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Everything posted by CaliMag

  1. Yes, he was. The only reason we weren't relegated was because he started with a pretty good team built by SBR.
  2. CaliMag


    I find your optimism shocking. Especially since you are as old as me and remember the last couple relegations.
  3. As things now stand I would put us at 7 for the third division/ League One. If we get no movement on ownership and management by the first game of the season I'll move this up to an 8.
  4. I remember when Didi Hamann broke his leg in his first game for Liverpool after leaving us... good times.
  5. CaliMag

    RIP sale thread.

    I, for one welcome my new Malaysian overlords. http://lizrohe.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/kent_brockman.jpg
  6. Maybe he has nowhere to go? Who else is that pastey and that short? (5'6")
  7. And that wasn't enough for the editors - they went BACK wrote essentially the same article about how Barton is now free to roam the training grounds. Shadenfrued enough for two articles and we're a championship team now. You'd think they have had enough.
  8. I was just sickened to see Shola, Butt and Barton back in these pics if anything else. Butt looks the way I feel.
  9. Buried in a rticle about how NUFC supporters no longer care is some information on how training went today (yesterday for you in the UK): Full article: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1196882/Newcastle.html?ITO=1490 Another version of same article (with Barton focus) with two different pics: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1196765/PICTURE-SPECIAL-Ready-Championship-Holiday-bad-boy-Barton-leads-Newcastle-United-training.html http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2009/07/01/article-0-058DD4C1000005DC-836_233x443.jpg http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2009/07/01/article-0-058DCEDF000005DC-158_468x345.jpg
  10. CaliMag

    RIP sale thread.

    ...because they don't have relegation. Mismanagement is not exclusive to Britain. My point has nothing to do with relegation at all. There are very few professional sports teams in America ran like a f***ing circus. Disagree - there are plenty of examples of similar circus type management. Al Davis - Raiders Mark Cuban - Mavs De Bartolo family - 49ers Marge Schott - Reds
  11. CaliMag

    RIP sale thread.

    I have also speculated that Anschutz is the American interest... however, It would not be him personally taking over. He is not like Glazer, Hicks or Gillett - Anschutz is more hands off. It would be AEG managing Newcastle with a Chairman running things in the UK working for the UK AEG office. Anschutz owns over half a dozen sports teams and he is rarely seen watching the games or getting directly involved... that is just not his way. And when he dies AEG will live on without him. We could do a lot worse.
  12. I am at a loss for words. That MJ kit can't be real... but then the US beating Spain is also impossible.... I think my head is about to explode.
  13. See... cursed. "One of us. One of us..."
  14. DeMerit? Are you scoffing? He did well today... maybe your defense is simply cursed like ours.
  15. Jay DeMerit has athleticism and some skill on the ball whereas Bocanegra is a chronic cheater and is slow. Bocanegra = Carr in my book. I will admit that Bocanegra actually shows comittment and passion for Fulham which Carr almost never did for us, but there ends the difference.
  16. I have never thought that any US players (barring 'keepers) were good enough for Newcastle... but now that we are in the Championship... probably any of the first XI (excluding Carlos Bocanegra) could do a job for us even the often scoffed at DeMerit.
  17. ... that didn't just happen.
  18. Strange thing about the USA is that they always seem to play better than the sum of their parts... they are like the inverse of England.
  19. I can not believe he said that with a straight face. Spain will walk this.
  20. I agree. Lock or delete this thread. I have said this a million times: They don't matter. We could be playing conference football and they could win the European Cup every year and we'd still be better than them... and although they try to hide from this fact they know it too... hence the inferiority complex.
  21. In all seriousness, I have watched us get beat in SF, LA and a couple of other places on the west coast over the past decade and like at SJP there has been no atmosphere or excitment since SBR was sacked. It is the state we're in unfortunately.
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