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Everything posted by James

  1. Not even sure he has ever been in US, aren’t Brits banned, plus he’s been seen in Exeter quite a few times lately checking out the HoF there
  2. I mean, he literally didn't even see the pitch at any point that season. Actually he did see the pitch it’s just that he left the atmosphere so we couldn’t see him
  3. Shut it Grugg from NSTU. Stop trying to raise your profile!
  4. Ah, the signings that make Rafa a shit manager. Still don't understand the point in either of those signings tbh. Don’t think they made him a bad manager but Sels was the biggest fish out of water I’d ever seen and Rafa quickly rectified this. Then I couldn’t think of a bad left back Lazaar. His other crap signing. Hasn’t made it to five games
  5. Ah, the signings that make Rafa a shit manager. Still don't understand the point in either of those signings tbh. Don’t think they made him a bad manager but Sels was the biggest fish out of water I’d ever seen and Rafa quickly rectified this. Then I couldn’t think of a bad left back
  6. Sels Gamez Hall Kinshivilli Anita Geremi Colback Smith Pancrate Kuqi Rivière
  7. Said No all along (other than for a couple of days of false hope when NUFC.com chirped up) so I'm sticking with that. Not really arsed either way now anyway. Totally bored with it all. Think you are kidding yourself tbh. I am very arsed. Have devoted a huge amount of emotional energy once again following this saga, just like I did last year. And even though I feel certain of what is coming I am still dreading the heartbreak of experiencing it fall through. Just hope I can move on fairly swiftly and forget about football altogether. Nah I think I've commented on this thread about 4 times in total, probably about the same on Twitter and it's rarely even mentioned amongst my mates and family or at work. Just not that arsed either way now. It's probably more symptomatic with how I feel about NUFC and football in general these days really. You have commented on this thread 42 times Nowhere near 42 and most of those comments weren't even about the takeover. They were in a separate conversation about the size of NUFC compared to Leeds on this thread. Nice try though lad! 43
  8. Said No all along (other than for a couple of days of false hope when NUFC.com chirped up) so I'm sticking with that. Not really arsed either way now anyway. Totally bored with it all. Think you are kidding yourself tbh. I am very arsed. Have devoted a huge amount of emotional energy once again following this saga, just like I did last year. And even though I feel certain of what is coming I am still dreading the heartbreak of experiencing it fall through. Just hope I can move on fairly swiftly and forget about football altogether. Nah I think I've commented on this thread about 4 times in total, probably about the same on Twitter and it's rarely even mentioned amongst my mates and family or at work. Just not that arsed either way now. It's probably more symptomatic with how I feel about NUFC and football in general these days really. You have commented on this thread 42 times
  9. How many countries have we invaded / bombed in the last 50 years ? You can’t say to a country that you aren’t going to deal with it unless they are good for a number of years. It just doesn’t work. Trade is a path to peace
  10. I believe that the world is heading towards some kind of global enlightenment. A world where we all live in peace, harmony and equilibrium. Nations and communities will diverge from that path and are all heading there at different speeds and it will take years to reach that point, it won’t happen in my lifetime. Technology and resources are constant disruptors. We must remember that despite being in the top 15% of progresses countries towards that end goal we were once an incredibly backwards, warmongering, brutal country ostracised by most of the world. How did that change? Resources and technologies we possessed in the Victorian era which made other countries want to deal with us far more, and slowly and surely we changed. Yes Saudi Arabia are backwards and done bad things recently, but to enlighten and grow they need to be able to engage with and work with other countries, not be shut out in entirety. Ultimately progress will slow and more people will die in the future of mankind if the Saudis are not accepted as owners and welcomed into our society
  11. Whats wrong with calling out trolls and bullshit? Look at Facebook and the way that’s gone and is unusable for anyone these days due to all the bullshit on it. I don’t think he’s done anything wrong in reporting him. Yeah ok he’s been proper rattled, but meh, got to beat the trolls. Seek help. Tbf I think both of you are agreeing with each other and haven’t realised yet!
  12. You are right I’m slowly going mental like the rest of us. But that’s part of the problem really!
  13. James

    Transfer rumours

    You'd think Ashley would just offer him what he wants if it's not gonna be his problem in a few weeks. One last eight-year contract? Exactly. Suspect there has been a freeze in expenditure above £x
  14. I’m curious about the hypothetical impact of a protest outside of SJP about the delay and wider season ticket issues. I think it would put significant external pressure on the PL if there was the threat of fan congregation (even social distant) on a certain date of no decision was made.
  15. Suspect the exec board rejected the recommendations of the officers undertaking the test so it’s had to go back.
  16. James

    Transfer rumours

    Think he will stay. Suspect this has got leaked right now by someone trying to expedite the takeover
  17. I’m not at all interested in Saudi history. What’s done is done, world leaders didn’t really do anything at the time and now there is nothing to change that. What I’m interested in is the present and future consequences. From a present perspective there are two outcomes: 1. Saudis are allowed to purchase us 2. Saudis fail FPP test I believe that slowly as the Saudis culturally assimilate with the west they will become more progressive and less barbaric. By rejecting their plans they are only going to be more entrenched for a time. They might eventually buy another club too which means we all lose out. Less people in the world will be killed with outcome 1 so in that instance I reluctantly support the takeover
  18. Because there is nothing to counter argue about. People know fine and well now, you just pop in here all antagonistic and full of fury, looking for an argument that nobody can be arsed to have with you. The attitude of always jumping in that you are constantly right on all matters doesn't help your cause either and probably why most people just let you get on with it. Nobody wants to argue at all, it only seems to end up that way when you make an appearance. Ehh hold on, I was responding to the people who are desperate for the Saudi state to own their football club trying to lay down to other people what is and isn't decent. If pointing out that I think that's bullshit and they aren't in any position to arbitrate decency makes people uncomfortable, makes me antagonistic, or makes people think I have nefarious reasons for posting, so be it. You are entitled to your opinion on any matters in relation to the club. But why don’t you have a go at presenting it in a way that isn’t aggressive, angry or just generally belittling. People might like you more then.
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