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Everything posted by Nicky

  1. Just seen them on SSN, Jonas had a bit of luck at the end, but was still a really, really good run. Not sure if Simpson meant that, but it was a quality finish if he did!
  2. From Caulkins twitter; http://audioboo.fm/boos/74897-a-message-to-mike-ashley-from-his-customers
  3. Now do a prayer for Jose and Smith plz
  4. I'm sensing an Alan Smith goal later today. Absolutely no idea why
  5. Love it! Get in Jonas, supposedly a really, really good goal too
  6. Nicky

    Sports Direct

    for this i refer you to the case of mk dons Thought that, but then I had a feeling they might have been classed as a new club technically. I dunno. Here's looking forward to being known as Sportsdirect.com United soon then
  7. Nicky

    Sports Direct

    Are there any rules or regulations into changing a teams name? Not that i'm trying to give him ideas....
  8. Nicky

    Sports Direct

    I first read that without the word 'it' and it seemed like such a fantastic idea. The Times: THIS IS BOLLOCKS, The Guardian: BOLLOCKS @ ST JAMES, The Chronicle: NEVER MIND THE BOLLOCKS, HERE'S SOME MORE FUCKING BOLLOCKS. The Mail: IMMIGRANTS HAVE CAUSED THIS BOLLOCKS. Or: THANK GOD DIANA ISN'T ALIVE TO SEE THIS BOLLOCKS Ahahahahaha. First thing that's made me laugh since I read this news
  9. Erm, no. I would physically throw up if I ever heard anyone refer to our ground as the "Sportsdirect.com @ St James Park stadium".
  10. NEWCASTLE United chief Derek Llambias has revealed the club's stadium will change its name to Sportsdirect.com@ St James’s Park for the rest of the season. The Magpies' Managing Director said the club will change its name to demonastrate how the naming rights sell-off will work. He said: "We are basically looking to explore and maximise our revenues. "We have a great opportunity at the moment because our sponsorships are coming to an end. "We have a kit sponsor, shirt sponsor and stadium rights sponsors. "Our intention is to put a package together that would include the stadium rights which would include a jumbo screen which is great for the fans as well. "Our intention is to have Sports Direct.Com@ St James's Park, we are never going to lose St James's Park. "At the moment the Gallowgate End is Sports Direct.Com, we'd like to follow that through and take it for the rest of the season as a showcase as Sports Direct.Com@ St James' Park." "We know the history, it is incredible and it is very passionate. "There is an ownership to it and the history is wonderful, we are not trying take it away, we are just trying to add to the revenue to our club." http://www.sundaysun.co.uk/sport/newcastle-utd/newcastle-utd-news/2009/11/03/derek-llambias-reveals-st-james-s-park-name-change-61634-25084343/ :|
  11. Nicky

    Chris Hughton

    Holding onto a 1-0 by putting on 2 strikers and taking off a RB and a winger? Wtffffffff
  12. Adidas have issued a statement denying they want the rights to rename the ground. Good.
  13. Oliver being used by Ashleys PR people. Anything to keep onside with the owners, eh Alan? Cunt
  14. Nicky

    Richard Money

    Rumoured to be announced as Lutons new manager today...
  15. Cunts, the lot of them. So many of today's papers calling the news a 'Boost'. Makes me sick reading that. He's got a fucking better PR machine then Jordan
  16. Nicky

    Chris Hughton

    Glenn Roeder all over again. But a lot worse.
  17. Nicky

    RIP sale thread.

    Just about to post that. Been quite a few good articles by Simon "you're a cunt" Bird recently
  18. Nicky

    RIP sale thread.

    If anyones interested, in todays Mirror there was a small article about it. Said Moat expected to hear before yesterdays game, has another meeting arranged with Ashley on tuesday to sort out the "finer points" of the deal, and that he will definately know one way or the other by wednesday. So basically they don't know either...
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