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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. he's definitely s****. never heard of him or seen him play but he's s****.


    What are you on about?


    this player has already been written off by some posters and ashravin has already been declared a saviour by some posters.


    s**** is s****, you don't need to have seen 100 made-up games for that.


    "shite" again. but, yeah, he's definitely shite. seen him play much?


    nope. he's so good, he's been playing over there, getting bad reviews by all accounts. Waiting to get snapped up by us. I get the impression from the Korean posters that he's fit in fine with Smith, Geremi, Barton, Cacapa etc.

  2. Maybe we're doing badly because Fat Sam isn't good enough? Just a crazy thought. Lets stop making excuses, and admit it. He's not the one for us.


    out of interest, who IS the one for us?


    f*** knows. But i know who it isn't. It isn't a poor manager like Allardyce.


    you really need to change your act. its very tedious.


    So you think Allardyce is good enough, do you?


    Oh, and if you want tedious, try actually going to a NUFC match. Then you will also have at least some idea what you're talking about. Good luck.


    yes. the whole "this is s****" "thats s****" "he's s****" thing really does you no favours at all. its quite pathetic really. i'd bet my life on you being totally different in real life.


    and ive been to at least 100 games in my lifetime. but of course i dont know what im on about because everything is s**** and such and you know more than me.


    So - is Allardyce the man for us? Simple question, yes or no.


    ive just said i think so. but im definitely wrong arent i. its ok, you can say it. i've got broad shoulders.


    Yes, IN MY OPINION you are wrong. All evidence points to that being the case, clearly.

  3. he's definitely s****. never heard of him or seen him play but he's s****.


    What are you on about?


    this player has already been written off by some posters and ashravin has already been declared a saviour by some posters.


    shite is shite, you don't need to have seen 100 made-up games for that.

  4. Maybe we're doing badly because Fat Sam isn't good enough? Just a crazy thought. Lets stop making excuses, and admit it. He's not the one for us.


    out of interest, who IS the one for us?


    f*** knows. But i know who it isn't. It isn't a poor manager like Allardyce.


    you really need to change your act. its very tedious.


    So you think Allardyce is good enough, do you?


    Oh, and if you want tedious, try actually going to a NUFC match. Then you will also have at least some idea what you're talking about. Good luck.


    yes. the whole "this is shite" "thats shite" "he's shite" thing really does you no favours at all. its quite pathetic really. i'd bet my life on you being totally different in real life.


    and ive been to at least 100 games in my lifetime. but of course i dont know what im on about because everything is shite and such and you know more than me.


    So - is Allardyce the man for us? Simple question, yes or no.

  5. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/eng_prem/predictor/default.stm


    Predicting up to Jan 2nd, how've you got the league table looking?


    NUFC 2-0 Derby

    Wigan 1-2 NUFC

    Chelsea 3-0 NUFC

    NUFC 1-1 Man City


    1. Man Utd, 51pts

    2. Arsenal, 50pts

    3. Chelsea, 46pts

    4. Man City, 41pts

    5. Liverpool, 39pts

    6. Portsmouth, 35pts

    7. Aston Villa, 35pts

    8. Everton, 33pts

    9. Blackburn, 32pts

    10. Newcastle, 32pts

    11. West Ham, 26pts

    12. Spurs, 24pts

    13. Reading, 22pts

    14. Birmingham, 21pts

    15. Boro, 21pts

    16. Bolton, 20pts

    17. Sunderland, 17pts

    18. Fulham, 16pts

    19. Wigan, 12pts

    20. Derby, 6pts


    none out of 2 so far. Good job we'rer all so optimistic.......



    Looks that way. Gemmil and Co have put in a special request to the mods for it to be taken down because they can no longer defend fat sam and don't want to face the music.


    Just a rumour like!




    In fairness, Gemill is childish enough to cry and cry until he gets his own way.

  7. How long until the Allardyce fanboys ("he's dead successful, 4th place here we come!") decide that buying a shite player from the far east wasn't his idea?






    Sorry, sorry.


    ....dead successful at Bolton.....not long ball, look at the stats [that actually prove he is]...best start since 1894 according to a made up stat.....top 4.........bought Faye and Beye, world class.........



  8. Maybe we're doing badly because Fat Sam isn't good enough? Just a crazy thought. Lets stop making excuses, and admit it. He's not the one for us.


    out of interest, who IS the one for us?


    f*** knows. But i know who it isn't. It isn't a poor manager like Allardyce.


    you really need to change your act. its very tedious.


    So is Graham Norton's but he still gets his own TV show


    I'm not wearing gold lame. Not again.

  9. Maybe we're doing badly because Fat Sam isn't good enough? Just a crazy thought. Lets stop making excuses, and admit it. He's not the one for us.


    out of interest, who IS the one for us?


    f*** knows. But i know who it isn't. It isn't a poor manager like Allardyce.


    you really need to change your act. its very tedious.


    So you think Allardyce is good enough, do you?


    Oh, and if you want tedious, try actually going to a NUFC match. Then you will also have at least some idea what you're talking about. Good luck.

  10. Whats to say the agent isn't just using us to drum up interest in his man or pressure another club to hurry a deal?


    or scare his player?


    [comedy far eastern accent]...give me more commission, or you will be forced to sign with Newcastle, and play for a shite manager..." [/comedy far eastern accent].

  11. Maybe we're doing badly because Fat Sam isn't good enough? Just a crazy thought. Lets stop making excuses, and admit it. He's not the one for us.


    out of interest, who IS the one for us?


    Fuck knows. But i know who it isn't. It isn't a poor manager like Allardyce.

  12. http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,11678_3006596,00.html (good article) read this and take notice on my signature. Some posts on these pages are very true and very down to earth :thup: Expecting us to preform better than we do is b***s***. To be honest, at times I hate Allardyce (the games that we loose), but before I know it, luckily enough, I still believe he's the right man to turn things around.... given time


    At least the manager and players are on good terms eh




    Well, you know Decky, my forum friend, Newcastle are utter s***. I for one, can't defend their so-called 'good' performance (i.e. Arsenal), that's the sort of performance I expect every match. The reason for my expectations are simply that with the players we have (squad) and the wages they get, one should really expect them, as professionals, to fight in every single match.... other teams do.... just look at Derby... who are rock-bottom...or portsmouth... :clap:


    I'd say we should give Allardyce atleast a season. You know, it's fair, and for us (the fans) he can really prove his ambitions and true ability. We should only get rid of him if that's the requirement to have Ashley spend some big money.


    Allardyce is NOT new to the league.

    Allardyce should NOT be unaware of what type of players do well in this league.

    Allardyce is NOT new to scouting players for this league.

    Allardyce is NOT new to coaching players in this league.

    Allardyce has spent £25m on players of HIS choice. Mainly s***.

    Allardyce is now turning on the players HE bought/selects/trains.

    Allardyce has shown himself to be tactically inflexible and stupid.

    Allardyce has repeatedly selected the WRONG players and formations.

    Allardyce gave the captaincy to a player who had NEVER played for us. And who has been s***.

    Allardyce has since given the cpataincy to a player HE bought, who is s***.


    Allardyce should NOT be our manager, should NOT be given any more money.

    Allardyce is NOT the man for us, and keeping him in his job is NOT consistency, other than showing us to be consistently stupid.


    Okey... but he also sold some players, he was appointed by Shepard not Mort & Ashley, and considering the fact that we were in "take over"-talks which took ages to complete (and he can't be blamed for that), his future at that time was rather uncertain. And it's hard for a professional, yes even an experienced and professional manager like Allardyce, to stay focused on his job, when he doesn't know wether he will have the job tomorrow or not... or wether he will have the support from the people around him.


    The truth is, we are so far behind the top four that I hardly can see us ever catching up.. but if we are to try, and I believe we should... we need to be patient...consistency doesn't grow 'over night' (not defending our recent performance, cause it's been utter shit)... but if the fans stands behind the team and tries to motivate and see the positive things, that would be faaaaaaar better than constantly criticizing....


    So not being HONEST about our players will suddenly make them good enough? Get to fuck will it. Its not OUR fault that the players and manager are not up to it, and its fucking offensive to allude that it is.


    Consistency does NOT mean putting up with shit like Allardyce, by the way. We need to give the RIGHT manager time, yes, But not the clearly WRONG one.


    And i don't care what he recouped. HE SPENT £25M ON PLAYERS THAT HE WANTED. thats a fact. Amd they've been shite, like he is.

  13. Shocking that more than half of the people responding don't realize that our players are simply of inferior  quality.  That may be the cause of unrealistic expectations.


    I just don't think we have a fantastic group of players in the context of the Premiership.  Who would get in a top 4 side?  Oba maybe? 


    Expensive does not equal exceptional. 


    Of course we are miles off top 4 quality but I would have said, most of our players would have been of a quality to interest a top 8/9 side.


    top 8/9 isn't good enough.


    Few of our players - and very very few of the new ones Fat Sam has bought - would interest the 5th placed team. Which is where WE keep telling ourselves we belong.


    Big club? Are we fuck. Not while we cry like smacked bitches that shite such as Allardyce need more time. Get him the fuck out, get someone GOOD in, and then see how big a club we can be.


    I think 8/9th would have been/will be good enough for this season with a view to pushing on next season.


    On current form no one would interest liverpool/man city/everton but if they were playing to the best of their abilities who knows.

    I remain convinced that our players are good and am more and more convinced that Sam is just making them look stupendously shite


    First - 8th/9th is OKAY this season, because Sam The Fat Wanker has fucked us up. But please be under no illusion, it is NOT good enough, and should lose him his job, bearing in mind what he has done.


    Second -










    None of these fuckers is going to be troubling the "wanted" list of top 6 clubs. And thats without talking about crap like Carr, Ameobi, Ramage, etc.

  14. As a successful busines man, I'm sure Ashley is weighing his options and factoring in the contracts not only to Allardyce  but also to his huge backroom staff. Christ knows how much money it will cost to terminate them all and bring in new people.


    Thats a good point. Sacking SA and his team of staff will cost a fortune, so soon into their contracts.

    At some point he will have to decide what will cost him more - sacking Sam or not getting Sky money for not being in the Premiership


    We are not going to get relegated.



    No, i think 11th, maybe 10th is Allardyce's level with us.


    Surprisingly optimistic.


    I love you too.

  15. I wouldn't give BS (bullshitter) a penny in January, he can't be trusted and isn't the long term answer. Get the fat fuck out now.


    Can't wait to get on toontastic when they decide to put it back up and ask 'Soopafan know it all Gemmil' why we failed to even get a corner yesterday or a shot on target.


    But him and the rest of the fence sitters know fucking best, it's amazing what a season ticket does for you, superpowers tbh




    That's not fair, he's Special.

  16. As a successful busines man, I'm sure Ashley is weighing his options and factoring in the contracts not only to Allardyce  but also to his huge backroom staff. Christ knows how much money it will cost to terminate them all and bring in new people.


    Thats a good point. Sacking SA and his team of staff will cost a fortune, so soon into their contracts.

    At some point he will have to decide what will cost him more - sacking Sam or not getting Sky money for not being in the Premiership


    We are not going to get relegated.



    No, i think 11th, maybe 10th is Allardyce's level with us.

  17. http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,11678_3006596,00.html (good article) read this and take notice on my signature. Some posts on these pages are very true and very down to earth :thup: Expecting us to preform better than we do is b***s***. To be honest, at times I hate Allardyce (the games that we loose), but before I know it, luckily enough, I still believe he's the right man to turn things around.... given time


    At least the manager and players are on good terms eh




    Well, you know Decky, my forum friend, Newcastle are utter shit. I for one, can't defend their so-called 'good' performance (i.e. Arsenal), that's the sort of performance I expect every match. The reason for my expectations are simply that with the players we have (squad) and the wages they get, one should really expect them, as professionals, to fight in every single match.... other teams do.... just look at Derby... who are rock-bottom...or portsmouth... :clap:


    I'd say we should give Allardyce atleast a season. You know, it's fair, and for us (the fans) he can really prove his ambitions and true ability. We should only get rid of him if that's the requirement to have Ashley spend some big money.


    Allardyce is NOT new to the league.

    Allardyce should NOT be unaware of what type of players do well in this league.

    Allardyce is NOT new to scouting players for this league.

    Allardyce is NOT new to coaching players in this league.

    Allardyce has spent £25m on players of HIS choice. Mainly shit.

    Allardyce is now turning on the players HE bought/selects/trains.

    Allardyce has shown himself to be tactically inflexible and stupid.

    Allardyce has repeatedly selected the WRONG players and formations.

    Allardyce gave the captaincy to a player who had NEVER played for us. And who has been shit.

    Allardyce has since given the cpataincy to a player HE bought, who is shit.


    Allardyce should NOT be our manager, should NOT be given any more money.

    Allardyce is NOT the man for us, and keeping him in his job is NOT consistency, other than showing us to be consistently stupid.

    All correct and very valid. The most poignant being the one I have bolded


    Today, the fat idiot is reported as saying he is "unhappy" that his job rests in the hands of the players. What a fucking wanker. He ought to try being from Newcastle, and seeing his club in the hands of a second-rate, inflexible, overrated long ball merchant.


    Aye thats a fucking scandalous thing to say. Not quite sure how he can walk into training and look his players in the eye after that


    Every game i go to, every time i hear him sput off, every time i analyse how shite we are, he looks more and more like a fat, gum chewing Souness.


    I've been getting texts off West Ham fans calling us shit. WEST HAM FANS!!!!! Enough is enough, sack the fat cunt NOW, before the Reading fans turn on us as well!

  18. Shocking that more than half of the people responding don't realize that our players are simply of inferior  quality.  That may be the cause of unrealistic expectations.


    I just don't think we have a fantastic group of players in the context of the Premiership.  Who would get in a top 4 side?  Oba maybe? 


    Expensive does not equal exceptional. 


    Of course we are miles off top 4 quality but I would have said, most of our players would have been of a quality to interest a top 8/9 side.


    top 8/9 isn't good enough.


    Few of our players - and very very few of the new ones Fat Sam has bought - would interest the 5th placed team. Which is where WE keep telling ourselves we belong.


    Big club? Are we fuck. Not while we cry like smacked bitches that shite such as Allardyce need more time. Get him the fuck out, get someone GOOD in, and then see how big a club we can be.

  19. http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,11678_3006596,00.html (good article) read this and take notice on my signature. Some posts on these pages are very true and very down to earth :thup: Expecting us to preform better than we do is b***s***. To be honest, at times I hate Allardyce (the games that we loose), but before I know it, luckily enough, I still believe he's the right man to turn things around.... given time


    At least the manager and players are on good terms eh




    Well, you know Decky, my forum friend, Newcastle are utter shit. I for one, can't defend their so-called 'good' performance (i.e. Arsenal), that's the sort of performance I expect every match. The reason for my expectations are simply that with the players we have (squad) and the wages they get, one should really expect them, as professionals, to fight in every single match.... other teams do.... just look at Derby... who are rock-bottom...or portsmouth... :clap:


    I'd say we should give Allardyce atleast a season. You know, it's fair, and for us (the fans) he can really prove his ambitions and true ability. We should only get rid of him if that's the requirement to have Ashley spend some big money.


    Allardyce is NOT new to the league.

    Allardyce should NOT be unaware of what type of players do well in this league.

    Allardyce is NOT new to scouting players for this league.

    Allardyce is NOT new to coaching players in this league.

    Allardyce has spent £25m on players of HIS choice. Mainly shit.

    Allardyce is now turning on the players HE bought/selects/trains.

    Allardyce has shown himself to be tactically inflexible and stupid.

    Allardyce has repeatedly selected the WRONG players and formations.

    Allardyce gave the captaincy to a player who had NEVER played for us. And who has been shit.

    Allardyce has since given the cpataincy to a player HE bought, who is shit.


    Allardyce should NOT be our manager, should NOT be given any more money.

    Allardyce is NOT the man for us, and keeping him in his job is NOT consistency, other than showing us to be consistently stupid.

    All correct and very valid. The most poignant being the one I have bolded


    Today, the fat idiot is reported as saying he is "unhappy" that his job rests in the hands of the players. What a fucking wanker. He ought to try being from Newcastle, and seeing his club in the hands of a second-rate, inflexible, overrated long ball merchant.

  20. Pissing myself here, lad hasn't even signed on the dotted line yet and he's shite already. :D


    But once he DOES sign, many of the absolute fucktards who "support" us will deify him, and he'll be the best thing since blow jobs, even though he is probably AT BEST average (Dire, Duff, Viduka, Smith, Geremi, Faye, etc)

  21. http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,11678_3006596,00.html (good article) read this and take notice on my signature. Some posts on these pages are very true and very down to earth :thup: Expecting us to preform better than we do is b***s***. To be honest, at times I hate Allardyce (the games that we loose), but before I know it, luckily enough, I still believe he's the right man to turn things around.... given time


    At least the manager and players are on good terms eh




    Well, you know Decky, my forum friend, Newcastle are utter shit. I for one, can't defend their so-called 'good' performance (i.e. Arsenal), that's the sort of performance I expect every match. The reason for my expectations are simply that with the players we have (squad) and the wages they get, one should really expect them, as professionals, to fight in every single match.... other teams do.... just look at Derby... who are rock-bottom...or portsmouth... :clap:


    I'd say we should give Allardyce atleast a season. You know, it's fair, and for us (the fans) he can really prove his ambitions and true ability. We should only get rid of him if that's the requirement to have Ashley spend some big money.


    Allardyce is NOT new to the league.

    Allardyce should NOT be unaware of what type of players do well in this league.

    Allardyce is NOT new to scouting players for this league.

    Allardyce is NOT new to coaching players in this league.

    Allardyce has spent £25m on players of HIS choice. Mainly shit.

    Allardyce is now turning on the players HE bought/selects/trains.

    Allardyce has shown himself to be tactically inflexible and stupid.

    Allardyce has repeatedly selected the WRONG players and formations.

    Allardyce gave the captaincy to a player who had NEVER played for us. And who has been shit.

    Allardyce has since given the cpataincy to a player HE bought, who is shit.


    Allardyce should NOT be our manager, should NOT be given any more money.

    Allardyce is NOT the man for us, and keeping him in his job is NOT consistency, other than showing us to be consistently stupid.

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