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La Parka

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Everything posted by La Parka

  1. La Parka

    Alan Pardew

    He's so dodgy man. Owns Liverpool 1 week and completely fails against Sunderland next week. Frustrating.
  2. Number 1 for long range goals and 5 th for shots on goal. Interesting.
  3. ? Dodgy as fuck that end bit there. Lol.
  4. Lovren elbowed him in the face...
  5. Homoerotic butt slapping going on there
  6. Hmm, Lallana deserves a call up to England, surely?
  7. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/09/22/article-0-03BD9E740000044D-95_468x330.jpg
  8. whats that about like ? anyway shearer jogged like a girl. Gilliespie ran like he was holding a marionette. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/11/24/article-0-05E93FC00000044D-255_306x423.jpg
  9. Just joined. I'm gonna slot in on page 1 which pleases me. Not really bothered with it this year so far...
  10. He can stay on 'personal leave' for the remainder of his contract tbh. Agree. He's opting out for the good of the team.
  11. Fwiw fat Sam is playing diame as a striker as all the others are injured
  12. Agree, I love this new blood. Even Welbeck, the gangly freak!
  13. All Lampard has done is lose the ball!
  14. As good as he is, Rooney's final ball is often just not good enough.
  15. Shit pressing in observation here...
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