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Everything posted by geordiedean

  1. Shown his true colours for How much of a prima donna useless pile of shit he really is More concerned about his shit hair and tattoos than his football
  2. I'd rather this whole uncertainty with Rafa was over. Why wait until may it's like prolonging a slow death He should just walk we should just go down and become the mid table shit championship club we are run as I'm getting sick to fucking death with it all.....supporting NUFC is grim as it's ever been in the last 40 years
  3. Bobby Robson turned Bramble,O Brien,Hughes,Griffin into champions league players and them 4 along with Viana are absolutely miles ahead of anything we have now I honestly believe not 1 of the squad we have would get anywhere near a Bobby Robson NUFC
  4. Michael Bridges was fucking light years ahead of this plum
  5. How was it awful from the manager? He can't risk the two or three players who are absolutely vital to us surviving, and we started the game on the front foot. The players were absolutely appalling today. It's his job to win football matches....fucks sake he can be blamed you know it's not illegal The shite tactics and way we play and approach games is down to him The whole setup stinks from top to bottom (a fish rots from the head, as they say) Get rid of Rafa and who you gonna get to come in? Rafa 'might' keep us up - Pardew/Allardyce, etc won't. Can you honestly say big Sam would get any worse from this group of players??? Sam is used to getting a tune from shite....Rafa isnt Literally the first post I saw in this thread, so thanks for giving me the signal to have the night off from N-O. The whole forum's gone to the dogs. People are saying we were shit.....we were People are saying Rafas tactics were shit .....they were Do we have to say Rafa is king no matter what? Gone to the dogs for having a genuine opinion on the state of it all, I’ve always been behind Rafa but tfuck me tonight he got it wrong again, at home, again. Convince me that We and Rafa are fine, go on. Even if I agree with you, how does any of it relate in any way to the blatant and obviously stupid suggestion that Sam fucking Allardyce would do a better job? Edit: And having a genuine opinion on the state of it all isn't why the forum's gone to the dogs, it's because examples of utterly stupid posts like the one above (comparing Rafa with Big Sam ffs ) have become more and more common over the last couple of years. I never ever said Allardyce is better than Rafa I said I don't believe that we'd be in any worse a position We are going down with everyone's Beloved Rafa and no one will blame him on here as he is impregnable If we went down with Allardyce it would be his fault no doubt Allardyce has worked with average shite all the time. Rafa has never had this level of shit to work with ever that's the reason I think we'd be no worse off But hey bury your head in the sand....
  6. How was it awful from the manager? He can't risk the two or three players who are absolutely vital to us surviving, and we started the game on the front foot. The players were absolutely appalling today. It's his job to win football matches....fucks sake he can be blamed you know it's not illegal The shite tactics and way we play and approach games is down to him The whole setup stinks from top to bottom (a fish rots from the head, as they say) Get rid of Rafa and who you gonna get to come in? Rafa 'might' keep us up - Pardew/Allardyce, etc won't. Can you honestly say big Sam would get any worse from this group of players??? Sam is used to getting a tune from shite....Rafa isnt
  7. How was it awful from the manager? He can't risk the two or three players who are absolutely vital to us surviving, and we started the game on the front foot. The players were absolutely appalling today. It's his job to win football matches....fucks sake he can be blamed you know it's not illegal The shite tactics and way we play and approach games is down to him
  8. Time to watch some NFL play offs.....make a difference watching people who care and actually have talent
  9. This prima donna cunt should be sent back to Chelsea he's absolutely useless. He fucking fooled people last season so glad we never spent any money on this fraud
  10. Watching Ossie Ardiles team was no where near as bad as this fucking hopeless bunch of tossers At least ossies team was full of kids who went on to all have decent careers. None of these chumps will amount to anything in the game
  11. Haven't you realised Rafa can do no wrong to people on here Its absolute fucking nonsense and bullshit he has got to be held to task for things. After all its his fucking job to win football matches
  12. Another home defeat incoming it's now 9 in 12 Lose in both cup competitions to Championship teams. We are just fucking hopeless and such a nothing club I'm starting to hate NUFC and have discovered the less fucks I give the less it affects me
  13. 1 shot on goal again....of course it goes in
  14. Just fucking close this thread hes not selling as he has no intention to
  15. do it get the bald lazy cunt out
  16. It shows the stupid gulf in class between us and other opponents in the same division. We are left to resort to tactics akin to us being a non league team playing a team 3 divisions above us in a cup game its fucking embarrassing to be honest
  17. We held on for 60odd minutes. We were getting nothing from that game. Sit back....catch them on the break. PLAYED 11 Won 2 Drew 1, LOST 8. (abysmal - but feel free to dress it up any way you like) There will always be people who will refuse to accept our utter shitness at times. Our home record is nothing short of a fucking disgrace. Not once this season have we ever been a dominant side in a game Worst home record in over 40 years of supporting us this season
  18. In 40 years even during the turgid shite of Ossie Ardiles and Jim Smith I cant remember us losing 8 out of 11 at home
  19. Depends what you want mate, im very much edging to this conclusion, we have become a laughing stock in truth. I thought being in the top flight is the be all and theres nothing to match it but fuck me its turgid, a club recognised as a sleeping giant that in truth is never gonna waken, harking back to the KK era is killing fans in truth, this bastard made an arse of it but what in truth is the best we can hope for going forward? what do we want? to win things , anything , is gonna take huge luck or a billion pound investment for 2-3 years in truth and theres no one out there for that fantasy so we may as well accept being shite, stop dreaming and hope that one day we can rebuild from scratch and then compete some day for mid table in PL at best, outside of 6 teams thats all that can happen. Realisation that we really are shite and mugs is hitting home and dare i say our neighbours is what in truth is likely to happen to us? Trouble is with relegation makes it harder to come back next time, but may just rid us of this twat, it may not.Either way we seem destined to be a nothing club and thats fair enough, ive had the "good days " even with no trophy that football i watched in the 90's was breathtaking. We will never see it again, we will probably never win a trophy..............do we need to just deal with that? dunno, cups are all we can ever hope for, league titles are beyond 98% now.Its always a fucking drama at Newcastle, still love them but they have lost me as a fan now, dunno what im saying or wanting to say. nee fun man this Ive already accepted ill be long dead by the time NUFC ever wins a trophy. I did witness the 3 seasons or so of Keegans entertainers when we fucking steamrollered teams and teams were shit scared of playing us. That will do for me as im never going to see them days again
  20. Just shows the gulf in the league Chelsea spend 57m on a player and loan him back to his selling club ( they don't even need a 57m player immediately). We on the other hand cant even afford to spend 10% of that on a player for our first team We truly don't belong in the premier league man we are an utter fucking joke of a club
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