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Everything posted by James

  1. James

    RIP sale thread.

    First though you'd need a manager to nurture them.
  2. James

    RIP sale thread.

    This guy is just some fan living in NZ who has emailed the website with a load of bull.
  3. James

    RIP sale thread.

    Yep, lets not forget that the new owner has to be verified by the FA in their two-week fit and proper persons test, and Ashley probably won't even do anything until thats cleared. Knowing this club whoever agrees the bid will fail the fit and proper person test, so Ashley takes the FA to court and we go a whole year without a manager, Ashley wins the court case, but the new owner is no longer interested and tries to pull out so Ashley takes him to court, loses, and we are a gazillion pounds in debt, in League 2, and with all our remaining contracted players such as Coloccini whom Ashley refused to discuss transfers with until the club gets sold are on strike but still getting paid.
  4. There is still hope, however slim that he can pull through.
  5. James

    Drogba ban reduced

    Aston Villa news is more interesting than this.
  6. That's not very friendly Habib. Funny how that only came out AFTER the Sun article. Character Assassination starts here.
  7. Hmm, my initial reaction was that Llambias was behind this. Now, with the talk of one day deadlines, I suspect our mystery leak here is Freddy Shepherd.
  8. I don't believe the Daily Mail made that story up. I think they were misled deliberately by someone with an agenda.
  9. Just changed the thread title, causes brief panic on the front page as all you see is "Kinnear to take over"
  10. Glad I wasn't online last night. However I have a feeling that this false story was released by someone high up at the club to try to shut the fans and players up.
  11. We'll probably fail to submit official squad numbers in time, and as per usual the board will completely deny responsibility for yet another cock up.
  12. Lack of communication between board and players to the extent that the players have now broken ranks shows unreasonableness of boardroom. Unwillingness to appoint Shearer despite everyone wanting him is unreasonable.
  13. Well like Beye said they are training to get fit for the new season, they'll need that whatever happens. The issue is that the club has no direction. There is no figurehead there saying how he wants the team to be, what his future plans are etc. Instead we have Hulse and Elliott who are fucking off in two weeks, Calderwood who is fucking off when the situation is resolved, and Hughton, whom is a good, dedicated, committed and loyal coach who would run through a brick wall to protect the players, but who has no leadership abilities, and must feel his spine breaking with pressure from all sides.
  14. Fergie says this every window, and is always lying.
  15. I have a feeling Shearer and Ashley had a bust-up, which is why the club went back on the market and why Ashley has become so unreasonable.
  16. I'm optimistic that this isn't the end of Habib Beye, it is an ultimatum, they go or I go. Ashley's hand is going to get forced because soon he isn't going to have any assets in this club whatsoever.
  17. I'd chuck a claim for damages in against the FA. NUFC have confirmed the FA gave them permission to play the game and so advertised it accordingly. Supporters must have a good chance of getting something surely now the same FA who granted permission have now at this late date withdrawn that permission. I'd chance my arm. The FA have to process the details of hundreds of friendlies, you can't really blame them for it slipping through the net. Newcastle United and the board are in a much better position to judge the suitability of a pre-season game, but clearly they didn't bother to make those checks. This very much typifies the board. Always blaming their own failings on innocent parties.
  18. Fucking clueless. Yep. Llambias should have never allowed this game to be arranged in the first place. We Newcastle fans instantly spotted the problems with this fixture, Llambias did not.
  19. The board should pay back the fan's travel expenses out of their own pockets. Pure incompetence.
  20. or the clash with the Sir Bobby game or the fact that you are taking a bunch of impressionable youngsters to a city of drink drugs and sex
  21. What a farce, the match was a farce in the first place, and now its even more farcical. Derek Llambias might as well just change his name to Farcical Farce.
  22. Can I remind people not to post youtube clips or hotlink images from the official website. Thanks.
  23. It is just the same as being on strike against poor conditions of employment. Relatively speaking, the players are experiencing poor working conditions, and are perfectly entitled to speak out. Relatively speaking? Relative to whom? Most people in the country's jobs are under threat to some extent with no certainty how long their boss or even company is going to be around in its present guise. Most people put up with it though. Whilst getting paid less in a year than these rabble do in a week. Relative to other professional footballers or staff. Your pre-season is being taken by a coach with no long-term direction regarding the season ahead, and three of the main coaches are looking at leaving the club and therefore have no long-term interest in your fitness for the current season. Chris Hughton is selflessly working his guts off knowing that in a couple of weeks he could be sacked on a whim by the new people. Two coaches are leaving in two weeks and no active attempt to replace them is being made. Many players are being treated like slaves by Mike Ashley: do as you are told, don't ask questions, don't get any answers regarding the future, and you aren't allowed to leave. Boo-hoo. The lazy cunts should have thought about that when horrifically underperforming last season. Treated like slaves Don't see why being shit or lacking confidence can be the players fault. Certainly the players that have spoken out so far have every right to.
  24. It is just the same as being on strike against poor conditions of employment. Relatively speaking, the players are experiencing poor working conditions, and are perfectly entitled to speak out. Relatively speaking? Relative to whom? Most people in the country's jobs are under threat to some extent with no certainty how long their boss or even company is going to be around in its present guise. Most people put up with it though. Whilst getting paid less in a year than these rabble do in a week. Relative to other professional footballers or staff. Your pre-season is being taken by a coach with no long-term direction regarding the season ahead, and three of the main coaches are looking at leaving the club and therefore have no long-term interest in your fitness for the current season. Chris Hughton is selflessly working his guts off knowing that in a couple of weeks he could be sacked on a whim by the new people. Two coaches are leaving in two weeks and no active attempt to replace them is being made. Many players are being treated like slaves by Mike Ashley: do as you are told, don't ask questions, don't get any answers regarding the future, and you aren't allowed to leave.
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