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Everything posted by Kanji

  1. Shola should have taken that penalty every single time. Feel for Ba who had a tough match. Ben Arfa has to start, he scared the piss out of them when he was on.
  2. Williamson's flick to Shola saved the day. God bless Shola for putting that in. Fucking hell.
  3. Nerves have kicked in, been up since 4 am here in the states. Ready for this one now...coffee and sitting in front of the tube
  4. Trying to keep positive man!
  5. For alll of you on this board who are able to attend tomorrow, Its brilliant to know you all will be singing, cheering and willing our lads on tomorrow showing why we have the best supporters in the world. - bring on Sunday.
  6. His quotes are music to my ears and exactly what i want my players thinking when they get out there. This is the type of match Tiote dreams of when you add all the parts together. Roll on tomorrow, can not wait.
  7. this fella man. You can feel him and Tiote and the rest of the lads are going to be ready on Sunday and rise to the occasion.
  8. Lazy cow should be up by now surely Na, he accidentally knocked her out celebrating Colos deal I live in the USA - cut her some slack man! No really she should have been up celebrating with me. She's in for it tomorrow morning, 7 am kickoff here.
  9. GET THE FUCK IN x2. Was so chuffed to read the Colo bit didn't even see this till i hit back in the browser. Just yelled and woke my girlfriend up.
  10. GET THE FUCK IN! AWESOME news to wake up to on a Saturday morning.
  11. Apart from Russia and Germany, I think the adidas kits look awful. England is the obvious stand-out for Umbro and all the Nike kits look superb. Italy's are not bad mind you.
  12. I'm jealous, wish I could travel from FL for this one. I'll be up at 7 am in my apartment with the sound turned all the way up - I'm starting to get the nerves all the way over here.
  13. Im just going to say shit performance from players and manager, to not beat this sorry fucking wolves team. Nobody can be saved from the blame.
  14. Its like Nike came in for France and decided to just 1-up the England kits every single time.
  15. Kanji

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    4-3-3 fucking solves the problem with Cab-Guthrie in CM and Tiote holding. HBA and Ba playing "outside" with Cisse holding the center role up top. Fluid, dynamic and probably use of the best attacking talent we have. FM-style throw Jonas at LB and Santon at RB and sorted. I'm hoping HBA gets the start soon...but we've been saying that all season, every fucking week
  16. They might have got the ManU and Arsenal socks mixed up Didn't think of that, and you are probably right.
  17. Not bothered really, if Krul continues to be the player he is this season and even better - he could be our no.1 for another 10 years. Well, these all are pretty much gone now, eh? http://img.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/01_05/NcastleWsie0102_468x311.jpg
  18. I was really, really excited when Marveux got the nod in that Everton match and was looking forward to him kicking on and leaving Obertan on the bench, shame that injury too as I really had high hopes for him this season. Hopefully he gets back in shape, in form and stays healthy in the off-season and nails down a starting 11 / trade off with HBA in the future. I used to say we should use Obertan as an impact sub but he's a bit like Gosling to me, when I see him come on - I assume his impact will be run around, make a few short passes, miss-place a few passes, and then the whistle blows and the game just passed them by.
  19. Shame for Tiote, poor lad. But this is brilliant scenes by the Zambian players and manager celebrating. Good for them.
  20. Just noticed the similarity! Hilarious
  21. If anyone is around or near Orlando Ill be at the Celt downtown Orlando at around 1145-12noon.
  22. Geremi also had that cheeky freekick goal vs. Spurs @ WHL in that match if I recall correctly too. Oh & that Martins goal...happy days at WHL. Hope for more of the same on Saturday.
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