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Everything posted by bulivye

  1. Guiseppe Rossi? i forgot about rossi. gooch would be the 1st american "international" then? rossi wanted to play for italy... did he? not dirty enough?
  2. gooch, gooch, stay off the hooch. play good defence and don't screw the pooch! ya chooch.
  3. DE-FENCE! DE-FENCE! Dur-dur-dur-dur-dur-durrrrrrrrr....CHARGE! We have to make the lad feel at home. Thats a bloody good idea that. 50,000 people chanting "LET GO DE-FENSE" will confuse the shit out of Villa. Went to a basketball game in America once and if either team scored 100 points, everyone in the crowd got a free churro (sugary pastry thing_. Only at an American sporting event could the entire stadium be chanting for a snack as the scores approached 100. CHU-RRO! CHU-RRO! it happens with tacos as well! at a bulls game here in chicago fast food giants taco bell gave us all coupons for tacos when the score went over 100... we're nuts here, mind.
  4. DE-FENCE! DE-FENCE! Dur-dur-dur-dur-dur-durrrrrrrrr....CHARGE! We have to make the lad feel at home. yes people in the stands should hold up a large capital "D" with the people next to them holding up a section of a picket fence
  5. ahh, but his nickname does not disappoint!
  6. so, will he be the first yank to ever pull on a newcastle united shirt?
  7. i hope this his true, and i hope more than anything he comes good!
  8. i'm excited about this! i really hope to be pleasantly surprised...if he's actually to play for us. howay, gooch! don't let we yanks doon! he'd be the first yank to play for nufc, wouldn't he?
  9. Yes, incorrectly. can you find it in your heart to forgive me?
  10. if there is still a chance, i want him here. at best he shores up the defence and shows why he's an international, at worst he's no better than what we've got, but at least he'll be a warm body to throw on the pitch when ramage burns out again. i think gooch has a better head on his shoulders than bramble too. less likely to switch off mid-match, or mid-swing of his leg for that matter!
  11. so, alan oliver is #3 then after newsnow? btw, newsnow sounds like a ski report site to me
  12. so, #1 is skysports news channel
  13. fair enough TT, but surely some are more reliable than others? whom should i take with less salt than others? did i just use the word "whom"?
  14. very often i'll be reading a thread in the forum and someone will post about such & such news outlet has mentioned blah blah blah about a tranfers or summat, and the next few posts will be sarcastic or skeptical about such & such news outlet as a reliable medium of journalism. SO, my question is what are the most reliable outlets to get football news? and would you care to rank them. also, which should be avoided?
  15. i'm surprised kluivert hasn't had more mentions. i had high hopes for lots of technically brilliant goals to make their way onto youtube with titles like "pk's hatrick vs the scum" etc... :sad3: oh well... i also agree with the shouts for boumsong. anyone think that with a certain mr. pearson in charge of the defense jean-alian might get his good form back? interesting choice of woodgate, wouldn't have thought of him myself, but his unrealised dominance for us has been disappointing. i also thought of bellamy, not for his footballing, but his antics. GS's stubborn-arse attitude aside, craig wanked up big time...
  16. poo! i just get a big red 'x'!
  17. i love the tremendous upside of having oba in the team, but i do get a wee bit concerned when i see him doing antics like the mock salute he gave the referee. i think there's a side to him that could yield to the temptation to become a diving whinger, and i would HATE that. the 2 most attractive elements of the english game, for me anyway, are the pace/speed of the game & the physical, "it's a man's game" aspect of it. oba has plenty of attributes and talent to make it in the EPL without going over to the dark side ala c. ronaldo.
  18. yes, the dark side of american capitalism-- selling out! i hate it.
  19. bulivye

    Owen's future?

    even if he's only back for a season (i believe he'll stay longer) there's still much that wor oba can learn from him about movement & making/timing runs by playing and training with him. hurry back mickey!
  20. thought this thread was going to be about him taking up sudoku or summat :oops:
  21. That's a great post Mick - Agree totally. wasn't zoggy best friends with boumsong as well? perhaps having his "big brother" gone has sent him into a bit of a funk, especially if he's as moody as you said.
  22. i only saw the last 40 mins or so, but matti pattison was an absolute liability i didn't see much that he did right, and he was gifting possession to the opposition in glaring fashion! blueupset.gif
  23. very much agree, and i've believe that we take our foot off the gas because we're too eager for a break. by that i mean that i think everyone in the side is either injured or exhausted due to all the extra games and the tiny squad; the players feel like it's been all (available) hands to the pumps ALL the time. so, whenever the chance comes to let up a bit, they do.
  24. What on earth? it's Gob from Arrested Development!
  25. bulivye

    5 Years ago...

    I give HTL great thanks not just from me but on behalf of all Californians. :winking: Mind you, given the quality of booze on offer during my recent stay in the US I think that toast should be a coca cola at your end. there are several decent micro-brews around the usa, even/especially in california so, imbibe!
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