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Everything posted by geordiedean

  1. How the fuck does someone like him pull something like that. Goes to show that even a bit of money can buy you some top drawer pussy and these leggy bitches certainly don't like him for his sparkling intellect
  2. Rafa spending 300 million on Neymar and Suarez, leading to Newcastle playing super attacking football and winning a shock title? Wouldn't be enough to get them 2 sadly and even if they were in our team theyd need counseling after having to play alongside Dummet,Yedlin,Manquillo,Joselu and Diame
  3. He's too famous to need Ashley to shill his stuff. He's a very popular person in his own right and any company would fall head over heels to get Ferdinand's brand. Are you being fucking serious??? Rio Ferdinand is a fucking no one even in the realms of the footballing world hes just yet another ex pro who gets himself on TV being a clueless pundit because the cunt is that stupid to do anything else in life. That's why hes came up with some shit tatty sportswear brand that only ghetto fucks in deepest peckham would wear
  4. Its a view held by many but because they arent really that interested so naturally they won't do much research. TBF if Ashley was at another club we'd probably look at it the same way as them. I just can’t believe there isn’t more to it, he is ignoring any facts presented to him e.g. Luke Edward’s tweets. He shared a studio with Alan Shearer over the World Cup, surely he must be desperate to set him straight? I’m convinced that Rio is being asked directly by Mike to be a public spin doctor, whether he is being paid to do so or not. Do you honestly think Ashley is going to line these peoples pockets to try and big him up for a bit on TV and to what extent hundreds??....thousands??? tens of thousands??? We are talking about a man who wanders around in jeans that look like hes picked them up from his tatty store for a fiver. Hes hardly lavish by any means you don't see him flashing his swanky yacht or private jet, oh I tell a lie when he went to his Victorian sweat shop warehouse for a walk around with MPS he was caught with a roll of 50s in his pocket that would choke a hippo that was all for show though...the utter cunt
  5. Richard keys the same man that was smashing the arse off his daughters friend unbeknown to his wife. Guy has the morals of a scrapyard dog loathesome fuck
  6. Hes fucking crap anyway really
  7. This curly lip thick piece of shit is just winding people up now man. In bed with Ashley all to just sell his absolute shit sports line in SD....Utter cunt of a human being
  8. He makes Ryan Taylor and Danny Simpson look like Cafu
  9. If we get relegated there's no hope Rafa goes to Spurs or any particularly good job imo, which makes it even more admirable that he's sticking with us He'll get a job at a team he could turn into top 4/6 contenders easily Who would this team be?....No way anyone in the Premier League breaks the top 6 clubs
  10. I'm of this view now. I'm totally past caring and as long as Ashley is here I can see me being done with NUFC completely
  11. The bottom 3 as it is is the 3 going down. Burnley or Southampton were never going to go sadly
  12. Man of his word or not man id have much more respect for him if he just said you know what fuck this and fuck all of you cretins. I wouldn't tolerate that sort of shite in my job id leave and get something else Rafa is not desperate for money neither will he short of job offers.....so why is he still here man
  13. To say we cannot compete with the other 19 teams in the divisions is an absolute piss take to be honest. Rafa knows the owner is shackling us and restricting any progression and its his reputation on the line We will go down I have no doubts about it and when we do Rafa needs to blow the whistle on all of these absolute fucking cretins hes had to endure for the last 3 years Ashley, Charnley, Barnes, Bishop et al.......theres a special place in hell for you 4 cunts
  14. More experienced targets being ruled out for no sell on value This fucking club man
  15. geordiedean

    Lee Charnley

    I see this little scrote is earning his corn again. Well done Lee you've earned every penny of that 115k.......cunt
  16. Shows how far we have sunk when we are even debating whether this guy is shite or not Absolutely awful player weak as a kitten
  17. There’s no we about it.. he’s chosen to cripple the club in an era where sponsorship and advertising are at their peak, all to benefit a totally separate entity. It should be against the rules. It would put cunts like Ashley off doing this in future. Capatilism and corporate greed at its finest. Asset strip one of your secondary businesses to further your prime interest and asset. It's what Trump has been doing for years
  18. He’d stroll into our starting XI. But no re-sale value so of course we’d not be interested. Would instantly be our best player by a country mile
  19. The cunt would have our players on zero hour contracts if he could You don't pay 20m plus for a player that wants 20k a week
  20. He won't say anything that Keegan already has it's utterly pointless. We have 52000 brainwashed zombies every game
  21. I'm already beginning to i think, something changed for me after the Man U game, nowt to do with that actual game or result, but everyone has certain breaking points and that. I cba with the Chelsea game. Funny. The same thing happened to me after the Manure game. Like you said, nothing to do with the game or result, but something inside me definitely died at that point. It was a feeling of being TOTALLY fucking fed up, like any interest that was left was gone, a hopeless feeling, rather than anger or sadness. Probably had something to do with them bringing Sanchez and Lukaku as a double substitution. Yeah 2 subs that cost more than our entire squad Perspective eh
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