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Everything posted by TRC

  1. Boro have Woody, Huth, Pogatetz and Young injured, if play defensive football I won't be fucking happy.
  2. Johnson would be better than what we have, and would add some pace to the team...
  3. I think Shola is the only one who could play in a 4-3-3, and he's fucking shite.
  4. Because Butt can read the game better, break up play without lunging tackles and doesn't give numerous freekicks away every game, Butt also didn't cost £6 million and wasn't a replacement for a player with pace who stretches games. Butt is a DM and does his job well, Smith is a striker/midfielder and does neither job particularly well, to say both players are similar is ridiculous. Nicely done.
  5. TRC

    Strongest 11?

    Since we know Sam will play 4-3-3 Given Taylor Enrique Roz Cacapa Geremi Barton Smith Martins Duff Shola
  6. TRC


    Anyone think he looks like the guy from Faithless?
  7. So why are loads of people saying 4.2? Fucking dickheads.
  8. I thought Enrique was 4.2 mill? Not being pedantic just I hear alot of people saying 6 mill. Get Faye in he's a beast.
  9. Boro, Mackems, Chelsea, Spurs and West Ham. I also hate Everton.
  10. Liam? The one Lawrie Sanchez told he is not good enough to play for Fulham?
  11. Man U have fucked me over 3 times now this season.
  12. You're right, it does sound crazy.
  13. Anyone abit worried that hes shite defensively? Would be good right midfield like...
  14. Good read that, Oba is sound.
  15. I think he means to win the league, but Barca are playing Sevillia in the super cup?
  16. Bets for tomorrow lads? Pompey look good odds at 10/11 to beat Bolton.
  17. TRC

    Kieron Dyer

    Didn't Curbishley kick off about the "Baby Bentley Brigade"? Ironic that he signed the king of bling himself. Someones probably already mentioned this like. Not sure why people are going on about Bowyer being into bling bling, he was just a cunt.
  18. TRC

    Sam on SSN

    So what did he actually say then? I seen him talking on SSN but I was at work so it was on mute.
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