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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. Umm, the problem with his article is when Owen came on against Villa we actually changed to more of a  4-4-2 with him and Vids up front. Or was that just me that noticed that? 


    Someone didn't tell the "wide" men that then.

  2. He's a cunt, the kind of kid I used to melvin at school!


    Should have had a much better standard of player available to us, but overall i'm happy with the guys he's brought in! Although Viduka is a slight dissapointment to me, but that can change over the course of a few matches!  He just needs a goal!


    Not Morts fault i suppose as it's Ashley that makes the wonga available.


    Surley you'd have been beter of calling him "Chris", or "Christopher". If you called him Melvin and he didn't answer, he wasn't being a cunt, it's just not his name.

  3. Even if it does go through and we end up with Diouf it's not so bad considering we're playing 4-3-3.


    I'd rather have Anelka, please.

    Me too, rather have Anelka over Martins ability wise.




    ...personally I'd swap any of our strikers for Anelka.


    Even Mark "He's totoal class him, you'll see, 20 goals a season" Viduka??




    Annoyed at not being able to do it about Dyer any more, Northern Monkey now seeks to put words in to peoples mouths about Mark Viduka.


    :lol: Wind it in, soft lad.


    It was a generalisation about soem of the hysterical shite some people were putting on here about the Viduka and how great they claimed he was, in the face of all historical evidence and common sense.


    It wasn't a FACT, it was a tongue-in-cheek statement. Get over it.


    Sorry, think I missed this guy out ;) It was a joke Monkey!


    Oh, ok.


    Twat. :lol:

  4. That said, Chelsea have done ok over the last 3 seasons Parky.


    They haven't spent a penny have they?



    They've spent money and had the most successful 3 years in their history. Your point being?



    It's Kenyon's point that matters.

    Yeah, but what was your point? Or did you not have one?



    Kenyon's thinly veiled critique of Mourinho.

    I was suggesting Chelsea wasn't a very good example to bring up of a club having a DoF and it not working in the Premier League though. They aren't and neither are Spurs. Going purely off the relative recent records of the clubs. Which is all that really matters. The rest is largely conjecture about wranglings behind the scenes.



    So who are we blaming for the Spurs left side?

    So, that was the point you were making when you brought up Kenyon? Spurs' left side. :laugh: Not even worth replying to that one Parky. Nice try, see if you can hook someone else.



    I though YOU were talking about Spurs AND Chelsea?



    Let's put it another way ManU might have won the league last year cause Mourinho didn't get the players HE wanted.

    I was talking about Chelsea and (to a lesser extent) Spurs. Fairly obvious (I'd have thought) I was making a general point about the relative recent success of those two teams and how that would tend to suggest a DoF can work. Dein at Arsenal has also been mentioned and is a case in point due to the role he had.

    Btw, I think Man Utd. won the league by playing stunning football last season. As to why Chelsea didn't, it's a lot of ifs and buts, as with everything in football. They're still probably in the middle of their most successful spell ever though.



    Ok I stand corrected.

    Somebody frame that ;)


    Seems you were right about Jol though, all over the radio this morning that he's a goner and Ramos is replacing him. Lippi was also mentioned as a replacement and so was (wait for it) Harry Redknapp. I shit you not.


    It transpires that his remit for this season was top 4 and nothing less. :cheesy: :kasper:



    The delusion has spread from the support to the boardroom it seems. :laugh:


    I thought WE had the copyright on those sorts of delusions?? Sue the cockney bastards.

  5. Even if there is some truth in it, it might not make a difference. The Icelanders might acquire some of the ownership, but Mort stay as chairman, or whatever. It might mean extra investment in both playing staff and facilities. Who knows? But it wouldn't necessarily be bad. Like Ashley, these aren't mere speculators, but people who run solid, successful businesses.


    Don't think of it as a new upheaval, but a sign that the previous upheaval hasn't quite yet settled down.


    Damned right. Its the "change is bad" principle that some people bought into that kept Shpeherd (and to a lesser degree the likes of Roeder and Souness) in post for too long.

  6. He's not used the press to get his name/face out there in the same way as Shepherd did, or to bleat on all the time as Allardyce has a history of, so good for him.


    I don't think he's made any overt mistakes, and the review he's carrying out is exactly what we've been crying out for since how many years ago?

  7. If Sam insists upon playing 4-3-3 then Owen will be as much use to NUFC as a Toon Ultras dick.


    So are Martins and Viduka in a 433, in fairness.


    Viduka can play it being solitary up front but agreed regarding Martins.


    I just can't see how it will ever work when our front 4 are all 4-4-2 players. Sam will make life tough for himself if he doesn't change things - he might need to think about Mort stating almost from the off that Sam wasn't their choice.


    I think Viduka CAN play in it, but he's just not really the player we need there, if we insist on 433, is he? He's not a particularly good/consistent striker. I'd have a number of other players instaed of him (although not Ameobi, natch).

  8. Even if it does go through and we end up with Diouf it's not so bad considering we're playing 4-3-3.


    I'd rather have Anelka, please.

    Me too, rather have Anelka over Martins ability wise.




    ...personally I'd swap any of our strikers for Anelka.


    Even Mark "He's totoal class him, you'll see, 20 goals a season" Viduka??




    Annoyed at not being able to do it about Dyer any more, Northern Monkey now seeks to put words in to peoples mouths about Mark Viduka.


    :lol: Wind it in, soft lad.


    It was a generalisation about soem of the hysterical shite some people were putting on here about the Viduka and how great they claimed he was, in the face of all historical evidence and common sense.


    It wasn't a FACT, it was a tongue-in-cheek statement. Get over it.

  9. Even if it does go through and we end up with Diouf it's not so bad considering we're playing 4-3-3.


    I'd rather have Anelka, please.

    Me too, rather have Anelka over Martins ability wise.




    ...personally I'd swap any of our strikers for Anelka.


    Even Mark "He's totoal class him, you'll see, 20 goals a season" Viduka??

  10. Not particularly innovative idea for a thread, I suppose, but interested to see people's thoughts on it.


    What do people think will end up being our first choice 11 if/when everyone gets fit?


    I'll allow people to include Belletti, only because I want to force people to choose between Butt and Geremi in midfield. :D


    Anyway, my guess is


    ------------------ Given


    Belletti -- Taylor -- Rozenhal -- Enrique


    ---- Barton -- Geremi -- Emre


    Martins ----------------------- N'Zogbia


    ---------------- Viduka


    Controversial to leave out Owen, obviously, but I just don't see how he'll fit into our system at all. He'll be a quality impact sub and will start games against the weaker teams but I wouldn't be at all surprised to see him start a lot of games on the bench, even when fully fit.


    As I said in another thread, while Milner's individual performances are probably the best in our team soi far, his lack of pace is really, really detrimental to our team play.


    I'd personally like to see Milner used more in the middle and have us buy a pacier option (Anelka) to replace him as competition for the wide spots.


    In all honesty, though, I haven't the slightest clue what Allardyce has in mind.


    I'm sure there'll be slight changes depending on the differing opposition, but you have to feel that there's gonna be a core team we'll look to.


    Its a damning indictment on our team that your 2 first choice fullbacks, we've never seen play for us! But you're right.


    Is this our best XI, or what Allardyce will pick? Cos i think there may be a difference at first.



  11. Owen is a luxury in modern day football and it's a fact. Good player but it is shocking how little he gives to the team outside of being a goal poacher, albeit a darn good one.


    More evidence that Allardyce is a strong believer in the 4-3-3. Is it likely he will sacrifice his beliefs all for the sake of one man? If so is this the right thing to do?


    I think Owen will try to be adapted into the 4-3-3 as a wide striker and if it doesn't work he will probably be gone.


    Very true, great players are able to give more to the team than just be a goal poacher. He dosent give anything else, dosent run at players anymore, isnt skillful on the ball, no left foot, not a presence up-front, a very limited footballer and it should have been worked on a long time ago to bring him to life more, he plays like a 33 year old, he's bloody 27.


    funny, you must have seen him a lot more than me since his long injury lay-off.


    I thought that when he DID play for us (13 appearances, 2 as sub), he scored 7 goals. Which is top striker-type ratio.


    Now, unless you have secretly seen him play competitive matches WHEN FIT since then, i think you have some explaining to do.

  12. 3 years for killing someone. Fucking joke.


    It is pathetic, My mate had to serve a year in prison for pushing someone over.


    Was it off a tall building, though? Or a bridge? Or a rickety rope bridge over a volcano? Or that monster pit thing in the desert off that Star Wars film in? You know, the one with Jabba the hut in it, and Princess whatsherface in the almost-nudey?

  13. Basically we haven't got a creative midfielder, but we do have box to box (Barton) and a gaggle of DM's. In the modern game fans crying out for the signing of creative players is seen as some form of sickness by most managers, SA included and a wild luxury by others. None of these stances bears up to scrutiny as all the top teams have creative midfielders in their various guises and players who are dual role. And the newly arrived ELANO is doing wonders for Man City proving my point with ease.


    does he tell you EVERYTHING?? You'd think he'd keep some things to himself for his autobiography.

  14. Viduka missed getting the ball into feet, most of the time it was just banged up to him at head height and he was being fouled a lot and getting nothing, seemed to lose interest in the end.

    I agree with that assessment...as did Sam apparently. It looked like he got fouled quite a bit and I'm not sure if either Villa center-half was whistled for anything in the entire game. Then when frustration set in he basically gave up.


    Also, do we have anyone else who can take a corner? Geremi has been weak to say the least in that area so far.

    Alex will say I am talking s**** about Viduka :D


    Geremi's corners were a let too on Saturday, I think he has been okay in the other games, but against Villa they were all over hit.

    Zoggy tends to under hit his and gets very little height, I suppose Milner will take them if Emre does not play.



    I think you're the only one who noticed we played a lot of long balls on Saturday, well done :razz:

    Despite his size though, humping it upfield to Viduka doesn't suit him, especially against two centre-halves like Villa have.


    I can't agree with any of that. There were plenty of balls played into Viduka's feet, but he was so slow off the mark, the centre backs invariably beat him to it. I didn't think the Villa centre backs fouled him any more than is usual in a Premiership game, and once or twice Viduka bought a free kick which he didn't deserve. Shola was far stronger and much more mobile.


    Viduka strikes me as a lazy trainer who has got by on his talent alone in the last few years. He needs to buck up his ideas or he'll lose his place.

    You can't agree we played a lot of long balls on Saturday?


    We played more long balsl than i was comfortable with, but it wasn't ALL long balls by any means. And of the long balls we tried, we had the wrong players at both ends of the pass to do fuck all with them.

  15. The maximum sentence for GBH is life imprisonment... ABH is 5 years... how often do you hear of people doing life for GBH or 5 years for ABH, though?


    Especially if they don't have previous convictions.


    Luckily for him, Being A Bit Of A Knob is not an offence yet.

  16. Barton, Emre and Geremi in a midfield 3 when we're at home and against the weaker teams away, swap Emre for Butt against the better teams away.


    My opinion on things, too.


    We were crying out for at least one of Barton/Emre on Saturday, in place of Butt first and foremost.


    i thought Butt was better than Geremi.


    Think you've missed the point a bit here, was referring to the fact that it was a home game against opposition that we should be beating and so it might make sense to take out the midfielder who offers the least going forward, i.e. Nicky Butt.


    As for the comment itself, Butt did a few more sliding tackles than Geremi, but his passing was useless and he offered nowt going forward at all. There is no need for him to be played at home against the likes of Villa, especially in a role where he doesn't seem to be the archetypal defensive midfielder. I'm not sure what instructions he was under, but to me he didn't seem to be playing either role particularly well and put in a decidedly "Parker" performance. Lots of sliding about and commitment, but killed the tempo of the game whenever he got the ball and his passing was atrocious, both short-range and long-range. He did have a couple of quality moments, as he always does, but that isn't enough to justify his selection in my eyes. People do love graft though, as Baggio keeps saying.


    Allardyce didn't really have a choice, mind, with the performance at Bolton and the injuries.


    I thought Butt played the firefighting role well - a role he was forced to play by the tactics we employed, and the inability of his team mates (very much including Geremi) to keep the ball.


    If we are going off that one performance, Geremi shouldn't get a start before Butt. But we aren't, and we know he'll get played. Just hopefully he'll be in a formation he's actually suited to soon.



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