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Everything posted by 80

  1. Seems he's also nicknamed 'The Greyhound'.
  2. Ah... sense of relief. So glad keeping faith and schtum looks like it might now pay off.
  3. There's all sorts of s*** going on- Moyes hasn't signed a contract still, supposedly doesn't know his budget, the people who underwrote the loans for last seasons transfer activity Phillip Green and his stooge Robert Earl are rumoured to want out due to it looking increasingly likely that the Kirkby stadium won't happen (thank f***). Takeover rumours were flying about a few weeks ago. Papers don't seem interested though. Ha, that comparison didn't work out as intended.
  4. This topic has been moved to Chat. [iurl]http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php?topic=53699.0[/iurl] Enjoy yourselves, could do with a topic like this in the GC.
  5. Weird how people always forget Tigana and Gullit.
  6. 80


    Always find it amazing that some people would be sad enough to impersonate them, not in order to undermine them somehow, but just to... I dunno, look interesting?
  7. Ronaldo literally cannot play any better, he's at his peak - there's nowhere left for him to go but down, now. We should be looking to sign someone on their way up as opposed to making an investment that will depreciate. As for Messi, have you checked up on his history? Growth hormone treatment as a kid? That body of his only has a few years of play in it - and most of them have been spent. At a club with a history of injury trouble like our's, he'd be mooing within a fortnight.
  8. Interesting, works with IE - I use Firefox, normally.
  9. Has anyone else had trouble with those embedded iplayer videos on the BBC? Since the derby it's always told me "This content is not currently available" I used to get that all the time on Sky Broadband. Seems to work on Three. Must be your IP I reckon. Hmm, I've changed IP address and still no joy....also the iplayer works for full shows. Having the same problem. Also with Sky.
  10. Never did get the full story on that... strange business all round. The guy is still very much here, I'll not name him.
  11. My workshy arse just wandered over to Dunphy's wiki and found this...
  12. They must have had a fall-out then (big surprise there) as Dunphy normally backs Keane to the absolute hilt. And ghost wrote the infamous autobiography, of course. Interesting to read his new thoughts.
  13. 80


    I've got no problem with people doubting him, I think I doubted him for 15 minutes today after taking Martins off. Oh aye, not particularly directed at you, at all. Just I think some might end up talking at cross purposes - ONut thinking HTT was looking down on him for having reservations pre-Fulham, when most of the ire is aimed those who were saying 'fuck off back to Glasgow' and all that. Have to say, I was quite satisfied with the Martins decision - felt he had his least effective match for us for a while. Plainly, I am loyaler than you
  14. 80


    I think Keegan deserved a lot more respect that some gave him, even when we were struggling, if only for what he's done here in the past. Sorry, but he deserved better than some gave and they should be embarrassed and I'm not on about you. I agree. Some of the criticism he got from Newcastle fans even before he'd managed a game was disgraceful. Very much a case of people believing media stereotypes imo. I think the thing to divide here is those who had doubts - of whom I was one (I still have doubts, too... just less so than before) - and those who directed abuse at him. The latter were out of order. I found the idea of having to criticise him in the future very difficult, there were a handful who took to the task like a duck to water.
  15. That would make a change from the Freddy Shepherd school of transfers where you save money on wages but pay an inflated transfer fee by not buying anyone until transfer deadline day That and the inflation of players playing in the championships this summer. I think it was Miguel we were chasing 4 years ago who's price rocketed after a the Euro's and ended up having an asking price of £8m when I think going on reports we where going to offer no more than £4m. And if you sign a player pre-Euros for £4m and they do shit? What then? They would have cost less after the tournament. Presumably you're hoping to sign a player of enough quality that you can expect them to enjoy a good tournament.
  16. .com still say it was rubbish, I believe. They backed down and then piped up when they had it confirmed from within the club that it was untrue. All very odd.
  17. Why do you have such an intense dislike of Faye? Isn't he quite well known for being an open racist (Northern Monkey)? No.
  18. Are Glaswegian blokes harder like? Dunno about that, but there definitely are a lot of them in Glasgow, I've found.
  19. 80

    Today's other games

    Was watching SSN earlier, had some 'Man U fans' on talking about the match and saw this chap... http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/7633/dsc0000322rn4.jpg Edit: Re-halved for those with piddling monitors.
  20. TODAYs CHRON Watch him have an accident with a game of darts. Twice.
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