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Everything posted by Sima

  1. Hagi doing a shift in Greggs after the game?
  2. “STEPPING UP” “THE COURAGE!” Piss off.
  3. “They have the respect of Europe now” Keown is off his nut.
  4. “Shows his passion for the game” Fuck off Micah.
  5. Sesko has been turboshit all tournament.
  6. That’s probably a red. He was the last man.
  7. Sima

    Anthony Gordon

    If he is away, anything less than £100m is a disaster. He’s arguably the best LW in the league.
  8. Carvajal trying to pull Kvaradona down. Fails, then rolls around like a little bitch.
  9. Spain are the antithesis of Georgia. This is such a good game to watch as a result.
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