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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. If he doesn't finish 7th, he's failed. Long-term plan or no long-term plan.


    I hope your joking.


    Why? We're way behind the top 4, we're behind Spurs & Everton but with 3 signings in the areas we're very weak, we can bridge that gap. We're in the group with Bolton, Blackburn, Villa, etc. at the minute. Allardyce alone imo will add 10 points to our tally (no way would we have lost some of those sh*te home games last season with him in charge), so as we stand, I'm considering us as a 50-55 points a season team. With more signings, that should become 60-65.


    But if you think if he doesnt finish at least 7th he's failed then your an idiot. After everything that has gone on at this club, and after the past two seasons we have just had, a bit of stability and signs of improvement will be a great start. You cant go from a rotten club playing terrible football to finishing in the top 6-7 within 1 close season. Be realistic man!


    It was only a year ago a season combined with Souness & Roeder's management took us to 7th. Last year, Roeder was shocking.


    I'll ask you this, would we have finished where we did last season had Allardyce been in charge?


    Your question is totally irrelavant. We finsihed 7th under Roeder after Souness was bootedand the whole club got a temporary lift. There was no pressure on Roeder at the time to get results which also helped. You honestly think we started playing amazing football when Souness left and Roeder took over? No we didnt, there was a slight improvement and thats it. We got some good results and some lucky ones.


    Since SBR left the football has been nothing short of horrible for 90% of the games. Boring, Boring football, with the occasional canny game thrown in. This club is on the up, but at theminute, as it stands, there still a shit load of work to be done, and its people like you are a cancer to the club, who after 1 season, Sam doesnt finifh in top 7 and you say he has failed. How can this club ever be a success when people are already talking about failure?


    What we talk about here has fuck all to do with whether or not the team will do well - ignorance of that is fucking laughable.



  2. With Wenger and Arsenal not too far from parting, Fergie on his final furlong and the future of Rafa and Mourinho far from certain regardless of how well they do, with Rafa always likely to head back home at some stage and Jose being Jose a manager who could get just about any job in the world, and Chelsea likewise regarding a new manager, there is an opening for a club to gatecrash that pile and maybe end out on top. Could that be us under Ashley and Big Sam, a manager who I believe to be the 5th best in the country and good enough (if not yet experienced) to challenge the top top managers as one himself?


    Your thoughts please.


    PS I'm hoping to get some good material for an uber article I'm planning on this very issue so delve deep into the debate and give me some inspiration ;)




    Firstly, the 5th best thing is very arguable.


    Secondly, if he's THAT good, more likely FHSA will be snapped up by one of them, rather than lead us to the promised land. 

  3. My thoughts is that's a horrific 1st sentence to read!




    Less of a sentence, more of a particularly painful type of linguistic torture. tbh.

  4. Hope emre will stay, I believe he will become better.


    Emre will prove his class once the clubs gets settled. been un unholy mess since he came here.

    We have to keep him


    So its the clubs fault that he goes missing in games, has some woeful deadball moments, and runs around a bit getting nowt done till he gets bored?

  5. "Look at me, my names HTT, no fucker reads my posts because they're so f****** long. I like to think that my posts are GREAT, and think everyones bumfucks me for writing something meaningful, but I ignore the fact that I'm really being bumfucked because I have the power. I'm a little bit like Alan Oliver and like to force my own ideas onto others. That is why I bummed Ottmar Hitzfeld so much and campaig"




    Give the guy a break, his posts have always had quality parts. These days they are also a lot shorter and much more to the point, intelligent and well written. Never seen you write s***.


    Oh dear.


    WHOOSH! :lol:


    A hell of a lot of the deadwood is out now. Just Dyer left ;)


    Now we need 7+ players and in Barton we have made a good start.


    When did Babayaro, Carr, Ameobi and Duff leave??

  6. Oh great, Voduka is coming. Out future is secure, with this top class, ebergetic, never at all lazy striker, who we are lucky to snatch from the cluthes of the other bog clubs in the PL.


    Of course, we should have snapped up Klose, Henry and Ronaldinho instead of getting a proven target man/goalscorer for nowt.


    Yeah, he's proven himself to be just our level at times in the past.

  7. Emre could do the job for us as long as he is played as the attacking midfielder. Roeder's bumming of Parker meant that Emre was always playing behind Parker which severely reduces his impact. Not saying that Emre is close to Kaka, but try playing Kaka in the DM role (which was affectively the role Emre was playing in under Roeder) and see how useless even Kaka will be.


    Emre was never realled played as a DM under Roeder, he just used to wander around like a clueless fucker.

  8. Aye, OK. Let's get some cheap shite in, then.


    No, its a much betteridea to get players who aren't upto it, and pay them too much.


    Lets not bother getting the RIGHT players, eh? That't be stupid.


    Meanwhile, out in the real world, the kind of talent that makes a difference at the top is rare enough that people are talking forty mill for fucking Berbatov.


    It'll take a while to build a decent team again. During the rebuilding phase I bet there will be a lot of coming and going. Beckham on a loan spell? I wouldn't have a big prob with it.


    Despite it paying 10 good players wages?


    Berbatov is a great player, better than our comparitor, so we ave fuck all room to comment on is worth, in fairness.


    Oh, and we aren't at the top. We are in the 3rd tier in the PL, well below our natural place in the second tier.

  9. Aye, OK. Let's get some cheap shite in, then.


    No, its a much betteridea to get players who aren't upto it, and pay them too much.


    Lets not bother getting the RIGHT players, eh? That't be stupid.

  10. Dosn't his contract with us finish next month?


    Still think we should keep him, as a fringe player, he got the pace and we just need to enhance his other attributes..


    Fringe to what? You can't think he's a fringe first team player.

  11. G. Messiah eh? Name reminds me of someone...


    Liverpool must be having a good think about Owen's situation. This season has proven without a shadow of a doubt that the one player theyre lacking the most is a 20+ natural goalscorer. Owen happens to be that, and hes also allegedly available for close to what theyve sold him for.


    To be fair, he's never scored more 20 in a season as far as I know.


    He's never even ("even" :lol:) got 20.


    Was that a dig at my lack of the word "than" NM? :)




    No, it was my backing up your being (almost) right. He's never hit 20 goals (and probably never will, certainly not for us!). :)


    Ah, thats what I meant, didn't write it well. Owen tends to make up for it in other areas but even during his best and most consistent days at Liverpool he never surpassed or got 20 a season.


    Yes, thats what i was trying to help with.


    And i think his overall contribution is over valued, beyond scoring goals. He's a bit of a Dyer in the 'other parts of his game' stakes for me.

  12. How much money will Newcastle stand to lose if Newcastle breached the employment contract? Will the pros outweigh the cons?

    Economically, it appears not viable to have a change of manager.


    Also, it is better for one to appear to be benevolent and not make big decisions that will be detrimental to one's popularity after a recent takeover.


    In view of some of these factors, a practical and beneficial approach adopted will be to support Sam and see what improvements he may bring in within a certain period of time. Of course, prior to Sam's appointment, in business terms, Newcastle and Sam should and ought to have drawn up a decent proposal on the progression of Newcastle. Failure to meet that would be detrimental to Sam.


    Howay, lads. At least make it a debate. This positivity's killing me. :lol:


    Personal Rule:

    1. Debate only when there is a an objective, hitherto, debate is pointless and a waste of time

    2. Debate not for the sake of debating (waste of time... more meaningful things to do, brain cells could be better put into other matters)


    I am amused by how people like to conjure up unnecessary debates in the forum and the manner of some of the debates are shallow, neither objective nor constructive.

    If you like to argue, debate for the sake of debating, spend your brain juice in more meaningful stuffs where there can be individual progression rather than waste your time, gaining nothing in return (well maybe they will gain the false sense of superiority? But that is just deluding themselves).






    You don't get the concept of internet forums, do you?


    Your superiority complex is made a mockery by your postings.

  13. If it wasn't Sunday tabloid bullshit, would it actually be bad news?


    Beckham here for a loan spell while the club is rebuilding? Why not? Think of him like Gallagher under Robson. Bit of class and experience. A real trier. Stabilising influence. Creator of chances. There's a bit football left in him yet and I bet Allardyce would know how to get the best out of him. He could keep l'il Mickey O. company and catch up with Butt. Ashley will use him to sell shirts, the profile of the club will be elevated, and joy shall be throughout the Toon.


    Why not? Because we should be moving away from paying people more than they are worth.


    Shambles, £40k, Dire, £85k, Owen £102k, Beckham, £533k a week.

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