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Everything posted by geordiedean

  1. Yes, but only one will improve them enough to make them trophy candidates. Shay is the better shot stopper, Schwarzer commands his area better. In all reality Arsenal need a Schwarzer type keeper more then they need a Shay type keeper in my opinion. Have to disagree don't rate Schwarzer at all, Given however for me is the best in the league. Given isnt in the same league as Pepe Reina....givens a good shot stopper but doesnt command his area is rooted to his line and is easily beaten from long range
  2. Its a real place but unfortunately the homo sapiens havent evolved properly yet and are still stuck at the neanderthal man stage
  3. He was mint at Derby! was he fuck. Dean Sturridge was anything but mint......was total shite tbh
  4. Celebrating the fact they havent beaten us in 11 years. You've really got to wonder what it is they're putting in the water down there. They beat us in 2008/09 season
  5. Just came across this clown on the net who the fuck is he??? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AM0TfZx6feI&feature=more_related get in line to abuse this horrible shit
  6. As i said previously our midfield is going to be over ran constantly heaping extra pressure on our defence...and not having any pace in midfield or upfront in the prem league just means one thing....relegation
  7. We need to pick up points from the likes of wigan,bolton,blackburn,blackpool,west brom,wolves,west ham...every other point is a bonus failure to beat the 6 worst teams especially at home wil result in us going down...hand on heart with our squad the fact i can see our midfield being over ran constantly putting more pressure on our defence, especially williamson who terrifies me as a prem league defender then i cant see us getting out of the bottom 3 all season very sad considering we have a billionaire owner who wont spend to secure the status of the club
  8. got a thumping written all over it 4-0 im plumping for and lets see how these turnips react from an opening day hiding...in all fairness i cant see us getting out of the bottom 3 all season
  9. geordiedean

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    The main reason we did so well last season was because of the poor quality of the other teams tbh. Team harmony had very little to do with it. Very true i was amazed at the sub standard of the championship....as our team stands now i can just see us being over ran in midfield constantly putting more pressure on our defence...can see us taking some spankings this coming season
  10. Which Shola have you been watching????
  11. No that was stevenage Or Yeading.....where a young DJ campbell raped Boumsong on his debut...thanks to that game campbel became a pro very nice of Jean Alain to help him along in his career
  12. i for one think Roberts,Beattie and Benjani would be decent additions for 1 season all of them are better than Best,Ameobi and Ranger
  13. The ground looks like a throwback to the Ronnie Radford experience....Kevin Dillon the Aldershot manager said the pitch was like a ploughed field at the weekend..... We are doomed prepare for the endless ribbing
  14. Arsenal: Flamboyant Aston Villa: Managerless Birmingham City:Bluenose Blackburn Rovers:Dour Blackpool:Out of their depth Bolton Wanderers:cloggers Chelsea:Cunts Everton:Thieves Fulham:likeable Liverpool:bin dippers Manchester United:Shitbags Manchester City:Spoilers Newcastle United:Nerve Jangling Stoke City:HOOF Sunderland:Shit Tottenham:Saggy Face Cunt West Ham United:Knees Up Mother Brown West Bromwich Albion:Boing Wigan Athletic:Pies Wolverhampton Wanderers:Thick Mick
  15. Hey you faled to mention the Budgie
  16. geordiedean

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Lets be honest here jonas may have workrate but his passing,crossing and shooting ability is absolute zero he looked good in the championship but his ability in the premier league is very limited if someone offered 4-6m for him id snap their hands off
  17. I take it you won't just sell the shirts. Any photo's or info on which games the shirts are from? yeah id take the shirts out of the frames the NUFC shirts are from the 2002/2003 season....Bellamy one from the fulham at home match and the robert one is from the kiev away champs league match roberto carlos shirt is from 2003/2004 season versus athletico bilbao
  18. well the frames cost a fortune so id be wanting at least 150 each for them
  19. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=170524549163&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT just one of a few NUFC memorabilia items im selling also got robert signed framed match worn champs league shirt,match worn framed bellamy shirt and match worn framed signed roberto carlos one
  20. agreed on pundits about championship, they werent saying us and wba were certs to go up last year as they are saying now that we were what are southampton wearing Southampton wearing 125th anniversary kit which was their original one
  21. Not in a million years will we get 52 points
  22. geordiedean

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Nolan who will be club captain is a certainty to be in the team.....guthrie just doesnt have it to cut it at prem level as we will find out
  23. geordiedean

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    They have all been moody sulky temperemental shits tbh
  24. Good signing will add valuable experience and can read the game very well...a bit like the signing of steve bould by the mackems all those years ago.....and if anyone thinks that williamson is better than big sol they seriously need their head read....if arsene wenger thought he was good enough last season then hes good enough for us
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