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Everything posted by SAK

  1. Champions League you say? Come on Mandy/Mehdad you know what to do.
  2. We need to sponsor everything, training ground, hell I’d accept “NEOM/Aramco/Saudia @ St James park” if they’re paying, plus small deals like official toilet roll supplier.
  3. Can’t believe we’re back amongst the elite again. Ashley just a fading memory.
  4. The sooner the better for me, makes Monday a party atmosphere.
  5. Didn’t think we would win today (thought it’d be a draw) based on Brightons form and it would go down to last two games . We’re nearly there either we do it against Leicester or Villa do us favour before. Hopefully the owners open the money floodgates in the summer and cement our place.
  6. Fuck you liverpool you thought we’d crumble.
  7. If we hold out and get two draws we should be ok.
  8. Mc Alister, Enciso, Ferguson on for Brighton
  9. Misses chances, Almiron playing well overall but his lack of right foot costs us.
  10. Sky showing a stat that Brighton are second only to Man U for goals by subs but don’t mention we’ve got the same joint record. Not as scary if they mention that.?
  11. Needs to calm himself, same as big Joe don’t want him extracting revenge on Caicedo and getting sent off.
  12. An on target Dan Burn header as well, came good when it mattered.
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