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Everything posted by CaliMag

  1. I am with Clarence on this one. I always want Scotland to do well, but fuck me the results lately have been terrible. I am hoping they get over whatever it was they needed to get over and perform. I would love it love it! if they got something from this game.
  2. I was well impressed with Mad Dog's penalty.
  3. I believe it was the smoggies late January or first week of February 2002.
  4. TheBottleBrown is correct. Wembley is a meter wider and OT is a meter and a half wider and a meter longer.
  5. Tonali has always been about taking high risk passes (with low success rates) in the opposition half and as a result has a very low pass completion stat in this area from his time in Milan. That is the type of player he is. His strength is carrying the ball upfield rather than passing it, that is why Howe replaces him with Longstaff. He is not a Bruno or a Maddison type player (nor is like Prlo which is the lazy comparison).
  6. Here is an interview Potrykus gave about coming to Newcastle: https://www.forbes.com/sites/marieschultebockum/2023/08/22/world-cup-in-2022-champions-league-in-2023polish-coach-joins-newcastle-united/?sh=75b889596ece
  7. It makes sense because he is a Pompey supporter. That’s always been his team. He’s from there.
  8. Shaka has been the same when he does commentary in the States.
  9. This is some crazy shit coming from Kaka. Kaka, have you actually spent much time in Newcastle? Or England for that matter? (obviously I am talking about sometime in the last few decades not the 1950s).
  10. Proposed song: Tonali Oh-oh He’s Canny Oooh-oh-oh to Volare
  11. His Song had to be: Tonali ohoh! He’s Canny Ooo-oooh to the tune of Volare (an Italian song no less)
  12. I have many football shirts, but I have never worn one that is another English league team … I am shocked by the confessions on here…, but then, as a marginal who grew up in two different countries (California and Newcastle… yes countries) I would be all militant about this (it’s always the marginals).
  13. Let's not forget the PL's consideration of the elimination of parachute payments when we were in the relegation zone. I am not usually one for paranoia, but they definitely were/are out to get us. I am not happy with PIF ownership, but the PL and the other "big" clubs can go fuck themselves with a bag of dicks.
  14. Porter never had the backing of the Timbers ownership and gave him less to work with than the traditional larger MLS clubs. Timbers and Thorns have had success in spite of their owners and management not because of them. Porter was fucking brilliant at Akron. He knows how to make things work with what he has. That is exactly the type Manager you want for a national team.
  15. Puh-leeeeeez can we just hire Caleb Porter. Oh and FUCK the USSF with a chainsaw.
  16. 4:30 AM in California. I dread these early KO times. I need to catch my 3 hours of sleep now ?
  17. So what you're saying is... Patagonia as our Kit maker next season.
  18. We are better than all four teams playing today. By a considerable distance. I am grateful and also astounded.
  19. I think our win will make this easier because Rogers will not field a full strength team in an attempt to try to shield his squad from a potentially demoralizing loss and prioritize the league.
  20. I think all of this talk has jinxed us and I fully expect us to now lose 0-3 to the Cherries.
  21. Also going from that to an entire fucking continent for the next WC. Fuck FIFA man.
  22. That’s just crazy talk. i say this as a dual citizen who grew up in Newcastle and California and has worked in politics and. Government for over 30 years in both countries. if Trump goes down and PIF is involved SA and PIF will be protected because it is politically advantageous and easy to do so. i am not necessarily happy with this by the way, but that is the reality.
  23. I was at their first game. The Rob Lee Testimonial. We lost to Bilbao. I was not that impressed with either of them, though Robert did look keen. Thought we'd finish 11th for the third year in a row, but then everything just clicked. Let's hope for a repeat.
  24. I agree and I am happy to leave that decision up to Howe and Lascelles himself.
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