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La Parka

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Everything posted by La Parka

  1. That’s brill. Seems Bruce wins. Pullis one is the best Loved Farkes entry seems legit.
  2. Carrol looks worse going into tackles because he's a lumbering giant!
  3. Man city can't deal with the long ball. Get almiron and maximin up by Carrol and twat it at him.
  4. No one near maximin there... I know it's not surprising but it is depressing
  5. Always looks a tidy player when I've seen him. Probably one of their better players imo. He's a defensive minded midfielder, with a fair bit about him. Not many in the world up to much nowadays!
  6. La Parka


    He's just not got a strikers brain. He doesn't know the role at all. Not surprising as he isn't the number 9 we were led to believe and it's damning that a permanent crock like Carrol is more effective.
  7. 1) Brexit 2) The media 3) Failing education 4) The death of those who taught fascism Racism is everywhere in the country. Ignorance is the main issue. Education level of the general population is shit. Media they consume is shit. Social media allows them to perpetuate the shit. Brexit gave legitimacy to the shit. Country is fucked.
  8. This country is full of racist, thick cunts.
  9. Apparently the guy who posted the banner is a nonce.
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