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Everything posted by CaliMag

  1. Saunders is looking more and more like he is wearing pijamas and it is annoyong me. Where is Brian Clough when you need him?
  2. Findley is a good player... by MLS/Championship standards. He's very quick and his final touch is terrible.
  3. Is it like a Mormon thing? If so I understand.
  4. I know 7 minutes!!! WTF?!? You'd think Man U was playing.
  5. I agree. Findlay for January loan to NUFC.
  6. Birchall and Kirovsky need to pull their heads outta their arses.
  7. Nee bother, LA Galaxy brace is coming up.
  8. F*ck... Ricketts is off. This sucks.
  9. Am I the only one that thinks that the Galaxy warm up suits look like Battlestar Galactica fleet uniforms?
  10. Beckerman's knackered - that's it then for RSL.
  11. The pitch is artificial. Its this rubberized stuff. It's very comfortable and too perfect. I play on it regularly.
  12. Finally. Galaxy are good for two more - I am thinking 3-1
  13. All American sportscasters are essentially closed captioning for the mentally impared.
  14. I have no idea what the galaxy's foul was... Beckham taking it short? Try... Oh shit I nearly got a ban there.
  15. Terrible quality so far - a bit like watching the Championship really. Hoping for a Galaxy win as I go to their games during the year. Like any self respecting Newcastle fan I had a "boycoutt" during Ruud Gullit's reign. Last game (a month ago) I tried to get Warren Barton's attention and drag him into conversation.
  16. I agree with this. Keane has also made nice with Mick McCarthy and publicaly embraced him when Wolves played Sunderland years back. Turns out Keane is still only angry at Shay and the FAI. The FAI I can understand, but his anger at Shay is silly and stems from that final incident he had with Mick where he thought the 'Keepers should be working out with the team, not realising that Shay and Kiely had showed up 90 minutes early for their own pratice. To this day rather than admitting he was being a c*nt for no reason he still carries a grudge against those two. Says a lot about his personality.
  17. Terrible result. Wanted Eire to go through. I can;t see how Henry (or any of the other French players) can even celebrate that win. On the politics front I have always felt that the NI team should be eliminated and force them to play as one team like they do in Rugby. Force 'em to get along or go away. The argument that they don't get along is moot. Look at Spain - they all play together and you could argue that there are half a dozen countries making up Spain that all hate eachother just as much (ETA ~ IRA).
  18. I think this along with his non-acknowledgement of the away fans his first season here, along with his interviews about not keeping any of his football mementos perfectly illustrates someone who doesn't care and is the last player (no exagerration here) of the first XI who should be given the armband.
  19. And yet Carr cared and I would also argue Shearer did as well. This is just one example of him not caring. I think he honestly doesn't care and on the plus side that gives him free reign to say what he thinks. I don;t think he is duplicitous or dishonest I just think he lacks passion and ability - hardly attibutes for the person who shold be our captain. And Madras... the "crappiest attempt at scapegoating"? Come one... you read this forum... I'd give it a 3 on the scale of one to ten.
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