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Everything posted by James

  1. Greg, these are my ideas: 1. Ask the CMA to investigate anti-competitive behaviour by the PL and member clubs in colluding to prevent the takeover. 2. Create a stock email that members from throughout the UK asking them to support Chi’s correspondence with Masters and to support an investigation into the PL by the CMA 3. Actively engage Alok Sharma, Ed Milliband and Lucy Powell to persuade them to push the CMA to investigate the PL. be sure to point out that this issue creates a precedent which has ramifications for 90 other clubs, not just our own 4. Through the FSA engage with other supporter groups. Remind them of times that NUFC fans have helped out their clubs and then ask club groups to engage their own clubs to tell them that interfering in another club’s takeover is not cool. 5. Ask the PL whether they have investigated the information provided to them by C4 about Everton not disclosing Usmanov’s involvement in their takeover. 6. Engage with the Chronicle to run some highly negative stories on the PL on their front page. 7. Draw up a long list of ex-players in terms of their national stature and invite them to become involved in NUST and get involved in the critique of the PL. 8. Need some sort of responsible protest. A front door boo for the PL throughout Newcastle maybe? 9. Accept that moving forward it is going to be hard to run protests and constructively engage with PL and NUFC. Choose which you want to be an open the door for a non-affiliated group to take the other role. Excellent constructive feedback. I'll add them to the list. I’ve edited them slightly as a few typos and wasn’t clear on a couple of bits.
  2. Greg, these are my ideas: 1. Ask the CMA to investigate anti-competitive behaviour by the PL and member clubs in colluding to prevent the takeover. 2. Create a stock email that members from throughout the UK can send to their MPs asking them to support Chi’s correspondence with Masters and to support an investigation into the PL by the CMA 3. Actively engage Alok Sharma, Ed Milliband and Lucy Powell to persuade them to push the CMA to investigate the PL. be sure to point out that this issue creates a precedent which has ramifications for 90 other clubs, not just our own 4. Through the FSA engage with other supporter groups. Remind them of times that NUFC fans have helped out their clubs and then ask club groups to engage their own clubs to tell them that interfering in another club’s takeover is not cool. 5. Ask the PL whether they have investigated the information provided to them by C4 about Everton not disclosing Usmanov’s involvement in their takeover. Or any other similar post takeover O&D infringements. 6. Engage with the Chronicle to run some highly negative stories on the PL on their front page. 7. Draw up a long list of ex-players in terms of their national stature and invite them to become involved in NUST and get involved in the critique of the PL. 8. Need some sort of responsible protest. A front door boo for the PL throughout Newcastle maybe? Another one would be a citywide boycott of PL sponsors coupled with online disruption of sponsor social media activities. 9. Accept that moving forward it is going to be hard to run protests and constructively engage with PL and NUFC. Choose which you want to be and open the door for a non-affiliated group to take the other role.
  3. People really need to understand the really challenging tightrope that NUST are on. They need to work constructively and professionally with organisations such as the PL and all the same time be seen by its own fanbase to be taking action
  4. Well I for one will be writing to my MP who also happens to be Shadow Business and Consumer Secretary asking her to support the letter Chi sent Masters but also to encourage an investigation of anti-competitive cartel behaviour via the CMA. I think as fans we should be writing letters to our MPs, with a particular need to target the MPs of Doncaster North, Reading West and Manchester Central as these are the three who are in a real position to push an investigation.
  5. Some great suggestions there but why didn’t you attempt to engage with NUST and make these suggestions while they had a chance to do something?
  6. James


    PL clubs are in a position of strength this summer due to the TV money. Other clubs will have to sell at greatly deflated prices this summer and there are deals to be had. Therefore I think the bottom half of the table will not be dictated by net spend, it will be dictated by who makes the smartest deals, who have the best coaches, and which teams have the best determination.
  7. Think we need two things really on top of fans. Need a figurehead who can lead the fight against the PL. Only two people can do this, Shearer or KK. And you need some supporting media who are going to put Masters face all over their newspaper with words like incompetent all over it. The Chronicle are too weak in this regard
  8. One interesting thing for me is hat they supposedly met to discuss putting harder pressure on the PL but instead decided to pull out. Almost like it’s preemptive to the claims that they are just calling the PLs bluff. Think by the skin of my teeth I remain a Manorparkian
  9. Look, Golfmag is not infallible. Look at it this way: You have primary ITKs. These are people who have direct inside involvement and know exactly what’s going on with whatever they are tasked with handling. Unless it’s a golf deal, this is not Golfmag. You then get secondary, tertiary etc ITKs who have access to those one above them in the chain (and may also witness physical presence of others without context). These ITKs only have access to the information that their source chooses to disclose. The source can put any spin on what they say to get their propaganda across. It’s still useful but must be considered and digested in that basis. Caulkin and Golfmag fit into this group.
  10. Greg, have you considered a representation to the Competition and Markets Authority?
  11. Best scenario is now that Ashley still sells to whatever chancer is out there who are then able to sell again to Staveley consortium in a couple of years
  12. Might be easier just to do a C&P. Send to forum members in order of zaniness. Me first
  13. James

    Transfer rumours

    With a takeover will probably end up signing transitional players for first two seasons if we are planning to eventually take on the elite. Lingard would fit this profile
  14. Just throwing it out there but I think there was a 5-6 game spell either side of lockdown where we started showing improvement after which point we were knocked and had no reason left to win. I think if we luck out with three signings (CM, LB, CF) and retain the others in a non takeover world we’d finish 13th on merit next season (as opposed to the sheer luck from this season) Not that I want that of course
  15. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/53565875 Not directly relevant but shows what sort of clusterfucks are governing the Premier League
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