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Everything posted by Kanji

  1. In my video game world we won 4-1. Sissoko, Perez x2, Obertan
  2. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-_OB0yXTb_MI/VQv0wAfFclI/AAAAAAAAfxw/sGV5ZqEIx4Q/s600/Arsenal-15-16-Kits-1.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-djpgepH-sPA/VR7tSmIKqzI/AAAAAAAAhFI/I5Iob37RXgY/s650/arsenal-15-16-away-kit.jpg http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-SKpxqDWiJV0/VQvy0-GDdkI/AAAAAAAAfxg/BSuHMGyGg_A/s650/arsenal-15-16-home-kit.jpg Their home kit get's nothing offensive on there...go figure (cough, MA). But that away/third, shit
  3. Kanji


    We are shit finishing man. Like having Willo up front
  4. You can't actually change the badge given the brand and materials. The issue I have is that the CLUB actually let someone throw some naff jags or v's or blue pins or chevrons on our stripes man. Of course in the Ashley days but in the old? You make black and white stripes and you get creative on sleeves or some number placeholder you cunt.
  5. Kanji


    Sport is worthless. This is a better entertaining version of losing and I can't stomach that either. I hate this.
  6. On my phone on the way to my missus' folks house. I was hoping it was the earlier match - set the tone for my day. I'm generally sick to my stomach watching this stupid match.
  7. Yeah fuck that, better off watching this half covered eyes/face.
  8. Not bad honestly. Home is decent, away is nuts, 3rd looks weird. Its Puma. It's never going to be good unless they give us something as simple as Dortmund's CL home kit. Interesting to see how it looks "on" the players all skin tight
  9. Toon Army NYC are probably loving this
  10. Wondo 4 lyfe. You spent far too much time on that graph you daftie. I seriously don't care, caught me in an angry morning moment before my morning toilet visit. But now that it was over with, I've come back to light and the sheer fact that I couldn't give a single f*** and the Jormany comparison was pretty s*** on my part. Even though they've taken the kicks in the gut and turned it into something special and the English have to rely on the hope that Sturridge, Sterling, and Kane become something. The great hope. On a side note, I'm starting to warm up to this Harry Kane fella.
  11. You're right. We're both shit. I love Dan and don't even care to argue with him or anyone on this topic. Jozy is a Mackem for life.
  12. We're here fighting over Johansson and Jozy and Dempsey as our strikers and you've got Rooney, Kane, Sturridge and Welbeck you should be figuring out ways to find a Sack Roy.com site going is all I'm saying
  13. Naw. Just your bitter rival you used to take to the shed and shoot from time to time. England fans coming in here telling us we're shit is pretty pathetic. You've got far more quality go get angry at other European nations. We're not in the same footballing breath and only have recently been punching above our weight due to some luck/determination/gritting out results.
  14. The fact people come in here and even compare the fact that you've got the likes of Rooney, Sturridge and Sterling all on the same team + Kane coming through and Henderson etc to our Jozy and Bradley says enough. Germany says Hello England, whilst shining that Trophy.
  15. Kanji

    Rolando Aarons

    There's this energy about his style of play and his self belief that makes me really want him to succeed, just sucks we've seen him 5 fucking times. Even with the Siem De Jong injury was looking forward to a lineup of something like: Aarons - Cisse - Cabella Perez Sissoko Abeid
  16. Kanji

    NUFC finances

    Ashley should finally get mad at Pardew. Should have made a killing on the players who just disappeared or regressed.
  17. Kanji

    Rolando Aarons

    in 5 matches he's played I've seen more than enough to know he's better than the shit fucking wingers we already have, despite being a crock.
  18. Kanji

    Rolando Aarons

    Overhyped eh? OK. In the matches he's played (5) we've won 3, drew 1 and loss 1. 2 wins being City in the Cup and Liverpool in the League. He pretty much IS the only decent true winger we have and plays with some youthful naivety, aggression and exuberance that we don't really have anywhere in our squad. But naw carry on, we're shit pretty much anywhere else and I'd have him playing over Sammy and Obertan every fucking time - who we're still throwing about.
  19. Kanji

    Rolando Aarons

    If we've any chance to get any results before this season is over we need Rolando playing to even 75% of what he was doing before. Saw some of that liverpool home Match again over the weekend.
  20. Crippled by Tuesday. Making love by Wednesday.
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