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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. We'll see, i suppose.


    What do you think?






    That he's over-rated, and as likely to do f*** all as score loads of goals.


    So you accept that this free signing might score "loads of goals"


    Now give your reasons why this proven target man shouldn't have been snapped up on a free to be one of our strike options.


    He MIGHT. He might also score 3.


    Why he shouldn't be "snapped up"? Because i want us to be a top 7 team.


    Who would you have preferred us to sign instead of Viduka?


    Ah, that old chestnut. Nice try, but i don't think thats the point, is it?


    If we are happy consilidating a mid table position, i applaud FHSA's vision.

  2. You can't hide from things said on messageboards.




    To think, Hitzfeld was so interested.


    And Roeder will still be here at the start of the season. Etc etc.

  3. We'll see, i suppose.


    What do you think?






    That he's over-rated, and as likely to do f*** all as score loads of goals.


    So you accept that this free signing might score "loads of goals"


    Now give your reasons why this proven target man shouldn't have been snapped up on a free to be one of our strike options.


    He MIGHT. He might also score 3.


    Why he shouldn't be "snapped up"? Because i want us to be a top 7 team.


    Your midfield lacks the ability to stop the other team, in my opinion.


    I agree that the midfield doesn't have a bone cruncher but they can still tackle.  Remember that we'll be playing the mackems, Boro, Wigan, Man City etc, keep those teams under pressure and they'll buckle.


    You know thats not going to work. You don't protect your defence, you get violated.

  5. If we're aiming to play the 4-3-3 system then I'd be all for getting him in and selling Duff. Provided we've enough money after strengthening other positions.


    He's gotten lost at Chelsea really, people forget how good he was at Man City I think. He'd be a vast upgrade on Dyer and Duff out wide.


    Better than Dyer or Duff on the left? So is my great gran, and she's been dead for 16 years.


    Not sure the point you're maing really, as I would have though improving the squad would be a positive.


    He's arguably better than Milner as well, to be fair. Milner's very good, but I think he'll always lack the pace to be a truly terrifying winger.


    The point i was making was that being better than Dyer or Duff on the left was no big deal, we already have players who are that. As for being better than Milner, i haven't seen anything to indicate THAT, but let me guess, you've seen him play 79 times this season, so know that to be the case.


    I never said the left, I said out wide, which can be the right as well.


    Seen plenty of Wright-Phillips yourself then or is that only relevant when I'm making judgements on a player, and not when you're doing so?


    "I haven't seen anything to indicate THAT". Like i said.

  6. To be fair Mick, the team you've outlined does lack balance in midfield. Barton is not a ball-winner by any means, he's more of a Gerrard style box-to-box player who'll flourish with someone sitting behind him.


    Two things, first is I've been drinking so have an excuse, second, I'd like to see them push further up so the centre halves would be closer to the midfield.


    They still need protection, Kevin.


    Is that midfield not going to get us a raping on a regular basis? Not much support for the back four.


    Problem is, we don't have cover for any of those, and they aren;t going to stay fit all season.


    That midfield would be more than good enough against 80% of the teams we'll play against next season.  We really need to get the middle of the defence sorted so that when we are put under pressure we have the confidence to live with it.


    The squad needs numbers who are capable of doing a job and we also need players who can come in when we're playing teams who are not in the 80% mentioned earlier, when we need to add grit and battle it out.


    If we are going to invest £250 million over 5 years then we should spend more now then reduce it as time goes on, we shouldn't need to spend as much during year 5 as we do during year 1.


    Your midfield lacks the ability to stop the other team, in my opinion.

  8. If we're aiming to play the 4-3-3 system then I'd be all for getting him in and selling Duff. Provided we've enough money after strengthening other positions.


    He's gotten lost at Chelsea really, people forget how good he was at Man City I think. He'd be a vast upgrade on Dyer and Duff out wide.


    Better than Dyer or Duff on the left? So is my great gran, and she's been dead for 16 years.


    Not sure the point you're maing really, as I would have though improving the squad would be a positive.


    He's arguably better than Milner as well, to be fair. Milner's very good, but I think he'll always lack the pace to be a truly terrifying winger.


    The point i was making was that being better than Dyer or Duff on the left was no big deal, we already have players who are that. As for being better than Milner, i haven't seen anything to indicate THAT, but let me guess, you've seen him play 79 times this season, so know that to be the case.

  9. Better than any winger we currently have at the club tbh.


    Not Milner. The highpoint of our season.


    Other than getting rid of that cunt Roeder. And then Shambles going. They were important moments too.



    Not hard, in fairness.


    Not sure we'll be offering much Euopean football the season after - we need some serious players to even get 7th, if you look at our "squad".


    I want 3 first team players as well as squad players, I don't want to see Babayaro as first choice and I don't want Ramage as first choice, I think if we get a new left back, centre half and creative midfielder/forward then we're laughing all the way to top 6.  I really think that if we get the three sorted that I've mentioned and squad players in as cover then we'll do well.



    Nobby (get younger player in to learn and replace Nobby)

    Another (quality left back)


    Another (quality centre half with a good head and a big mouth)



    Another (creative player)



    Nzogbia (new manager/new start, he clearly wasn't playing for Roeder)


    Is that midfield not going to get us a raping on a regular basis? Not much support for the back four.


    Problem is, we don't have cover for any of those, and they aren;t going to stay fit all season.

  11. If we're aiming to play the 4-3-3 system then I'd be all for getting him in and selling Duff. Provided we've enough money after strengthening other positions.


    He's gotten lost at Chelsea really, people forget how good he was at Man City I think. He'd be a vast upgrade on Dyer and Duff out wide.


    Better than Dyer or Duff on the left? So is my great gran, and she's been dead for 16 years.

  12. I felt that Allardyce was a good decision by Shepherd, I'm not sure he would be the right choice now that our situation has changed but I'm still more than happy to support him as he's the best we've had since Sir Bobby, my reservations are about his ability to spend money, nobody can really question his ability to get the best out of free transfers or cheap players and I'm slightly concerned about the Quest stuff still being dragged up.


    Im still more than happy to see him given a chance as long as he takes us forwards and tries to build the club from top to bottom.


    I'd like to see 3 more first team players signed before the season kicks off, I want two defenders and somebody to link with the forwards, somebody who can change a game with one pass, a Tevez who I don't expect to get but would love to see here.  We don't have Eorope to offer big players but we should be able to offer Europe the season after.


    Not hard, in fairness.


    Not sure we'll be offering much Euopean football the season after - we need some serious players to even get 7th, if you look at our "squad".

  13. If it wasn't for the fact that the alternative is a piling heap of donkey shite, i'd be pelased that Fat Arse might not be here for the start of the season.


    Yeah what the hell do we want with a striker who can score and set up goals for, don't need that sort of shit here!


    Well done, nice one. Very good, that, nice work.


    Thanks :lol:


    You're more than welcome. Anything that illustrates that level of blind confidence and optimism, whilst attempting sarcasm, should be rewarded.


    I wouldn't say its blind confidence, its not like he is Sibierski and we are hoping he suddenly turns into a good player, he already is one.


    He did pretty good last season. He hasn't always shown that level of ability/drive.


    He was excellent last season but has also shown he has a lot of ability.


    He has also in the past shown to be a lumping, lazy wanker.


    But we forget all of that and only focus on the positives, don't we.

  14. We should do this on the forum for the "ITK's" would be funny to see their percentages :lol:


    "Roeder will definately be here at the start of next season"


    or just the opinions as fact?


    "FAMV will score loads of goals for NUFC" type thing?


    I was thinking more "Baines will be here by July 1st", "Mancini has been looking at houses in Newcastle", "Hitzfeld has been looking around the training ground" type facts.


    Ah, right. My first one stands then. Comedy Gold from Parky. His 4th place challenge comment would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad.

  15. If it wasn't for the fact that the alternative is a piling heap of donkey shite, i'd be pelased that Fat Arse might not be here for the start of the season.


    Yeah what the hell do we want with a striker who can score and set up goals for, don't need that sort of shit here!


    Well done, nice one. Very good, that, nice work.


    Thanks :lol:


    You're more than welcome. Anything that illustrates that level of blind confidence and optimism, whilst attempting sarcasm, should be rewarded.


    I wouldn't say its blind confidence, its not like he is Sibierski and we are hoping he suddenly turns into a good player, he already is one.


    He did pretty good last season. He hasn't always shown that level of ability/drive.

  16. If it wasn't for the fact that the alternative is a piling heap of donkey shite, i'd be pelased that Fat Arse might not be here for the start of the season.


    Yeah what the hell do we want with a striker who can score and set up goals for, don't need that sort of shit here!


    Well done, nice one. Very good, that, nice work.


    Thanks :lol:


    You're more than welcome. Anything that illustrates that level of blind confidence and optimism, whilst attempting sarcasm, should be rewarded.

  17. We should do this on the forum for the "ITK's" would be funny to see their percentages :lol:


    "Roeder will definately be here at the start of next season"


    or just the opinions as fact?


    "FAMV will score loads of goals for NUFC" type thing?

  18. If it wasn't for the fact that the alternative is a piling heap of donkey shite, i'd be pelased that Fat Arse might not be here for the start of the season.


    Yeah what the hell do we want with a striker who can score and set up goals for, don't need that sort of shit here!


    Well done, nice one. Very good, that, nice work.

  19. I still have question marks about Sam being Ashley's choice to manager us, a bad or even average first season and I am pretty sure Ashley will get rid.


    It is what it is - if thats what happens, we have to trust the owner to bring the right person in.


    Personally, i agree about FHSA not being first choice - he's done nowt to suggest that he'd be an obvious choice, were he not already in post.

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