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La Parka

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Everything posted by La Parka

  1. Well at least the frail old lady isn't playing.
  2. La Parka

    Now what Toon?

    You are all so harsh. I like Harry.
  4. Wow. I knew this was coming. I was fully behind big sam but I am seriously starting to doubt his abilities
  5. I'm working so I won't find out till I get home. Don't think I could bear watching it though.
  6. Err.. Wow. Fuck me. Nice way to insult half of europe fuckwits. Bet Mags Serbia will love this thread
  7. Yeh! letz sak im n gez morinhoz coz ee iz da bestest evah n wud cum her coz ma dog iz portugeze!
  8. La Parka

    MOTD Running Order

    Luke Youngs goal was mental.
  9. That was always the case. Exactly. Anyone expecting higher that 8th is deluded. The club is Fucked. Killed by bad management. Its going to take more than a season to fix it.
  10. The faster we replace him with a big strong striker the better. He stops us playing 4-3-3 and can't pay his game here.
  11. Thats a spirit we lack (if not the best english). Our team has no bollocks. Half of them are f****** s*** and don't care. Owen was talking to James at H.T. fucks sake man. Talk after the game.
  12. Bout time our performances this season were summed up in a game. Its gonna take some balls to come back from this. Something our team lacks.
  13. They shouldn't complain, they must earn a HUGE amount of Tax off these "obscene" salaries.
  14. His job is bad positioning then a last ditch tackle.
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