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Everything posted by James

  1. James

    FIFA World Cup

    Clearly the World Cup should stay with AFC, perhaps a staunch US ally from the region with recent experience in hosting this kind of tournament could step in... Aye, Japan all the way. Sick of shite no mark countries getting the nod Walked right into that one To be honest the Americans hate the Japanese. Seventy years after the war and the Japanese still buy adverts on TV channels in the states to try and show they are no longer the enemy. ...I'm pretty sure that's not true I saw the adverts myself in Florida last month! Probably just some random Japanese group being dafties. It had their Prime Minister in it and government logos everywhere!
  2. James

    FIFA World Cup

    Clearly the World Cup should stay with AFC, perhaps a staunch US ally from the region with recent experience in hosting this kind of tournament could step in... Aye, Japan all the way. Sick of shite no mark countries getting the nod Walked right into that one To be honest the Americans hate the Japanese. Seventy years after the war and the Japanese still buy adverts on TV channels in the states to try and show they are no longer the enemy. ...I'm pretty sure that's not true I saw the adverts myself in Florida last month!
  3. James

    FIFA World Cup

    Clearly the World Cup should stay with AFC, perhaps a staunch US ally from the region with recent experience in hosting this kind of tournament could step in... Aye, Japan all the way. Sick of shite no mark countries getting the nod Walked right into that one On a more serious note it'll be very interesting to see what happens from here. You'd assume Russia is too far gone to have anything changed unfortunately but I think 2022 will get re-run. Have a European World Cup 2018
  4. James

    FIFA World Cup

    Clearly the World Cup should stay with AFC, perhaps a staunch US ally from the region with recent experience in hosting this kind of tournament could step in... Aye, Japan all the way. Sick of shite no mark countries getting the nod Walked right into that one To be honest the Americans hate the Japanese. Seventy years after the war and the Japanese still buy adverts on TV channels in the states to try and show they are no longer the enemy.
  5. James

    FIFA World Cup

    To be honest this may still be all part of the master plan. If he stood down before the election the Jordanian prince would have won by default and have a mandate to root out the corruption. By winning the election And then resigning he allows others with an interest in protecting old FIFA to stand for election. Next one might be a Blatter puppet.
  6. I really wish I hadn't used my real name on here, everything is so much more hurtful. I know the feeling. Let's call each other Dave from now on!
  7. We don't need someone who has had a good track record We need someone who is going to have a good track record.
  8. Although I doubt very much he would do that in the senior team, sounds like he is focused on improvement rather than winning with the youth teams which is positive.
  9. Well we can't have more than 25 players, so if we need 10 we will have to sell a few first. we'd have to sell a few, thats for sure, we wouldnt have to do it first though. Agree, however from what we have seen with this club, they won't do it. Only vacancies will be filled.
  10. It wasn't, because Swansea sacked him ASAP and replaced him with unproven Garry Monk.
  11. Well we can't have more than 25 players, so if we need 10 we will have to sell a few first.
  12. Laudrup is a sexy name but if you see the reasons he was sacked at Swansea he isn't worth it.
  13. I don't really understand why some would not touch an unproven manager. We could go proven and get proven mediocrity. Proven quality is probably hard to attain. There are a few names left but you could argue even Garde is unproven. The good proven managers were at some point unproven and we aren't a successful or stable enough club for an unproven manager to be beneath us. Every good manager ever to exist was at some stage unproven. Keegan, the best NUFC manager in our lifetimes was unproven.
  14. There are always options but are they attainable? Of those that are I'm not sure they are going to achieve much more than mid table and more apathy. Newcastle and Vieira might not have much affinity yet, but I see him as someone with the pedigree to wake the club up.
  15. Keegan would have told him that Newcastle is closer to the Louvre than London or something. I doubt it was a defining issue I'm sure if the board were desperate to bag him they could have done an HTT style dossier on golf courses and culture in Newcastle and the surrounding area.
  16. No idea what he would be like in a tactical or coaching sense but he is undoubtedly a great leader of men who would get the very best motivation out of the British and French players.
  17. Goodbye Jonas G, Though I never knew you at all. You had the grace to hold yourself, While those around you crawled.
  18. We can't replace everyone this summer. Happy for him to get a new deal as long as it is not a long term commitment. Give him a year, maybe he will improve under new management
  19. I felt our performance was slightly reminiscent of when Pardew would smash and grab a win against Chelsea every now and then.
  20. The fact that Jonas returned from cancer to save us from relegation is one of the few moments to move me to tears in football. It was true storybook stuff we saw today. A season of shit finished with one fantastic moment of history that will long outlive in the memory anything that has happened since Ashley bought the club. In 50 years I will be talking about this.
  21. He should leave the club today as a hero. Tbh if I was manager of have dubbed him straight after the goal, as he deserved a huge standing ovation. Maybe If he has coach or managerial ambitions I hope he will come back one day.
  22. On an individual basis, Jonas goal was up there amongst the finest moments of my lifetime supporting NUFC.
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