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Mr Logic

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Everything posted by Mr Logic

  1. Their midfield is just slicing straight through ours as often as not.
  2. Effing commentary.. 'Van Persie was away there if the pass had been better'. Nought to do with Coloccini at full stretch to cut it out. It was an important interception.
  3. Not a bad idea to try to stop them dominating midfield, wether we can get the appropriate through balls to Martins and wether Martins is going to move about are possibly concerns. Owen to come on if we need to change things. I've seen worse scenarios.
  4. from the News of the World, Sunday: Newcastle have put together a package to keep managerial team Joe Kinnear, Chris Hughton and Colin Calderwood at the club until 2011.
  5. I voted disgusted, but that doesn't mean I would say no to £5m a year for 5 or 10 years. I can welcome the money and still be disgusted. As pretty much everyone has already noted we'd still call it St James' anyway.
  6. Got the opportunity to type 'http://www.newcastle-online.org' in 'others' though when asked about websites you used for team news and match reports.
  7. Just looked at the table, never realised the clubs immediately around us all have a game in hand atm. Dire. Also noticed we're the only club to have come away from OT with a point so far this season. (Course, that was under a different manager way back then.)
  8. Nothing would surprise me any more. Very unlikely but it's not impossible. Question: Did the rumours about Wise leaving come about because of this, or did they create it? Funny thing is, given our current situation, I'd welcome his return with more enthusiam than I did his last one.
  9. A thought occurs to me reading all this, (besides the fact that Llambias does not seem ideally suited to the role of spokesman), if EUFA force through a ruling on debt levels we'd certainly have absolutely no problems there. Not sure how much of a positive that is because I don't know the ramifications on clubs who would have too much debt under any new rulings. Mostly I'd like to see a really impartial account of that meeting as both accounts related above are, not surprisingly, emotionally weighted.
  10. We've got an entire midfield out injured - Nicky Butt, Danny Guthrie, Joey Barton and Kevin Nolan. The way the team's playing doubt it will make much difference though, in the past we've often raised our game against the top teams, don't see that happening this time. Going to be a slaughter without divine intervention.
  11. He was a hero last week for making subs at half-time, now he's a villian.
  12. It's difficult to imagine Butt ever having a good game again... but he got a new contract? Sheeit!
  13. Another golden opportunity just went begging there for Bolton.. we're dire!
  14. http://www.journallive.co.uk/nufc/nufc-latest-news/2009/02/25/magpies-remain-a-passion-for-ashley-61634-23004131/ I think it's an interesting read and I'll admit it still gives me hope. The statements seem genuine and are definitely plausible. The reactions to Keegans departure were like the straw that broke the camels back, it was the latest in a long string of disappointments. Some fans will never get over that and reassess their opinions it seems but it's more about their emotional reactions than anything based on reason or fact the way I see it. Ashley is not an Abromovich and was never going to be, personally I'm very happy about that. When the Halls took over we were in the doldrums, it didn't take very much improvement to appear like a wondrous transformation. Ashley took over a very different club, any future transformations are going to take time and I for one am prepared to wait. My biggest concern right now is not even who they sign in the next transfer window and which players stay or leave, it's wether Kinnear comes back in as manager or if the club look long term and consider a summer replacement. It should be the latter imo, and it's the single most important decision since - well I can't think of one! Ashley running this club is nowhere near as dangerous as having another Souness, Roeder or Allardyce as manager and he may even prove to be a blessing 5 years from now.
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