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Everything posted by bulivye

  1. bulivye


    Probably doing it to brush up on his "I'm injured, honest boss" deception techniques. so, does he just wave at them as they pass his room, or is he actually getting out of bed and taking the elevator to the children's wing?
  2. i know i'm being a naive idealist, but i can DREAM can't i?! blueyes.gif
  3. could make quite a starting 11 from those "benchwarmers". kind of frustrating that we don't get to see all of the best players in the league actually play... i understand needing depth in a team, just wishing it weren't that way...
  4. bulivye


    noooo! he'll just manage to crawl back onto the treatment table and NEVER leave!!!
  5. I had herd stories about freebies, I dont think people realise how many matchday tickets are available for Newcastle games now. makes me wish i could just pop over the pond for a weekend!
  6. just curious,dave. of course i know he has a family. aren't you not the least bit curious as well?
  7. To be fair, I think he was on Match of the Day duty. ...the day before hmm.. well, i'm not trying to stir trouble-- i genuinely wanted to know what would keep wor alan from honouring the man who, really, revived his career. perhaps he was ill?
  8. fair comment & i respect that. perhaps it helps to think of it as investing in the future fanbase of the club. we have some sports teams here in chicago that have absolutely floundered financially & in terms of results b/c of the short-sighted greed of the owner.
  9. nothing. but now i've squandered a chance to shamelessly self-promote!
  10. bulivye


    no, but the relief certainly does!
  11. i meant to start a whole new thread on the kids cheap tix thingy... should i change it? mods?
  12. bulivye


    just chiming in to say i'm STILL happy to hear this!
  13. would be nice and a first clean sheet in over a year away from home sigh that's such a sad statistic... Howay lads break the chains of goal concession & put THEM on the back foot!!!
  14. bulivye


    re: not liking zoggy at LB, is not duff a possibility at LB?
  15. bulivye


    BUMP b/c it deserves to be at the top!
  16. Cheap Newcastle tickets for kids Dec 9 2007 by Neil Farrington, Sunday Sun A SHOCKING statistic is the inspiration for Chris Mort’s crusade to attract the kids back to St James’s Park. The United chairman is set to launch new part-season tickets aimed at the children he knows have been priced out of the Premier League. “At the Liverpool game (on November 24), we had 52,000 – a fabulous attendance, but less than five per cent were under the age of 16,” reveals Mort. That frightening fact has prompted him into a change of plan. “Originally, I didn’t think we’d do half-season tickets,” he said. “I just thought that if people want to come along for games in the second half of the season, they could apply for tickets and it would be quite good to mix up the fanbase. “But now I think we will do half-season season tickets for a couple of blocks and sell them cheaply to kids – maybe £50 for secondary school kids and £25 for junior school kids. “What do we want the profile of the club to look like in 10 years’ time? It would be good to get today’s kids coming to the ground and becoming Newcastle United supporters. “Hopefully, that might make a good Christmas present. “Sir Bobby Robson has been telling me how, as a boy of less than 10, he’d come on the bus with his dad to games. And I’m thinking: ‘There are some little Bobby Robsons out there today, but they’re not coming!’” Mort adds: “We’re also setting up a Newcastle United Foundation – a registered charity that will be the focus of all the community and charitable work we do. “As part of that, we are going to start our own Football In The Community Scheme. “The Premier League and the Football League ended the old FITC scheme – which, although it bore our name, was run more or less independently of us. “The new one will be more of a Newcastle United scheme.” i believe this is an absolutely smashing decision by the club. getting in the kids will preserve the fanbase for a long time to come.
  17. roz is actually one player i wouldn't mind experimented with out of position. i'm curious how he'd do in the midfield.
  18. haven't read the whole thread so, apologies if this has been discussed. my view is that roz seems to have trouble with communication, decision making & taking charge. for that first goal i was furious with him, after seeing the replay, it really looked like he was expecting (probably wrongly) for taylor to go for it...maybe even he told him to do so. bit of a problem that taylor doesn't speak czechinese, like. roz was caught in two minds again & again. he's too good & too intelligent for that to be down simply to the pace of the game. but then again, he is a new daddy, maybe he shouldn't be getting up to do his turn at the 3 am feedings. she has the tits david get your sleep & sort your self out!
  19. bulivye

    F*ck off to you all

    Topic title to you too ban roll on or spray?
  20. Shef wed 8-0? so, a good 7+ years ago?
  21. not saying we will, like but when was the last time NUFC gave an opponent a good thrashing with a big score diff & our side oozing class?
  22. Sunday Monday Habib Beye Tuesday Wednesday Enrique Thursday Friday Abbers Faye Saturday Mike Ashlaaayyyyyy Chris Mort loves the Toon! (was getting sung by me at Arsenal ) on holiday carr is gay hope that he's gone soon!
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