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Everything posted by TRC

  1. Just wondering how reliable is Marca?
  2. I was going to back gretna at 2000/1 EW untill they got stuffed 4-0.
  3. TRC

    Strangest Injuries

    Keegan fell over in the bath
  4. If Blackburn get their game with Arsenal rearranged to August 38/1 for them to top the league at the end of August is well worth a quid.
  5. Nut do you still live in France? Darren Bent 20/1 at Betfred for top scorer.
  6. Just bet Man U to be top at the end of the month, Reading to be bottom and us to beat Bolton.
  7. He's a class right mid aswell.
  8. anyone got a picture of the Samp coach? Hoffman as out
  9. Aye. Arnie actually has though. Can remember reading something; sure it was on here at some point. Spent a bit in Byker or something. I think I heard that... when he was training for Mr Universe. Was something like that. Dunno if he's been back. Good effort for you that, accidental or not.
  10. I thought Dyer went yesterday anyway?
  11. fyp I think mongs is more appropriate.
  12. Yeah those motherfuckers! CHAIR SHOT! boom!
  13. I went to school with his brother, really nice lad, met up with him in Marbella and had some sangria and paella with him.
  14. He was their captain during that time so it seems unlikely. I don't know much about him but he does have a reputation for being injury prone. Last season can be discounted if he did indeed miss all those games because of a fallout with Houllier. Still, it doesn't make for good reading. I'm happy enough to see a defender coming in, moreso someone of his calibre, but worried about his injuries. Without knowing the nature of the injuries though, it's hard to say. It's possible he's just been unlucky rather than injury-prone, or that he's suffered a succession of serious injuries, which again doesn't necessarily mean you're injury-prone. I guess all I'm trying to say is that knowing nothing of his role at Lyon, how many games French teams play, the rotation system at Lyon etc., I'm not gonna get too concerned that we're getting a crock. I would assume that Sam has done his homework on it, using something other than Wikipedia (not a dig, although it does sound like one!) Lyon had Cris and Squillacci at centre half also, so I'm pretty sure he was rotated.
  15. Abdoulutely not! Not replacement, but would be for £1mill. Abdoulutely!
  16. Abdoulutely not! Not replacement, but would be for £1mill.
  17. TRC

    Kieron Dyer

    So much potential that lad. Wanker like.
  18. Smiths decent upfront, but shite in midfield IMO, and that looks like where we will use him.
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