka, a whipper snapper at 31, he has the talent to play on untill he is 45, an awesome man, and father of Chuck Norris. Absolutley knew you were going to pick up on that. I meant to put British ahead of it. Personally feel that N'Zogbia is the brightest talent in our squad. And before i get accused of telling porkies again, that's true. I said the other day that N'Zogbia had the potential to be better than Ginola and Robert put together. Out of interest, how old were you when Ginola played for us? Did you not know, Yorkie Geordies opinions on Newcastle, come directly from this board, and what the majority think?
  16. Brightest talent? Sums us up tbh, we don't have any up and coming talent (Krul, and possibly Taylor) but attacking wise, Zog has much more potential, but sadly his ego is too big, although Sam could sort him out. Martins is practically the same as as Milner, a much better prospect. We also have Viduka, a whipper snapper at 31, he has the talent to play on untill he is 45, an awesome man, and father of Chuck Norris. Absolutley knew you were going to pick up on that. I meant to put British ahead of it. Personally feel that N'Zogbia is the brightest talent in our squad. And before i get accused of telling porkies again, that's true. I said the other day that N'Zogbia had the potential to be better than Ginola and Robert put together. Robert is the greatest Frenchman to walk the planet, except Joan of Arc.
  17. This fella nailed it, but not as cutting as I was.
  18. Brightest talent? Sums us up tbh, we don't have any up and coming talent (Krul, and possibly Taylor) but attacking wise, Zog has much more potential, but sadly his ego is too big, although Sam could sort him out. Martins is practically the same as as Milner, a much better prospect. We also have Viduka, a whipper snapper at 31, he has the talent to play on untill he is 45, an awesome man, and father of Chuck Norris.
  19. Yeah, he has improved, but I still don't want to see him on the wing. I wan't a player with proven quality, rather than "he put in a canny cross against Palermo that lad"
  20. His crosses reach the penalty area don't they? To be fair, when his crosses are poor, they're low - not flying into the stands. They're very erratic, like i said initially, but to say he doesn't put in the odd excellent cross (whether they're received or not) is just plain wrong. Don't think you'd be wrong when saying he'd do a job in the centre, though. I personally wouldn't mind seeing him down the left-wing more often, so he can cut in, because he's got a lethal strike on him. I could put in the odd perfect cross mate. Lee Mculloch, Downing, Hunt at reading, were all statiscally better than Milner. I wouldn't want 2 of them anywhere near our team.
  21. I can't be arsed quoting, but Wullie, he may have decent stats, but we could do so much better. I personally think Milner might end up half decent if used in the centre. His crossing is erratic as fuck, I don't think arguing "he's had noone to aim for" washes very well, as he never looks up anyway, and I'd say a third of his crosses end up in the stands.
  22. Ok mate, just because I called you a cunt..... Milner doesn't have the class to take us to where we want to be (Uefa this season, then again, its a pretty shit league, so mabye he does....) He has no real quality, he tries hard, but shit, so do I (actually thats a lie, but for arguments sake I do) I'm not on a WU, I generally think the lad is overrated as hell, just because he was the best of a shite team last year.
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