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About CaliMag

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  1. Minority opinion here... For decades, our supporters has been absolutely spoiled with the high caliber level of keepers we have had. By spoiled, I mean that I have consistently heard and read how poor our keepers are when they have consistently been well above average in the league. Given and Harper were amazing but if you only got your information from online forums you'd think they were both poor. Krul was also great. Darlow in his day was also good. I have always felt that our keepers have had unfair scrutiny and it seems to be more pronounced within our fanbase when compared to other sets of supporters. There are three keepers in the league right now that I would say are clearly better than Dubs (and I don't think Pope is one of them). Another three or four, like Pope, that would improve some things but take us back in others. The rest (a clear majority) are a step big backward. Could we do better? Sure, if we think its a priority to spend a big slice of our transfer budget (and we are taking a risk as they would likely be outside of our league right now), but to say Dubs is a D is just wrong.
  2. I agree. I could not stand the boos he got when playing for Leicester. He did well for us, better than expected. He spent a long time here and deserved better from our supporters.
  3. CaliMag

    Alan Shearer

    NBA. That's the New York Knicks basketball court/arena. They are holding Knicks jerseys. No idea when that was taken.
  4. Caleb Porter would be a great appointment. A million times better than Greg.
  5. I am with Clarence on this one. I always want Scotland to do well, but fuck me the results lately have been terrible. I am hoping they get over whatever it was they needed to get over and perform. I would love it love it! if they got something from this game.
  6. I was well impressed with Mad Dog's penalty.
  7. I believe it was the smoggies late January or first week of February 2002.
  8. TheBottleBrown is correct. Wembley is a meter wider and OT is a meter and a half wider and a meter longer.
  9. Tonali has always been about taking high risk passes (with low success rates) in the opposition half and as a result has a very low pass completion stat in this area from his time in Milan. That is the type of player he is. His strength is carrying the ball upfield rather than passing it, that is why Howe replaces him with Longstaff. He is not a Bruno or a Maddison type player (nor is like Prlo which is the lazy comparison).
  10. Here is an interview Potrykus gave about coming to Newcastle: https://www.forbes.com/sites/marieschultebockum/2023/08/22/world-cup-in-2022-champions-league-in-2023polish-coach-joins-newcastle-united/?sh=75b889596ece
  11. It makes sense because he is a Pompey supporter. That’s always been his team. He’s from there.
  12. Shaka has been the same when he does commentary in the States.
  13. This is some crazy shit coming from Kaka. Kaka, have you actually spent much time in Newcastle? Or England for that matter? (obviously I am talking about sometime in the last few decades not the 1950s).
  14. Proposed song: Tonali Oh-oh He’s Canny Oooh-oh-oh to Volare
  15. His Song had to be: Tonali ohoh! He’s Canny Ooo-oooh to the tune of Volare (an Italian song no less)
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