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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. The horrible spineless little c*** has been afforded more comebacks than Frank f****** Sinatra.



    I hope the c*** never plays in a black and white shirt ever again.


    And anyone trying to defend the scrawny b****** seriously needs to have their f****** thick heads examined.


    Sadly this is typical of the Anti-Dyer lobby. Foam-flecked hatred which makes you wonder whether they can't present reasonable arguments for their case.


    arguments have been put, they've just been ignored 'cause you can't read them in rose tinted spectacles


    again though; his shooting is appalling, his crossing is appalling, his passing is appalling, his tackling is appalling, his positional sense is non-existent, his dribbling is only OK but is largely directionless, he has no isea how to utilise his pace in a game of professional football, he can't even spell "football brain", HE REFUSED TO PLAY FOR THE CLUB & BOBBY ROBSON


    that's it summed up in a nutshell and i haven't even mentioned his off the field exploits, numerous chances to turn it around, injury record, fighting on the pitch and so on....oh yes i have


    so there you have it friend, foam-flecked indeed but in no way untrue

    his shooting is appalling,


    No it isn't, he has scored some absolute blinders - not everyone can hit a dead ball like Shearer but that doesn't make their shooting 'appalling'.



    his crossing is appalling,


    He isn't a conventional winger though, he usually cuts in from wide and plays the ball low, something which Arsenal have done under Wenger for years,



    his passing is appalling,


    Is that why he used to play so many great one-twos with Solano when we finished 3rd under Robson?


    his tackling is appalling,


    He's no centre back it's true.

    his positional sense is non-existent,


    Must be why so many of our goals on the counter revolve around this fast breaking midfielder then. Stupid idiot doesn't realise he's in the wrong place obviously.

    his dribbling is only OK but is largely directionless, he has no isea how to utilise his pace in a game of professional football,


    not obvious to many, but dribbling at pace makes picking out team mates that much more difficult. He could always stop and take a look around for a bit I suppose.


    he can't even spell "football brain", HE REFUSED TO PLAY FOR THE CLUB & BOBBY ROBSON


    well at least he didn't stub a cigar into his eye. Look on the positives.





    His assist stats are shite, historically hos goals stats are shite.


    He offers little of substance, but does enough "running fast in a straight line" to fool some players. He's made himself a good living out of being a mediocre player built up to be top class, and for that he should be admired. But preferably whilst he's at another club.


    All the "Man Utd and Chelsea want him" shite makes me snigger. If they did, they'd have him. But they don't, unfortunately.

  2. stronger players made him the 'weeker' player of the squad and he will feel more comfortable with not so good players around him


    What the hell are you on about?


    Honestly, that makes no sense. 


    Maybe he's suggesting Chopra prefers to be the big fish in a small pond rather than the other way around?



    some players might prefer to play with weeker players than themselves


    But they aren't much "weeker" than him, as he's not much cop.


    He's found his level, and if he moves up, he'll get found out, but he'll make a few quid on the way, so fair play to him. As long as we don't have him here, we've still got a Championship striker, we don't need two.

  3. He's a right back. We have no real right back, so "yes". Not a difficult choice in fairness.


    are you some sort of idiot, we have Stephen Carr


    Oh, sorry, forgot about him. Hang on......


    He's a right back. We have no real right back who isn't a thick fat irish twat, so "yes". Not a difficult choice in fairness.

  4. Chelsea & Spurs want him. He is a England international.



    Are you 100% sure that we cant use him?



    I think he was good when he came back from injury.  He had been out for over a year


    oooh, made up stuff, good show.

  5. Dyer turned our season around when he returned. No-one can deny that.


    our season was utter pish from start to finish so how exactly did it "turn around"?


    i'd like to see more views on dyers effect on the season however; my recollection was he had an impact when he returned from injury for about 5 games then disappeared as per usual


    martins was the one who "turned our season around" in my opinion but he's s**** apparently and not worth more than one season...


    FACT remains that Dyer scored 7 goals...thats plenty more than the rest of our midfield....therefore, the quote that he can't shoot is bollox....Shearer, who knows a thing or two about shooting, has also quoted a few times that Dyer is a different player in training, a real attacking threat, with a great shot...

    He gets himself in plenty of shooting positions; but in matches seems to try a pass, rather than a shot....mind you, with the venom thrown at Lampard by some on this site, I can understand....


    He's been a disappointment because we've all seen flashes of what Dyer COULD be....


    Doesn't alter the fact that he HAS BEEN a childish, playboy, lazy, uninterested, disruptive, disloyal, mouthy, injury prone, waster of his god given talent...

    but I actually think its a HAS BEEN situation...I want the best for the Toon....a Dyer who has grown up, had his body sorted out, and played in a similar position, week in- week out, could prove a 10-15 goal, potential double figure assist player...there aren't many of those in the PL, and it would be best for us to see what Sam can coax from him before we get on his back.





    And his bad history outweighs his good. As always, toon fans latch onto the smallest chink of hope and blow it out of all context.

  6. We might aswell play Taylor at RB, he isnt any worse than Young.


    Maybe he would be better than he has been the last 5 years if he came up here, but Im certain we can get better than Young.


    Carr really isnt that much worse.


    Carr is fucking far worse. He's absolute shite.

  7. Maybe like the rest of us he sees this huge waste of money and he hopes the guy can fill in until Duff returns and would possible angle a move out of the club after that.



    Duff is even more of a waste of money than Luque tbh...


    No he's not, put aside how bad his debut season was, at least its a season of some description.


    Duff still holds value, at least he's playable and not a liability. If Duff wasn't injured and we put him up for sale tomorrow, i'd say we'd even make money off him.






    Actually Luque got more goals/assists than Duff in less games..


    They've both been shit.


    There is no avoiding the fact that he is a gutless, poor footballer for us.

  8. He'd be a sideways step, a player brought in "to do a job". We need better.


    How can it be a sideways step if we have pretty much nothing now?

  9. Why the fuck anyone gives a toss what Shearer says is beyond me. Some people, including parts of the media as well as NUFC fans, seem to run around in circles screaming like schoolgirls in their bedrooms when the newest Bros single is played on the radio, or something.


    Shearer was a very good striker in his day, and a man who retired a season or two too late. Beyond that, i can't see why anyone would find his opinions worth much. He was full of shit about Parker, and that seems to have continued to the Bellamy thing too.

  10. Personally i think Dawson is a decent centre back made look good because of Ledley King. Woodgate made Bramble look competent in some games ffs. When King is out of the spurs team he doesn't look half the player, that doesn't mean to say he is s***.


    On the other hand, i believe Taylor will be better than Ledley King never mind Dawson. He's got alot to learn but out of all the young England centre backs only that Man City kid looks as promising.


    As for Huddlestone, he's not done enough to be rated a future star for me. There are truck loads of midfielders in front of him and the senior england midfield.


    You serious??


    Deadly. I rate King highley, apart form the fact he gets crocked alot. Take it from me, Newcastle fans know good defenders when they see them. They dont come along often you know.


    BTW your "You serious?" attempt to be little other forum members might work on a yid forum but it won't work on here.


    If i go through all your absurd posts and put "you serious" after them you would look like a toss pot too, so cut it.


    Which you would be an expert in?

  11. The only comparitor (sic) is league goals? Despite Middlesbrough giving up on the league halfway through it and him hauling them nearly-singlehandedly to the final of a competition that we've been trying to get to for the best part of 15 years?


    Ok then. :rolleyes:


    Oh, he did that ALONE now?? You're getting fucking desperate now. Whet next, "name the 5 players you've personally scouted who are better"??? :lol: :lol: :lol:


    You're a genius.

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