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Everything posted by James

  1. James

    Paul Tisdale

    Yeah, he used to play at youth level with Shearer for Southampton and England, but had similar PL experience as Jamie McClen did for us.
  2. James

    Paul Tisdale

    Guilty as charged Fact is though that the current Exeter board have researched their managerial appointments extremely well and came up with two absolute gems.
  3. James

    Paul Tisdale

    He's 36 years old and has already got two teams playing massively above their station.
  4. James

    Paul Tisdale

    If Shearer doesn't become manager, Ketsbaia and Martinez are now out of the picture, and I would still want us to go for someone up and coming. He wouldn't have been ready for us if we were a PL club, but now we are a Championship Club, Paul Tisdale is the man. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Tisdale His teams play confident, attractive football despite not having the best players in the divisions/competitions they've been in. Players are also incredibly fit and is very telling come the end of the season, and he's pretty good with discipline too.
  5. James


    Worth the points deduction? I don't think so.
  6. He might just think its not worth his time planning for a future he knows he wont be part of.
  7. Nah Llambias is a club employee. New owners would have to fire him and pay him off if he didn't decide that it was time to go.
  8. Apparently his undeserved company car has been repossessed, and he didn't attend board meetings this week.
  9. .com reckons the cock has gone.
  10. Do I trust Shepherd to try everything possible to make this club as good as possible? Yes I do. Do I think Shepherd has the resources to let that happen? We'd have to wait and see. Do I trust Shepherd to not make a complete buffoon of himself in the media? No, but that doesn't usually matter. Do I think Shepherd can learn from his past mistakes to do with footballing matters? He's going to need a fresh start for us to find out.
  11. James

    RIP sale thread.

    Wasn't Harris the man who was bullshitting us about Middle Eastern gazillionaires bringing back KK?
  12. While I'm boozing in Amsterdam oblivious of whats going on back home, so next week.
  13. Does the Championship have a fantasy league?
  14. James

    League Cup

    What kind of mongs have their chairman on the banner of the club website?
  15. James

    RIP sale thread.

    Better than the earlier article: The sultana (also called the sultanina or sultaninini) is a type of white, seedless grape of Turkish, Greek or Iranian origin. In some countries, it is also the name given to the raisin made from it; such sultana raisins are often called simply sultanas or sultanis. These are typically larger than the currants made from Zante grapes, but smaller than "normal" raisins. Sultana raisins have a delicate and unique flavor and are especially noted for their sweetness and golden colour.[1] The sultana raisin was traditionally imported to the English-speaking world from the Ottoman Empire. According to popular folklore from the Empire, the sultana was invented when the Sultan left his grapes in the sun after fleeing a tiger attack, hence the name sultana, from the feminine form of sultan. Turkey and Australia are major producers.[2] The sultana grape is cultivated in the United States under the name Thompson Seedless, named after William Thompson, a viticulturist who was an early grower in California and is sometimes credited with the variety's introduction.[3][4] According to the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, the two names are synonymous.[5] Virtually all of California raisin production (approximately 97% in 2000) and roughly one-third of California's total grape area is of this variety, making it the single most widely-planted variety.[6][4] Not all speakers of English in Anglo America make clear distinctions between different types of dried grapes (raisins, sultanas, currants), and golden-coloured raisins made from other grape varieties may be marketed as sultanas. In addition, virtually all California raisins are produced from the Thompson Seedless grape, even those which, because of different drying processes, are not golden like the traditional sultana raisin. The term sultana is not commonly used to refer to any type of raisin in American English; as most American raisins are from sultana grapes, they are called simply raisins or golden raisins, according to colour. The latter, which at least in colour resemble the traditional sultana raisin, are artificially dried and sulfured, in distinction to "natural" raisins.[7] Most non-organic sultana grapes in California and elsewhere are treated with the plant hormone gibberellin.[8] As well as serving as a snack food without further processing, sultana raisins are used in a variety of dishes and baking, such as in scones, often prepared by soaking in water, fruit juice, or alcohol. The sultana grape is even used to make white wine, in which capacity it is known for its 'sweet blandness'.[3][4]
  16. James

    RIP sale thread.

    Well if he currently gets a bunch of slaves to regularly perform Blaydon Races and Local Hero for him, I'm all for it.
  17. James

    RIP sale thread.

    Will his version of MI5 allow you to do that? If there is any progression, I shall contact a few organisations and individuals in the UK (MPs, Amnesty International) and see what comes of it.
  18. James

    RIP sale thread.

    Besides I'd imagine it would be hard to get to the top financial rung of an autocratic country without being involved in the crimes of the nation. As such if it isn't the Sultan, I'll be having whoever under close scrutiny.
  19. James

    RIP sale thread.

    The Sultan. Whey it hasn't been confirmed, just strongly suggested. I know that but all I've stated is that I'd be opposed to such ownership over other alternatives. It doesn't have to be confirmed for me to be against it.
  20. James

    RIP sale thread.

    PS, I dont preach about what I eat drink buy etc, I only said what I said because I was asked a direct question. I will preach about slavery though, as I think it is despicable.
  21. James

    RIP sale thread.

    Do you refuse to drink tea or coffee because of the human rights issues you've posted or because you don't like tea & coffee? A mixture of both, I refuse to drink the non-fair trade stuff, and then when it comes to the fair trade stuff, I much prefer hot chocloate so have that instead.
  22. James

    RIP sale thread.

    No, it just shows that I've strong beliefs that every human should be free, and that I'm not morally bankrupt like some people. What about the kids who work in sweatshops to produce the shoddy clothing sold in Mike Ashley's shops and online businesses. Do they prick your consciences too? Are all your clothes fair-trade? Do you only buy chocolate that is fair trade? And coffee, tea and sugar? And cereals? Cos I bet you that you don't. I refuse to drink any tea or coffee. The only sugar I have is that which is mixed up with other foods, and I don't eat Nestle. It is hard to get fair-trade clothes, but I try to shop in places that are a bit more reputable. Ultimately, those being exploited in their home countries at least have a choice, and can bring home money to their family each day. Unlike those in Oman, Saudi Arabia, UAE and suchlike. Fact is, in India, there are practices that were going in the UK a hundred years ago, while the UK abolished slavery over 200 years ago. Let this Sultan in without complaint, and you are accepting one of the biggest evils in the world. Those from the plantations in the US were restricted in terms of human rights 100 years later, but the progress came eventually, and as such, exploitation is a lesser evil generally representing the transition from slavery to free will. You can't just go and free every child in a sweatshop, progress must come within. However to do business with a country which has shown no willingness to improve its human rights is pretty much as bad as you can get.
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