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Everything posted by bulivye

  1. AND http://icnewcastle.icnetwork.co.uk/newcastleunited/news/tm_method=full%26objectid=15915545%26siteid=50081-name_page.html so, technically that "year" is gone & there could be a get-out clause, right?
  2. top 8 and do the double over the mackems
  3. http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php?topic=39486.msg810076#msg810076 Merc'd! I'm always late to the party... was still funny though
  4. just got online. what's the happs?
  5. "Newcastle have taken only six points from the last 27 in the Premiership, scoring just three times in those nine Premiership matches..." ugh! that's depressing. :brushteeth:
  6. ha! i thought this was a self-referencing thread...
  7. i thought they were going to an austrian boot camp for training?
  8. Austria? yes, i thought i might get a response like this. i meant does anyone know what town, etc...?
  9. anyone know where the "boot camp in austria" the team is supposed to be training at this off-season is?
  10. that being? sorry .. "look on the bright side" was a leftover from last night copy & paste .. my reply was only lads .. as in lads(loads) of s*** .. the game was no problemo, but i really was hoping you'd throw us a lifeline of hope!
  11. that being? http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php?topic=38584.0 ha ha! you're deliciously naughty!
  12. it's not completely improbable that shola will prosper now that he's out of shearer's shadow and had his hip surgery. fingers crossed, me
  13. so, did gooch deserve a penalty kick in the dying moments? i didn't see the match and haven't really seen it mentioned...
  14. Indeed he is another Parker? so, he's another parker who shoots a little better then.
  15. HE HAS!!! yes yes, i'm the april fool, of course. silly me!
  16. so, would we get in as the winners of the intertoto cup?!!! :laughing6: :laughing7: :toothy10:
  17. bulivye

    Bramble or Gooch

    gooch for me. not b/c of his age, or potential (everyone agrees they both have potential) but b/c i think gooch is much more intelligent. his positioning has been suspect as people have said, but i think that's down to him having the athletic ability to get away with a bit of sloppiness in an inferior league. he's been burned and soon he'll have learned, he needs his physical AND mental abilities in the EPL.
  18. If anyone here can name the last player to score a hattrick against Manchester City I'll eat my hat*. Doesn't happen. Won't happen. Too good at the back. *note: not really. I like my hat. Michael Owen scored a hat trick against City once http://news.bbc.co.uk/sportacademy/hi/sa/football/features/newsid_2288000/2288486.stm Was it a serious question? i think he meant for us.
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