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Everything posted by SAK

  1. I live in London and the whole knife crime thing is overblown, it’s rarely average folks getting stabbed unless really unlucky. Mostly teens/youths involved in gang violence. Unless you look like complete wuss you wouldn’t register on the radar of these people so it never affects you.
  2. The Luton no11 turned the defender inside out to set up Clark for the goal, nice skill.
  3. Stuff like this makes me think why don’t our ownership just say fuck it and go down the City/PSG route. Playing nice isn’t getting us anywhere with other clubs and the media, they’ll always try to stiff us even with little improvements, may as well go full on Galactic Empire.
  4. So his argument is the deal is within the laws, the value is within fair market value, but Saudi Arabia is autocratic so bad? “While there is understood to be sound advice that the deal represents fair market value given the Champions League qualification, the question from some executives in the game is whether the new regulations are as relevant in this case given they concern the same ownership” Isn’t that what regs concerning related party transactions cover already I.e owners using related entities for funding?
  5. Might want to use some lube if you have to drill it in ?
  6. Whose the speccy black guy next to Kolo Toure on Skysports half time commentary?
  7. Or a fish head in a box for the less perverted.
  8. The lack of any credible links is already annoying me ?, this will be torture until the first one is confirmed.
  9. We see Nobby involved with the club nowadays but not Jonas. Maybe the club hasn’t engaged with him regarding that or maybe he enjoyed his time here and has love for the club but doesn’t want to do the ambassador thing which is cool if that’s the case.
  10. SAK

    David Squires

  11. Wasn’t he out for a year with an ACL and only came back in the last month or so. Not watched Juve recently, is he still the same player?
  12. He’s an asset stripper, you see it in his business ventures. Buys distressed assets cheap and then sucks them dry until there’s nothing left. He doesn’t build, create or add value. He never had it within himself to improve us as that’s not what he does.
  13. Yellow was fair, stuck his leg out, left it hanging, made contact with Soumare but didn’t follow through which is why it was yellow.
  14. Not invested enough to google if he has kids or not but said that on the assumption he had kids who were settled at school with friends etc and a Mrs with a social circle of friends.
  15. It’s in the bag. If we can’t scrape a draw with Leicester at home we don’t deserve Champions League ( but we’ll beat them).
  16. Damn, did a quick google search seems like they’re reported as interested (some claim wages agreed) but no bid (yet). Maybe we should make an offer and see, the ability to achieve your dreams without relocating your family from somewhere they’ve been six years may appeal. Newcastle to Wolverhampton is bit less than 4 hours by car.
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