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Everything posted by bulivye

  1. i got it the first time, but this is the post i actually laughed at
  2. and one czech, so, yeah, i'm still curious if we'd be better if everyone spoke esperanto or summat!
  3. This The problem with Roz is that he dosn't clear his lines well, he missques a lot of clearences which leads to the opposition mouting an attack. Not going to knock him too much as he had a decent game tonight, however, for a Czech Republic first choice centre half, we should expect better! i still wonder if much of our shakiness in the back four isn't simply a language problem. how many different one's are represented back there alone?
  4. great post Coach i think giving big sam the years of time he's said he needs to right the ship is necessary and obvious. it's like being in surgery. if i were in the hospital, i wouldn't want people, even well meaning people, clamouring for the doctor to be changed halfway through the surgery just b/c they didn't understand what he was doing or b/c the whole process was taking too long. there's an element of trust needed from us by the current mgr, otherwise we might cause his hand to waver & the knife to slip! further, much of our problem is that we get no anesthetics for the required cutting, snipping & stitching that Big Sam is doing. we're just trying to grit our teeth & get through it. fact is that can't be done for the procedures SA must needs do. we carry on whinging and screaming like Sam's f@#$%ed removing a splinter from our toe using salad tongs when really we ought to be fully out cold so that our inflamed spleen can be removed. what we all need is something to numb our pain! i'm recommending something of the pilsener variety! blueyes.gif anyway, i've probably mixed my metaphors & overworked my analogy, but i hope you get my drift.
  5. nope chicago, IL USA well, the western 'burbs anyway...
  6. been listening to Blaydon races all morning & watching old highlights! am well jacked WAY up for this! 15 to nil every member of the team (including subs) scoring! & given scoring a brace of penalties Big Sam will NOT be the 1st mgr to lose 3 straight home matches! :sunny:
  7. well, i voted for NUFC V safc and i did so, at the risk of sounding (even more) unsophisticated & provincial, b/c it's simply the biggest to me. what do i care about those other matches if newcastle don't do the double over the unwashed?!
  8. this sounds like a job for :::trumpet call::::: roy masters!!! www.fhu.com :glasses13:
  9. he got a tackle in and it was unlucky where it went. had he slide tackled he'd run a greater risk of given away a free kick.if he'd slid and the ball ended up going to the same place he'd get slaughtered for not staying on his feet. fair comment. it's just having watched now in slow-motion, it appears, to me, that the tackle he gets in is slow & rather perfunctory. i believe a spirited taylor or parker-esque slide tackle would've put our defence in better shape. not having a go at carr, btw. unfortunately the label he's gotten isn't helped by this sort of barely arsed attitude, imho. 20/20 hindsight and all...
  10. i think carr should've done better to prevent their 2nd. if he slide tackles there, i think we'd have dodged that particular bullet. seems like i'm singling him out i guess, but if your going to try and make the saving play, then throw yourself into it by gum!
  11. How come it is like this with some managers? Every fan and pundit can see something, but the manager just can't? So frustrating! Shit thing is, i thought those days were behind us when we got sam in. is big sam over-thinking it? and then rationalising his cumbersome gameplan? e.g. zoggy plays left back for his country etc...
  12. so, shearer's side wins in regulation time 5-3, but lose the match on penalties? can someone please explain?
  13. i just meant the person trying to defend the dribbler.
  14. cheers, i didn't realize it was as old as the victorian age... heh heh, "shibobo" i wonder if that's a verb? ha ha you got shibobo'ed!! i know in hockey it's called "5 holing" when you do it to the keeper.
  15. for me, googling takes all the fun, banter & interaction of the forum out of my inquiry. i enjoy reading what you all have to say...unless it's mean-spirited or abusive. besides... i'm quite lazy!
  16. anyone know where this term comes from? i know it means to beat a defender by playing the ball through his legs, but...
  17. yes! i voted "BOO" b/c i thought it was in reaction to the news of JB being out for a longer time... imagine my surprise at how many were rejoicing!
  18. i'm trying to sort out my time zone conversion... is it about an hour and a half until kickoff?
  19. luque criticises roeder & shepherd, but i didn't see any comments about souness. did i miss something or why wouldn't he talk about THAT wanker?
  20. so, how much anger & frustration is really b/c SA did what he did (tactics, subs, etc) against derby, and not b/c it was DERBY? i think many in the team and amongst the fans were looking past this match having already mentally tallied it as a win. and will it make it feel better if we do the double over s'land?
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