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La Parka

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Everything posted by La Parka

  1. 02/03 – 7th (no Europe) - Safety first s*** football, midtable position, no European qualification, s*** signings - sacked 03/04 – 17th (no Europe) - Safety first s*** football, midtable position, no European qualification, s*** signings - sacked 04/05 – 4th (Champion's league) - Safety first s*** football, fail to qualify European proper, s*** signings - sacked / or kept but warned to improve 05/06 – 11th (no Europe) - Safety first s*** football, midtable position, no European qualification, s*** signings - sacked 06/07 – 6th (UEFA) - Safety first s*** football, midtable position, no Champions League qualification, good signings but didn't manage to keep Fernandes their creative spark, and failure to buy a creative attacking midfielder in the summer for 2007/2008- sacked This is what will happen if David Moyes manage Newcastle United. He would have been sacked every year. Exactly. Well maybe not the 04/05. You never know though..
  2. But are we doing s***? No. Were in mid table, yes we are inconsistent, yes our football is s*** but we are hardly in turmoil! We were never going to finish above top 8, I'm sorry if this offends people but our squad was never going to be up to it. Sam inherrited a side full of s***, got rid of the worst, tried to attract the players he needed and did well with some, s*** with others. A couple of players bounced us back, but is it a surprise? Are we an attractive prospect? No. Just look in the three siginings thread. Think realistically who would come? Aimed at no one in particular players like VDV and Diego will never come to a mid table premiership side. The need now is to work with what we have, provide some stability, attempt to bring in some payers who can do a job, raise our reputation and push us towards europe in a season or two. I seriuosly doubt cutting off Sam is the right move, look at the clubs doing well, Blackburn, Villa, Everton - all stuck with their managers, even in the harder times and now reaping the rewards. We are last years Aston Villa tbh. We could be this year's Citeh (best of the rest) without the goals if we played everyone in position in a 442. It really is that simple. I don't believe this to be true. But we can never know. Will the magic 4-4-2 make our players play as a team? I don't agree or disagree. Its an unkonwn thing tbh. Wouldn't we still hoof it in 4-4-2? I think I put all my points in that post. I doubt a formations change is the problem. The issue for me is the mentality. Sam needs to start thinking to go out and play so the other side have to contain us. I hope he can change before we sack again..
  3. But are we doing s***? No. We're in mid table, yes we are inconsistent, yes our football is s*** but we are hardly in turmoil! We were never going to finish above top 8, I'm sorry if this offends people but our squad was never going to be up to it. Sam inherrited a side full of s***, got rid of the worst, tried to attract the players he needed and did well with some, s*** with others. A couple of players bounced us back, but is it a surprise? Are we an attractive prospect? No. Just look in the three siginings thread. Think realistically who would come? Aimed at no one in particular players like VDV and Diego will never come to a mid table premiership side. The need now is to work with what we have, provide some stability, attempt to bring in some payers who can do a job, raise our reputation and push us towards europe in a season or two. I seriously doubt cutting off Sam is the right move, look at the clubs doing well, Blackburn, Villa, Everton - all stuck with their managers, even in the harder times and now reaping the rewards. We are last years Aston Villa tbh.
  4. Agree mate, the Smith thing has swung it though, he put him up front and even though he's not much of a goal threat he's much more effective there than in midfield. So ok, he's recognised a problem and done something about it, good. Maybe he'll now recognise a few more things that every other c*** can see and begin to learn that his football isn't working. Then he puts him back in midfield. Sums it up for me. mackems.gif He was put back in midfield in a hope he would put in a performance. Sadly the plan backfired. (The point was to prove to those dropped they were not un-droppable- instead it highlighted thier need) Of course Smith shouldn't be getting near the side, based on recent perfromances, but would you drop the owners vision for the future?
  5. Name calling very good. NE5 style posting no good. Sorry, couldn't understand what tosh you were speaking, not that am that arsed, only i do like to reply to people who quote me, even if they are talking gibberish. I think he was trying to say that a team considered half-decent isn't good enough to finish mid-table. Spurs have a half decent squad, Everton have one too, they manage it (Europe) Everton on a shoestring budget nevermind billionaire owner. And how long has Moyes been in charge? How long has Sven been in charge? Look you keep pointing to Man City... first off, we're only half way through the season. The wheels may yet come off. Second, and as I've already pointed out, they are one huge exception. We couldn't have expected to do half as well as they have. Any sensible supporter knew this would be a tough season for both clubs. As it happens Man City have performed well above expection. Doesn't mean we should expect it too. While I'm on... Everton under Moyes: 02/03 – 7th (no Europe) 03/04 – 17th (no Europe) 04/05 – 4th (Champion's league) 05/06 – 11th (no Europe) 06/07 – 6th (UEFA) At what point would he have been sacked as Newcastle manager? Great point. Time is the most important factor in his success. He signed a lot of carp too. Now they are a good side, easily top 8. Thing is are expectations lower there? Did the fans expect like ours? I doubt it..
  6. Name calling very good. NE5 style posting no good. Sorry, couldn't understand what tosh you were speaking, not that am that arsed, only i do like to reply to people who quote me, even if they are talking gibberish. I think he was trying to say that a team considered half-decent isn't good enough to finish mid-table. Spurs have a half decent squad, Everton have one too, they manage it (Europe) Everton on a shoestring budget nevermind billionaire owner. Evertons first team is great! Better than half decent and their league position proves this. I know I'd take Yobo, Lescott, Arteta, Cahill, Yakubu, Peinaar, Baines, Vaughan straight away.. Who would they take he other way? Given, Beye, Owen, Taylor? Emre? Milner? Martins? I think that is an illustration of the comparative strength of both sides
  7. Who? Ashley Young's brother. Meant to be better throughout all the youth teams. Heard good things too. Doubt we will have heard of him, however it seems our UK scouts have been busy going by other reports...
  8. This. Not even Giles Barnes would come to us ahead of West Ham! Head out the clouds lads
  9. Sven is an international class manager and had a year to scout the players he brought in. Proves that it can be done though. s*** team + Good manager + flair players = Entertaining football But...there's no comparison mate. Not now there isn't but before Allardyce and Sven were appointed Newcastle and Man City were in a similar situation. They weren't in a similar situation at all, as Sven inherited a good spine of players that takes time to develop, he just needed to wisely add to these players. Dunne, Richards... ... A team in much better health as well, an owner who has thrown the cash around, a manager who had a year out to find his players and a youth system which created players like Onahua, Island, Etuhu, Johnson and others like Sturridge and that LB coming through.
  10. 1-1 Probably the kind of game the players will be up for tbh.
  11. A state of the club caused by being too patient with managers who were clearly taking us in the wrong direction unfortunately... I'm not sure patience is the right word. The shit at the club was down to many other factors.. Sadly it looks like Sam is going the same way. But then, when Sam goes who will come in? People calling for Van Gaal and suchlike are in dreamland.. Expect Mike Newall...
  12. La Parka

    Freeman in demand

    Never seen him, or even heard of him. But the policy seems right for me...
  13. Surely its not being arrogant to expect to beat Derby at home... or even at worst not concede a goal against them. I bet even Derby fans couldnt believe what was happening in that match On paper, perhaps not... but my guess is the "team that's bottom at Christmas..." statistics have motivated Derby a bit lately. They should have had a well-earned point against Liverpool the other day, too. They're on a mini purple-patch. But even then, that's irrelevant. It’s what being mid-table is all about. We get a few good results against teams about our standard or better (see Arsenal, Bolton, West Ham, Spurs, Everton) then it’s balanced out be losing to teams we would like a result against (see Derby… twice). Come the end of the season we’re going to be roughly where we deserve to be. Exactly. We will pick up results, continue to be inconsistant and finish 10th or so. Then we will have to look to build on it over the summer. I can't see us being consistant at all this season, and I think thats not a surprise considering the state of the club at the end of last season.
  14. Exactly what I have been saying. People just need to accept we have fallen behind.
  15. Even I am starting to worry for him.. I have backed him thus far, but I am starting to think Sam can't change. I hope, for his sake, he takes a look in the mirror, fucks off all this statistics bullshit and plays the way we need to so the opposition will have to nullify us. Sacking, more change is still a bad idea but Sam continues to shoot himself in the foot.
  16. La Parka

    Yes or No?

    I Agree with Both of the above (in bold), TBH! The over expectation by our fans is frankly hillarious. We were/are no where near Villa, Blackburn, Everton or Pompy. We are not a top 8 team anymore. We are a mid table team. We need time to build on that. Those expecting anything above 8th this season were dreaming. The club was murdered by two appointments and sackings. Changing again is a bad idea, its hardly brought us on so far.. you cant say that on here. we are a top 1 side and we arent performing as such. sack the manager and the rest. good post though. LETS SACK THE MANORGER SO HE KAN SELL EVERYONEZZ AND SIGN MORE s*** BECAUSE ITS ALL WE CAN REALISTICALLY ATTRACT YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I'm not aiming this at anyone but isn't it clear? Where has sacking and resigning a new team got us?
  17. I seriously can't think of realistic candidates. Unless of course the money talks..
  18. La Parka

    Yes or No?

    Swings and roundabouts tbh. Its bound to upset someones POV no matter what is said. I am on the "give him time" camp. YES we can critisise some woeful performances as of late *however* we are in a relatively good position IMO, taking into account the damage done by 2 terrible managers. In the Summer sam lost 12 players, mostly deadwood and tried his best to replace them. Some players were stop gaps but we have to be realistic. Who could we attract? I know most footballers would hop over to Everton, Blackburn, Pompey even W-Ham over us. We are a mid table side, what we need is a chance to rebuild with a look at bringing in a bit more talent. We are in mid table, yes some performances have been poor, but I am happy tbh. The main problem is that people still think we are an attractive European side with big expectations far and beyond the reaches of a crippled club.
  19. I thought exactly the same until the last 2 games where we seem to have been out-thought, out-fought, out-played by, in my opinion, the 2 worst teams in the league. ( following on from really struggling, lucky wins against 2 of the other worst teams Fulham and Birmingham ). I really want Sam to succeed but it worries me greatly why the players just dont seem to be responding in any kind of positive way to his management and instructions. In these days of player power, I just cant see the day when things will turn around. Nail on head. I'm starting to think like you, but then I think where the policy of sacking has got us in the past. I can tolerate the shit results tbh. I never expected higher than 8th, something we are in contention for despite some shit results. I just think with time to get the personel he wants Sam can turn it round.
  20. La Parka

    Yes or No?

    I Agree with Both of the above (in bold), TBH! The over expectation by our fans is frankly hillarious. We were/are no where near Villa, Blackburn, Everton or Pompy. We are not a top 8 team anymore. We are a mid table team. We need time to build on that. Those expecting anything above 8th this season were dreaming. The club was murdered by two appointments and sackings. Changing again is a bad idea, its hardly brought us on so far..
  21. Dropped with Butt by the sound of it.. Good. .cock said he had a slight ankle injury. I'd expect them to say that
  22. La Parka

    David Albelda

    Zigic didn't get a fair chance at Valencia imo, brilliant player and would work great in our system, Angulo is (well was) pretty decent and might be a usefull squad player, the others are not good enough..agreed. Agree he hasn't had a fair chance. He came on at the weekend and changed the game. Zigic would be great for us, but isn't heading towards the wrong side of 30? (I may be wrong)... Edit: I was: 27... I think most clubs would take Albelda tbh..
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