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Everything posted by TRC

  1. Still gutted we never got Montella.
  2. Titus' says he doesnt drink bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif
  3. Sir Laurents says he doesnt want kids, but I'm sure he has a son?
  4. Solskjaer would be a class signing, one of the best finishers in the league.
  5. You say AS 9 is a shit WUM, but he's pissing on you lot.
  6. AS 9 is a legend. Just look at his sig
  7. We have Martins who is the quickest in the world (according to pro evo) We don't need pace upfront, we need goals.
  8. Berbatov, Mido, Defoe and Keano. They can give us one of them then.
  9. Championship side then. Aye.
  10. Its Watford apparently.
  11. Championship side I reckon...
  12. TRC

    Montella to Fulham?

    If we don't get someone better than Montella, I will be fucking pissed off.
  13. TRC


    Yeah, but the way people are talking. Edgar better than Bramble and Moore etc. He may well be but some games Titus can look like a world class defender, other days he can look like Bubba from Forest Gump (well he always does, but you get my point). Edgar might have potential, but so did Bramble. Moore is a decent defender IMO for what we got him for.
  14. TRC


    Nah it was deffo Ronaldo. I just think people are getting too excited. Edgar should be back up at most at the minute.
  15. TRC


    Yeah, just forgive him if he threw it away in the last minute eh. Tis allright, he's only a kid eh? Slagging him for nearly doing something wrong? I didn't realise he nearly attempted to take Ronaldo on in the last minute when he was the last defender. He didn't. It was Rooney. bluebigrazz.gif He was lucky, got away with something a bit silly only an inexperienced youngster would risk. Hardly worth a slagging. No it was Ronaldo.
  16. TRC


    Because he scored a goal? Everyone blatantly forgetting he tried his best to throw the result away in the last minute by trying to take Ronaldo on? Yeah, I think if that was Huntington or Ramage, we would have pages and pages of threads about them trying to skin Ronaldo. I think Edgar could be a decent squad player, but I don't like the idea of relying on kids.
  17. TRC


    I'm just saying this is NUFC, we don't produce decent players (well for the past decade) Edgar may become a decent player, but if he does, it won't be at us.
  18. Montella, but to be fair to the lad, Freddy will never have heard of him.
  19. TRC


    bluelaugh.gif Edgar has one decent game, and everyone think's he's some wonder kid who is going to put Canadian football back on the map. He'll never make it, he'll be championship class at best. Quote me in 6 month, I'll be right.
  20. I'd say someone in the RVN/Lineker mould would be ideal. Someone who is always in the box, although I can't think of anyone, so Roeder definately won't.
  21. I had 13 quid on Chelsea to win at 3/4 after an hour. Never betting on them again, ever.
  22. I've got a fiver on Arsneal to win from behind at 11/2 fiver free bet on Van Persie and 2-0 fiver double on Chelsea and Arsenal. for this weekend Cardiff, Brum, Preston trixie.
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