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Everything posted by MW

  1. If people retweet it he might? Is that tweecenomics?
  2. If this is true it's actually more scary than the alternative in a way. Means Ashley actually thought JFK could do a job. I'd agree. And Joe's limitations when it comes to a conventional DOF role would have become apparent very early. At the time he was appointed, despite all he was saying, there was word that Joe was not nearly as powerful as he was making himself out to be. There's always the possibility that this was a genuine resignation. That he got fed up of the restrictions around him, and ended up having a row with the boss. are you joking?
  3. Right. It would have happened sooner when they saw what chaos he was causing. Nice try
  4. It is not irrepairable. Nothing £20m well spent pounds plus improved (or new) management can sort out. They wouldnt do anything positive willingly. It will just be because he feels he has no choice . We know he has no good intentions. They have taken the enjoyment out of it. The buzz when a goal is scored and hope that it might lead to good times.
  5. MW

    José Mourinho

    And took off a striker
  6. Man city dnb is tempting at 3/1
  7. MW

    Who's next?

    Hmmm I don't see how to fix the typo
  8. MW

    Who's next?

    Fuck it, everyone is thinking the same I picked players that will command a fee and most don't want to leave
  9. Mourinho was going mental the whole game, what Allardyce is saying is true. I bet 75% of those shots were from outside the area and off target
  10. Was at Chelsea west ham tonight. My my what a miss by Carroll, best chance of the game. Chelsea's tempo is so slow. They were basically outside he west ham box the entire game fucking around, then resorting from shots from distance (til the end when they should have scored). James Collins wasn't the worst player on the planet this game Stamford bridge atmosphere is terrible
  11. MW

    Season Tickets

    They were going to regardless of this tbh
  12. www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/watch-brilliant-little-bizarre-video-3063322#.UuUuETxFDbV Probably giggs, don't care
  13. Thinking about Chelsea to win both halves
  14. Jeff stelling is such a good presenter. Speaking so quickly and clearly there
  15. 30 quid on man city draw no bet
  16. MW

    The England Thread

    I just don't feel it with the current crop. Wilshere would be the only one who comes close for me but he seems a bit of a crock. Maybe it's a good thing. Barkley. Sturridge is still young, Henderson looks promising. Shaw/Gibbs, Oxlade-Chamberlain, Stirling has been in decent form this season after his initial burst onto the scene died down
  17. MW

    The England Thread

    I think we actually have a decent batch coming through
  18. Is mackems next to score the safest bet for hedging the downside?
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