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La Parka

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Everything posted by La Parka

  1. Toure by a mile. Strong, Powerful, Composed, Good footballer too.
  2. A close call between Cesc and Essien for me. As said by Apisith, Essien is essential for Chelsea to funtion. Hard working, box to box, versatile and gets stuck in. For me Cesc is the better of the two mainly as he has *it* that little extra bit which he can use to influence games.
  3. Says it all I reckon - there's going to be some unhappy weel-ends in store... To be fair as long as we balance out top 10 by the end of the season we have no right to complain. Even with a few additions in Jan we could push ourselves top 8. Sam needs time and the early moves are in the right direction. Now he needs to learn from his mistakes against Derby, Reading and Man City and bring the side on as a whole.
  4. Its should be the latter. I could see what Sam was trying to do yesterday. Keep it on the ground, reduce crosses in the box as Dangleberry and the other Mammoth CB would dominate Owen/Oba in the air, get the ball to feet and in the channels hitting them on the break. IT just didn't work as he planned.
  5. La Parka

    Nicky Butt

    I think its more down to the fact away is much more hard work. Be tempted to stick Roz or Faye in.
  6. Agree at home. Emre Barton away we need more in the middle. Emre doesn't offer enough away, nor does Butt.
  7. Roze. Looks the better on the ball, works hard, pace, height.
  8. I would try Roze there. blueyes.gif I suppose he is our most footballing CB but Faye has played more in CM than Roze. Roze would be a better option than butt away. Looks good on the ball and works very hard. Also puts some height in the middle.
  9. "Right, remember lads - keep it in single figures" Seriously though, I'm not going to slate Sam yet until he shows he's never going to learn from mistakes like yesterday. One thing he should learn is Butt/Cacapa are no-no's for away games. Neither of them looked up for it against Reading or Derby. We badly need creativity in the middle and a striker to hold it up. Here's to hoping these problems are adressed in January. I have a lot of time for Sam though he will do well if given the chance. We sit 8th and to be honest i'd be *very* happy with that come the end of the season.
  10. Agree. Posted further up It could work but its asking for a very high workrate from the fullbacks.
  11. Where are Zog and Milner? Maybe the aim is not going to be to get crosses in but keep it on the ground? A narrow diamond will help with this. Just hope Geremi/Emre provide protection for the fullbacks.
  12. :-/ Narrow diamond? ..............Given............ Beye.Ccac..Faye.Enrique .............Butt.................. .....Geremi.Emre............ ...........Barton............... Would be easier to keep it on the ground and supply the strikers? ?
  13. So if Big Sam won the Super Cup, Spanish cup, Uefa Cup twice and was within 2 weeks of winning the league that wouldnt be impressive? To be fair Seville had a good set up before he arrived.
  14. La Parka


    Shall I make a few more then
  15. La Parka


    It looks like he is leaving liverpool (well there is no chance of him getting much of a look in at present) now would you take him for us? Duke Replacement? Personally I find him a fairly good player who has worked hard in the air and improved to a degree. He has good touch and general control for a big guy and I like him as a player, ok so he is not world class but a possible worthwhile addition? Kick out shola, bring in Crouch.
  16. That looks good but I doubt we would ever see it!
  17. Bent is a fucking shit one dimensional donkey that cost more than Henry. No wonder Berbatov is pissed off.
  18. La Parka

    Alan Smith

    Suspended isn't he? Ta!
  19. La Parka

    Alan Smith

    Is he injured or something? Not in the squad on BBC?
  20. I don't get it. What has Shola put in her shopping bag?
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