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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. Barton, Emre and Geremi in a midfield 3 when we're at home and against the weaker teams away, swap Emre for Butt against the better teams away.


    My opinion on things, too.


    We were crying out for at least one of Barton/Emre on Saturday, in place of Butt first and foremost.


    i thought Butt was better than Geremi.

  2. How is it? he got a team mate in a headlock and punched him unconscious in front of the rest of the squad, it can carry a 5 year sentence and he is pleading not guilty, when he is going to be found guilty all the way, just because he is a footballer does not mean the judge won't send him down.

    I will be very shocked if he gets a suspended sentence, plead guilty and he may get a suspended.


    He'll not get sent down,

    I suppose if you're so sure he's off down you should give him a call. He's paying an extortionate lawyer that is letting him suggest otherwise.

    :lol: you think Joey Barton is the kind of lad that will listen to what he is told?


    if he doesn't. he'll NEVER get a game for us, cos no manager worth their wage is going to pay someone who won't take accept being told what to do.

  3. Emre may be the only one on the list who is good enough at this point, but that is not consistent - he disappears far too much, and clearly isn't technically a great player.




    If your trying tell me that Emre isn't good technically then your off your head. Apart from Nobby noone in a our squad has the abilty on the ball that Emre does.


    Can't argue on the consistancy side though, spot on. However, i think Allardyce's set up would suit him better and he would have extra fitness and motivation.


    I don't think he's that great techniclaly. At set pieces he was predominantly poor, and he never created as much as some performances hinted at.


    I'm not saying he's s****, just that he's a decent player, no more.


    I think Emre is so gifted it's untrue. He just never seems to find any consistance in his games, especially set pieces. I honestly believe that if Allardyce can get the right combination of that midfield at home we are in for big things. Emre has the abilty to be apart of it.


    i truly hope so, but i just don't see it. i suppose time will tell, but if he does get his chance, at least there'll be no more excuses if he doesn't do it, because despite my reservations, it's undeniable that Allardyce is a gazillion times the manager Roeder ever was.


    If Emre fails to produce, only the player can be blamed. If he DOES produce as you think he can, i'll happily eat my (jauntily-tilted) sombrero and admit i was wrong.

  4. Emre may be the only one on the list who is good enough at this point, but that is not consistent - he disappears far too much, and clearly isn't technically a great player.




    If your trying tell me that Emre isn't good technically then your off your head. Apart from Nobby noone in a our squad has the abilty on the ball that Emre does.


    Can't argue on the consistancy side though, spot on. However, i think Allardyce's set up would suit him better and he would have extra fitness and motivation.


    I don't think he's that great techniclaly. At set pieces he was predominantly poor, and he never created as much as some performances hinted at.


    I'm not saying he's shite, just that he's a decent player, no more.

  5. This thread is kneejerk-tastic! Second game of the season, players still to sign, players still to get fit, you must be kidding me!


    Agreed it is silly to say it's all fucked after 2 games. BUT, in exactly the same way, its also stupid to say "we're going ot be top 4/6, we're going to be great" based on the same 2 games.



  6. He was f****** gash yesterday, mind.


    Wouldn't go that far, but I agree he was poor.


    God, I thought he was absolutely awesome yesterday, my MOTM by far.


    Funnier than watching old people eat.

  7. Harper - 7 - did what he had to, and did it well.


    Carr - 3 - fuck off, you useless cunt.


    Rozehnal - 7 - looked quality


    Taylor - 5 - Not his best game, but fewer mistakes than many games last season.


    N'Zogbia - 6 - not a fullback (although still better than Carr).


    Milner - 7 - Continuous effort, and some successes, crossing improving.


    Smith - 4 - Unimpressive.


    Geremi - 4 - An alarming lack of pace, and some poor passing.


    Butt -  7 - Firefighting all the time, due to our formation and style of play.


    Martins - 5 - Not great, to be fare. Never seemed to really push the defence.


    Viduka - 4 - Another insipid performance.


    Overall - the formation/style of play was wrong, and that needs sorting out. We were exposed far too often on the wings, and the players we have don't seem suited to that formation, especially up front.

  8. I was sitting in Starbucks on Grainger Street on Sunday afternoon when in walked David Rozehnal and his pregnant wife. Very tall and slim and sporting his brand new diesel jeans and trainers.


    His tall slim pregnant wife was wearing his clothes?

  9. We seem to have forgiven Barton for his "past" even though he hasn't pulled on a shirt, so if Diuof plays as well as he has done for Bolton then I can seem him becoming popular with the fans.


    Barton never came to St James and deliberately wound up the crowd though. I still can't believe Diouf didnt get booked for that last season especially given he did it after both goals


    Was probably told how important it is for NUFC to have the crowd on their side.  Wouldn't surprise me to hear he'd been told to wind up the crowd.


    I very much doubt it.

  10. we dont forgive.........did you hear many chants of lee bowyers name ?



    we put up with................



    I remember hearing "Lee Bowyer, Lee Bowyer, Lee Bowyer" quite a few time at SJP.


    come off it,some isolated shouts,you would never say you heard his name chanted in any significant way.






    Wrong, what ?




    wrong that we never heard his name chanted.

  11. hope owen doesnt take his place at any point never mind when martins is away

    will be our best striker this season scoring about 15 in the league hopefully... ;D


    Yeah, me too. I really hope Owen doesn't get a game.


    Doesn't really matter, you'd only have to watch him for 10 minutes before an unexpected gust of wind makes both his legs drop off anyway.


    This is pretty strange talk. Don't people really hope that Owen will get fit, stay fit and score lots of goals for us whether or not this seems likely or not (which  sadly it doesn't at the moment). Owen is hardly Dyer or Bellamy in the 'unproffessional' stakes and I don't think he deserves the flak he constantly gets here.


    Thinking he is a good player (which most do) is different to being cynical about his loyalties/fitness.


    You don't have to think a player is superfantasticworldclassbestever just because they play for us, or suck the, off just because they are good.


    I think most fans opinions of Owen are: "good player, too injury prone, would rather play for a big club, wouldn't mind that much if we could get a decent replacement in".


  12. we dont forgive.........did you hear many chants of lee bowyers name ?



    we put up with................


    I remember hearing "Lee Bowyer, Lee Bowyer, Lee Bowyer" quite a few time at SJP.

    come off it,some isolated shouts,you would never say you heard his name chanted in any significant way.



  13. I find it impossible to wish Chopra well while he's wearing a red and white shirt.


    Most people know he'd rather be wearing a black and white one given half a chance.


    Given half a chance, and enough ability. Neither of which he has.


    And he still chose to play for them, making hin scum.

  14. I've just returned from a signing session with the players (Junior Magpies treat for the young 'uns) I can confirm that West Ham player Kieran Dyer was not there. Everyone else was (save for Sam who we must hope was doing business) including Nobby. Enrique was chatting with Luque & the French speakers were also together. Owen was next to Barton, Milner & Smith. For some reason Viduka was right at the end beyond the the French connection & Shola had a bloody stupid wide brimmed hat on.





  15. The "loyalty payment thing" is a rumour for which there hasn't been the slightest shred of confirmation in any published story.


    Which puts it at EXACTLY the same level of believability as the "West Ham shady practices shown in this transfer" thing.


    I'm afraid you're wrong. There have been precisely no mentions of a loyalty bonus by anyone at either club. The "West Ham shady practices thing" has been asserted by us and nothing has been denied by them. And who could forget that their "shady practices thing" nearly got them relegated last season. Just in the last few days, Derby have also complained about dodgy West Ham approaches to one of their players.


    Meanwhile, the Joey Barton "loyalty bonus thing" came out into the open as fact. If it did in that case, why not in this one?


    But, feel free to believe that West Ham are pure as the driven and Mort and Allardyce are liars, if that what makes you happy.



    There you go again, taking things too far.


    Because i have a doubt over an supposed allegation (and we were SO UPSET by their behaviour we were bought off with another £1m, according to you), i must hate the club? Fuck off, thats patehric even for a man of your limited means.


    There you go again, taking things too far. Who said you hated the club?


    Fair play. But who said Allardyce and Mort were liars? (although i know the answer to the Allardyce one, and it looked liek he was to ME as well, on that docuemntary).

  16. Sven robbed by bitter xenophobic failures and Cuntface McTaggart IMO. :huff:


    Tbh I saw most of your game against West Ham (the pub couldn't find the Toon match and all the other local pubs had massive queues outside) and Man City didn't put in a great performance. Still, 3 goals without reply is an impressive start on paper.


    They were as good as we were in the second half.

  17. http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/6017/72872618io6.jpg


    All the best in the future Dyer!


    Yes, all the best. I only HOPE you break your legs and end your career, not actively WISH for it. You mediocre, overpaid, diseased little skank.

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