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La Parka

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Everything posted by La Parka

  1. La Parka

    Set Pieces

    Too f****** true Wullie ... but I think that the solution is obvious lads - we need to think laterally. You know, all that "if you can't bring Mohammad to the mountain, bring the mountain to Mohammad" stuff. Therefore, from the likes of a corner, instead of opting for the apparently futile path of trying to improve the quality of our delivery, we should simply place six or so of our players in front of their first man. Now, I know what you're thinking - "but they'll simply call our bluff and put their first man in front of our six". But here's the clever part - we just stick to our strategy, and then eventually our six men will be within ten yards of the kick taker, at which point the laws of the game will prevent our opponents from getting their first man closer to the ball than us. At that point, one of our six players simply needs to get a thirty yard flick-on, and wor Mickey will no doubt do the rest! To be fair if we put Roz on the front post (challenging their defender) it would improve our set pieces immeasurably.
  2. La Parka

    Uefa Cup thread

    Skysports.com 74 - Hughes despair: The Blackburn boss ventures to the edge of his technical area and doe snot look as if he can believe the poor standard of his side's performance.
  3. La Parka

    Uefa Cup thread

    Dabizas is their captain!
  4. The thread title is a bit weird to read tbh. fair doo's the kids an idiot. To be fair to Arsenal I've never seen any of their fans acting the twat or anything.
  5. Told you that 8 th is the realistic aim!
  6. ................Given Beye..Cacapa..Roz..Enrique Milner.Geremi.Faye..Zoggy ..........Owen..Martins........
  7. ABSOLUTE FUCKING SHIT Smith, Zog, Butt Ameobi were all fucking dire. Ameobi cant do a job for shit. Zog and milner on the wings. Smith was fucking shit. We had no balance or creativity. Smith, captain? A FUCKING DISGRACE. WHAT A PILE OF SHIT.
  8. Ameobi followed by alan smith.
  9. Newcastle Arsenal Blackburn Man City Aston Villa Everton -Don't care about the midle ones- Bolton Reading Derby
  10. Not really, Given just has to accept lke other players that competition is good for the whole squad and if a player plays well, then it's his jersey to lose. If he is so confident that he is better than Harper, then he should also be confident that Harper would be dropped soon. While I can understand why Given would be pissed off to lose his place to Harper, I think that the competition for that place can only be good. Harper does not deserve to be dropped just because Given is fit, I think the fact that Harper knows that Given will probably not lose his place in the team should he get back in(unless he was injured) would be excellent incentive to produce some class displays from Harper. And call me a romantic, but Harper has lived in Given's shadow for so long that it is nice to see him get his chance. I do hope that Allardyce has the balls to keep Harper in the side, for the short term anyway.
  11. Just looking for that thread we has of all the players pics as kids but can't find it. Anyone got a copy so I can show my mates? It had Henry, Kaka, Lampard etc on it..
  12. Not on my FM i think... Well is he or isnt he? Cos that s*** really matters. he isn't even on it tbh. Blame Greg Nowt to do with me tbh. He is on FM08. Were you not the 07 researcher?
  13. Don't forget Eduardo for Croatia, that's the best one. Or the Brazilians who play for Japan But seriously it doesn't and shouldn't matter.
  14. Not on my FM i think... Well is he or isnt he? Cos that s*** really matters. he isn't even on it tbh. Blame Greg
  15. !! Predict the next four would you!
  16. I also think Payet will get the nod ahead of him anyway. I think Zog *can* make it if he keeps improving as he has been.
  17. La Parka

    Do We Need Faye?

    Martins and Owen need to be tried. Derby is Ideal IMO. Torres pace destroyed them so Martins should be useful.
  18. He plays in a strong position for them. Malouda, Mathieu and I think Mavuba can play there too. ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rio_Antonio_Mavuba Born at sea! ) and Payet (Who looks quality) is also coming through.
  19. It could be a bit racist I suppose(if you stretch it a little). We should call them English no matter if they have African heritage. Why should their heritage even be a point?
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