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Everything posted by Kanji

  1. Awesome news, NBC is going to do this right. Class. Now we all will need to make sure AT&T, Verizon, Timewarner/Brighthouse, and Comcast all sign up accordingly so we don't have to pay for the app. So let me get this straight and clear - if say one of our providers handles it right, we'll have access to EVERY match via TV or App?
  2. Kanji

    Dogawful Officiating

    I understand, everyone's blood pressure is a bit higher than normal after the weekend. My comment earlier about "linesman(woman)" was basically saying both of the linos hem had close calls from dives, goals allowed etc.
  3. That's just it - we aren't... Some want to defend Pardew under any circumstances(justifiable if he had any sort of long-term track record of success as a manager, which he hasn't) and the majority want him gone like yesterday. How can such divided opinions be on the same side when each thinks that their opinion is best for NUFC ?? merlin, you've missed my point then, so let me be clear with what I mean't earlier then - theres some really poor personal slagging being thrown about by people on here since the defeat. This is all to others who's opinions differ from their own. I have no problem with debate, its the point of a football forum - but when people start taking jabs beyond football and at people themselves, they've taken it one step too far. We're all supporters of this club - despite which manager we want in charge, what tactics to employ, favorite or most hated players. We all want to see this club succeed and do us proud. So yes, we're all on the same side, in my opinion.
  4. Kanji

    Alan Pardew

    "injuries, poor luck, and europe"
  5. Kanji

    Dogawful Officiating

    Cannot be bothered to argue with a DUDE ,GO watch some American footbaseicehockey s**** I hope you were joking here I'll take that as a yes from your smilies, but otherwise you can f*** right off like with posts like that. Its the Kanji geezer not you Keep having a go at me. It makes you look a top smart guy man. I've basically agreed we were lucky to not be down early based on some decisions in our favor and I've also highlighted my issue with the incorrect Cisse decision as well. But no, I don't know shit about a sport I've played and watched my whole life because I'm an American. I've said it other posts and I'll say it one last time - the hell is wrong with people having a go at eachother? We support the same club man.
  6. People need to stop having a go at eachother man, we're all on the same side ffs.
  7. Hope he has a terrible terrible match against us at Upton Park
  8. Been thinking the same thing man Still so deflated about the result, and so nervous about Saturday.
  9. Still dragging my feet about b/c of this damn match.
  10. Kanji

    Alan Pardew

    9th. That was with Demba Ba in the side. I was one who grossly overrated what we could do this season as I thought our end of season run and a kick-on with signings (that didn't happen) would basically have us firing again. I didn't forsee Ba losing his shit wide left, Cisse being out of form, Cabaye being depressed, Tiote forgetting how to play, and our defense turning to shit again. I'll stand up and say that I grossly overrated us.
  11. The only movement we have is Cisse darting forward to get a ball through or over the top to get in goal. Other than that, passing to static bodies. Disgraceful.
  12. Kanji

    Alan Pardew

    Nees my man, what did you think we could have finished at the beginning of the season? Just curious. No calling out or in-fighting or stupid arguing here. Just perfectly curious.
  13. Kanji

    Dogawful Officiating

    Cannot be bothered to argue with a DUDE ,GO watch some American footbaseicehockey s**** Top post DUDE.
  14. Kanji

    Dogawful Officiating

    You didn't rip s*** dude. You could only rip me if I didn't already acknowledge everything thats already been said. Go proudly nod elsewhere dude - trying to NOT argue with you all about trivial crap. Doesn't really accomplish anything after a loss like today. I get you, the lino helped us in the first half. I SAW that. I'm just fucking pig sick of Cisse goals being called offside when he's clearly on.
  15. Kanji

    Dogawful Officiating

    Yeah biggs, just read the past page man. I'm just talking about our damn goal we scored. I know everything about those would be or could be calls and I'm quite aware we played shit today.
  16. Kanji

    Dogawful Officiating

    Ah okay, can't quite remember clearly as I was seething at the time and currently have been awake for about 14 hours now.
  17. Kanji

    Dogawful Officiating

    Yeah - Linesman incorrectly ruled ours out. Lineswoman ruled Vaughn on-side. Thats what I was referring to my dude.
  18. Elliott Debuchy, MYM, Colo, Sadio Cabaye Sissoko Marv HBA Cisse Gouff
  19. Kanji

    Dogawful Officiating

    The fact that a part time linesman(woman) can chalk off a goal based on their judgement of a split a decision when being 2 steps out of position without even a discussion from the head referee still bothers me about this game from a modern viewpoint. Clear mother f***ing goal for Cisse. Wasn't Vaughn actually off-side for the scum's 3rd?
  20. Kanji

    Dogawful Officiating

    We're arguing amongst eachother which is kind of counter productive. I see what you mean...but football is based on these type of ebs and flows ya? But like I keep harping on, a clear 100% onside BALL IN BACK OF NET is a goal, and not giving that is atrocious; irrespective of would have/could have hand balls or shirt tugging which ALL are always up to discussion. You can say, well he clearly tugged his shirt, but that happens on many corners and free kicks. Cisse was held on that first snap shit, so that should be a penalty no? But i feel you bro. No need for us to be arguing amongst each other.
  21. Kanji

    Dogawful Officiating

    I understand what you mean. However for me this was a penalty, it's clear he exaggerates a bit but still a penalty. Sess on the other hand is a clear yellow for diving. But theres still doubt dude. Theres still a question of did he or did he not embellish? I'm still losing my mind over the clear 100% without reasonable doubt goal we scored that would have changed the match. Even though you think we'd still have gone to lose, I'm someone who firmly believes in momentum and psyche and at 1-1 we would have gone on to settle this match at a draw or would have won with the crowd firmly behind the team. Not having a clear goal and them scoring absolutely deflated the players and the crowd, obviously, who were suffering from turbo-shit football.
  22. Kanji

    Alan Pardew

    Di Canio had the opportunity to parade each goal and do a fucking knee slide on our pitch. Disgusting that..
  23. Kanji

    Alan Pardew

    I want to see winning football. Even it means we play defensively, I want to see an actual game plan that actually works and actually makes sense. Not this cautious containment that actually is a loose mess of shit.
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