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Everything posted by Kanji

  1. She mentioned 300 supporters.... Why don't we just take a poll on here? I'd be curious to know the exact number who agree with Time 4 a Change based on the 2200ish members we have.... Dave, of the 2200, would probably 1/2 be still around as active members of this board?
  2. Kanji

    Wendy Taylor

    She'll probably not respond to any emails from now on...
  3. Quadruple Face Palm after reading that piss take of a letter by Wendy Taylor.
  4. Sorry, I'm just not in a joking mood about this stuff today!
  5. Holy s***, really? Even after all of the stuff that went down with him not getting the full time job and what not? Just always thought Shearer hated Ashley for that and such. Totally shocked by that actually. At least we know Kevin Keegan absolutely hates him! Too bad Keegan loves him too. Keegan hates Ashley...
  6. Holy shit, really? Even after all of the stuff that went down with him not getting the full time job and what not? Just always thought Shearer hated Ashley for that and such. Totally shocked by that actually. At least we know Kevin Keegan absolutely hates him!
  7. 25 years ago, local businessman would have stood up and put their money together and bought the club...the modern premier league requires billionaires now, sadly. Kevin Keegan & Alan Shearer should be calling their mates in the national press sounding this f***er and this regime out. They should be ringing up their managerial, business, etc and getting them to comment on how shambolic and rotten Mike Ashley has been to this club and that he needs fixing, the league needs to enact some change (never going to happen), or his disgusting actions need to be put on the national scale to get this asshole out of our club. I'd bloody love for anyone to emerge and buy this club right now.
  8. For the first time since I can remember, I'm considering skipping listening / watching this one to save myself 90 minutes of anger. I can just get angry at the forthcoming result.
  9. 3 or 4 hopeful shots taken outside of the box that were a good foot or 2 wide...all half chances IIRC
  10. Thank him for what? waiting for the s*** hit the fan to start speaking the truth? Take what you can get. Enough is enough. Not comparing the situations per se but I'm talking about the press creating the impression that somebody's a bad owner. The image the press creates is incredibly influential to the casual public. Life becomes much more difficult for owners when that happens. Don't worry, I agree with you. I'm just saying the issue here, from a financial or logistic point of view is there isn't a bank forcing any transaction or marketing anything to be sold here, we are sound financially and its all in the parent company's name that is owned by Mike Ashley. It's going to have to take a bid of a reasonable amount and Mike finally having such an uncomfortable time that he's going to just agree to sell once and for all.
  11. Neilfarrington: It's no wonder #nufc players didn't turn up today when their paymasters were busy lining up shots at the messenger..
  12. Good points about the bank and such...totally different situations.
  13. Need to send Neil some messages of thank you, he's absolutely spot on with his comments. I hope more press do the same, this needs to be a Hicks/Gillet Liverpool situation, it needs to be talked about every day in the press, and hopefully some opportunistic businessman or company steps in and buys us.
  14. Neilfarrington: @PaddyJGraham @wendytaylor13 It's the manager's prerogative re who answers to at a press conference. But he does someone else's bidding.. McNallyMirror: Banning your local papers when your fans are up in arms & your team has just put in another crap Derby display is dumb PR. #nufc never learn Neilfarrington: Difference between this and previous bannings, coming after that fiasco, is it transparently shows nobody @ #nufc gives the slightest s**t. Neilfarrington: @NUFCinnocent He has the power to say who he will take questions from. Today of all days, he needed to be bigger than that.
  15. Kanji

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    But seriously, how did he go from 2 match winning displays: Fulham, Villa and talk to the press after with such a glow and joy - he's not one to just bull shit around with his quotes or feelings, we know that. Then he just looks 1/4 the player he was in both of those 2 matches to where he is right now. He did well for our goal, sure, but I'm watching him wondering is he just randomly out of form?
  16. Neil Farrington is laying into AP. Neilfarrington: Pardew should be kissing feet of the people still prepared to ask him questions, not banning them, the shameless yes man that he is. #nufc Neilfarrington: Hapless, plan B-less, snake oil-selling shyster. His posturing sums up the contempt that club has for the people it hurt today. #nufc
  17. Does harsher press mean Ashley does more bitter and childish things to our club?
  18. Disgraceful, but nothing surprises me with this owner anymore.
  19. Kanji

    Alan Pardew

    He said no excuses in the build up - maybe he's going to just shut the fuck up for once.
  20. Kanji

    Alan Pardew

    We started like we were unprepared and barely created anything against a horrific side. Sunderland today were as poor as they always are and will still get relegated. Accept the first half was awful. I said as much in the match thread. They were never going to sustain that tempo (and they didn't) and AP loaded the game with attacking subs to get the equaliser and then look for a winner. We were caught on the break with a screamer from a monkey who'll never score another like it. The very least we deserved today was a point and that would have been a good result. It's massively disappointing, of course, but the anger aimed at AP is imho, for once, unwarranted. And I hate the c***. PS: I f***ing knew Poyet would do this. So typical of him/his sides. We'll now have 'him' hanging over us for every derby until he f***s off or AP's contract expires. Having read this post, fwiw - I get your entire view point. Its valid...I don't agree with unwarrented anger towards AP b/c he's once again lost the derby and its compounded, imo, that they are the worst team in the league. Wasn't meaning to have a go at you in this thread as well...my AP anger was being incorrectly angered at my posts with you. I'll shut the fuck up now.
  21. Kanji

    Alan Pardew

    How exactly did Poyet have his number today? Did he mindtrick him into being beaten by a wonder goal having had all of the second half? We lost. That's how. f*** off. Poyet's Jedi mindtricks sticking one in the top corner from 30 yards. Wish we had a manager with those powers. Has it f***ing processed yet that we lost the derby again? You think I don't understand the significance of the derby, being born and bred in North Tyneside? Must mean a lot more to a local like you. So you're happy enough to give Pardew the benefit of the doubt b/c of a wonder goal and we lost to the worst team in the league? Fair enough then.
  22. Kanji

    Alan Pardew

    How exactly did Poyet have his number today? Did he mindtrick him into being beaten by a wonder goal having had all of the second half? We lost. That's how. f*** off. Poyet's Jedi mindtricks sticking one in the top corner from 30 yards. Wish we had a manager with those powers. Has it fucking processed yet that we lost the derby again?
  23. Kanji

    Alan Pardew

    How exactly did Poyet have his number today? Did he mindtrick him into being beaten by a wonder goal having had all of the second half? We lost. That's how.
  24. Kanji

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Still bemused as to how this lad went from unplayable v Villa to a shadow of that player since.
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