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Everything posted by bulivye

  1. bulivye

    wall bangers

    good! i wish i had a flag. :'( i just have me two scarves up.
  2. bulivye

    wall bangers

    true. grossly over-priced i'll bet.
  3. bulivye

    wall bangers

    what about the small crests though? i think i'd like one for my classroom actually
  4. bulivye

    wall bangers

    well, then i'm a dork. :-[ shall i remove this thread?
  5. bulivye

    wall bangers

    why not, too supa-fan?
  6. bulivye

    wall bangers

    anyone seen these irl? i've noticed they don't have a newcastle one and sent them a proper email requesting they get the licensing they seem to think they need! 8) would you get one?
  7. i hate this kind of shite from one of my countrymen. it puts me in a very defensive posture because hey, believe it or not there are things to really love about america (hold your applause please ) but we certainly aren't perfect and we don't need idiots like this schmuck making it WORSE! this ickel masturbator or however you spell his name is the exact reason people hate americans. the ugly american was never truer than when some knucklehead like this spouts off like he knows everything. even though usa 'soccer' fans are the jonny come lately's to the party. i'm an american and i've been a member of this board since it was Howaythetoon.com. when i first joined i didn't post for weeks, i just read and soaked up the wisdom of others. i figured that even though i've been a footballer for more than 35 years, and a coach of the game as well, i could learn a lot from the people who invented the game and have played/watched it at a much higher level of quality than i. and i did learn and i believe i'm a better coach and player for it. and while i'm never going to win 'most knowledgeable poster' i have been agreed with a few times when i give an opinion here. really though most people just politely ignore me. anyway, while i joined to keep up with the team i love, i knew that i ought to recognise my place as an ignorant newcomer to the tradition & history of NUFC and keep my mouth shut. why can't this moist fart do the same? all that just to apologise for the idiots we've got carrying USA passports out there and a request that you won't throw us all out with the trash. rant over have a nice day, y'all
  8. you're insulting tits everywhere by linking this snobbish, condescending know-it-all with them. i happen to like tits. ^-^ this guy however, is a right....erm...all right, tit! but a very small, oddly-shaped spotty one--with a hairy nipple!
  9. if he does do well, may i chant: the gooch! the gooch! the gooch is on fiyah ...? :violent
  10. i fear that too. fingers crossed for NO clangers!!
  11. you mean he's going to get BIGGER!? i want him to do well at NUFC for these 12-13 games and earn his permanent deal. i believe he will, but as someone has noted we yanks are a bit too emotional in our assessments (not you though, calimag ) we hope things and then try to make them true by saying them out loud, or in this case typing & posting. one thing i really think we'll see less of from gooch is the horribly mistimed air-kicks that have too often embarrassed our defense in the past. gooch can focus! agree with the post about him getting whistled for a lot of fouls just because of his size. watch for many opponents to put on their speedos, wetsuits and snorkels in an attempt to get a free-kick.
  12. thanks for this post, nobby, i've wondering & asking about the 1st american at NUFC for some time now. gooch is a 1st of sorts. and, i didn't know that jimmy crawford and i were both born in chicago!
  13. so the gooch is the 1st defender to win US soccer athlete of the year since lexi lalas? i hope he's got more pace than lalas, a LOT more pace!
  14. so, the sprouts have had some time to recognise our need for a defender and are now trying to crowbar a few extra guilders out of us now. is that the current sitch?
  15. sorry, i got caught up in the bramble morphing...
  16. i'd say for most high-level athletes their raw intelligence isn't nearly as important as their ability to make multiple correct decisions and act on them in an instant. that and the ability to absolutely focus on winning; not just winning a game, but winning the current moment within the game. that requires blocking out distractions like: physical pain (playing hurt), fear of physical pain (not ducking to stop a shot with your face), crowd noise & taunting (both by hostile fans and trash talk by opposing wum's), also off field issues from one's own personal life (going through a divorce, or a very ill member of the family or even death) must be shut out while competing. it seems to me that perhaps bramble is to fragile mentally to be able to do all of these things for 90 mins.
  17. so, is it too soon to get his name on my shirt, gooch, that is, not ramage or bramble? did someone say he's #6?
  18. Glenn sweats on Gooch bidl DC United? Where did that come from? He grew up in DC, but I don't think he played in MLS. Was at Clemson (University) I think, but not DC United. I've never heard that before. Am I wrong? Could it be that Oliver is just making stuff up? that gave me pause as well. and why would dc utd be united's old friends? We played DC United a fair few summers back during a Summer tour of the States. May have been the day when Bassedas broke his foot and effectively ended his Newcastle career before it had even began. ahh... cheers for that, i wasn't aware. we DID beat DC Utd, right?
  19. Glenn sweats on Gooch bidl DC United? Where did that come from? He grew up in DC, but I don't think he played in MLS. Was at Clemson (University) I think, but not DC United. I've never heard that before. Am I wrong? Could it be that Oliver is just making stuff up? that gave me pause as well. and why would dc utd be united's old friends?
  20. Welcome to the great north, mate! Fox Sports Channel Canada is decent and does show some Toon games as well as Sportsnet, but coverage as a whole, stinks. Hope you have a place in your heart for Ice Hockey as it's going to be shoved down your throat 24 hrs a day. It's all anyone cares about here. Where in Canada are you moving to? (I'm in Toronto) hey, what aboot lacrosse, eh? Our national sport and most violent. They really wack the shite out of each other. which is why it deserves a shout!
  21. Welcome to the great north, mate! Fox Sports Channel Canada is decent and does show some Toon games as well as Sportsnet, but coverage as a whole, stinks. Hope you have a place in your heart for Ice Hockey as it's going to be shoved down your throat 24 hrs a day. It's all anyone cares about here. Where in Canada are you moving to? (I'm in Toronto) hey, what aboot lacrosse, eh?
  22. from a site given earlier: ...To measure his progress, the Americans' World Cup qualifiers against Mexico last year provided an enlightening gauge. In the first meeting, Arena decided to test his young defender with an unexpected starting assignment in one of the world's most unforgiving settings: 120,000-seat Estadio Azteca in oxygen-deprived Mexico City. Overall he performed reasonably well, but the moment everyone will remember came in the first half when he lost track of Mexican star Jared Borgetti, who scored on a short header to spark a 2-1 victory. Six months later in Columbus, Ohio, with a World Cup berth going to the winner, Onyewu's physical play unnerved Borgetti and helped the Americans to a 2-0 triumph. Among the prominent clips on the U.S. Soccer Federation's highlight DVD is the stoic Onyewu staring down Borgetti as the frustrated Mexican forward yells at him. "He was saying a heap of Spanish stuff," Onyewu said. "I didn't understand a word of it, but I knew what he was thinking." Onyewu has scored just one goal for the U.S. team, but it was a dramatic one -- an injury-time header that beat Honduras, 2-1, in the Gold Cup semifinals last summer. But playing against CONCACAF opponents is a lot different than facing the likes of Italy and the Czech Republic, two of the Americans' opponents in the first round of he World Cup. Is Onyewu ready for those monumental tests? "I think so," Arena said. "He showed his inexperience at the start, but every time he came back into camp, you could see the improvement. The way you learn is to get on the field and get burned once in a while. "He's learned from those experiences and gotten better and better."
  23. so, who's this berkenbauer chap, anway?
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