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Everything posted by SAK

  1. Wouldn’t say Militao and Marquinhos are poor defenders.
  2. Met police means London based team as its claimed she met him at a place he was involved with so unlikely someone from another city visiting.
  3. Ando7 ? Still posts itk stuff here but lost credibility with a lot of people. If I recall he was obtaining info from another forum from a claimed itk and regurgitating it here as his own. Was caught out as others here used said forum. That’s how I remember it but I stand to be corrected.
  4. Did a search based on your comment, didn’t know PIF invested in Clearlake Capital but in all honesty because it’s portfolio of assets so would be hard to argue that PIF had any controlling interest in Chelsea.
  5. Think we’re a very small part of their overall plans, they want to improve their domestic league to add to legitimacy for their World Cup bid hence wanting to buy up Chelsea rejects.
  6. SAK


    What was that all about with the zooming in on something in some guys pocket and then him kicking off?
  7. SAK


    Scout player with all the right metrics and qualities, hand over to shit manager who plays him out position, player believes in himself and works hard to improve himself even under shit manager, good manager takes over, rest is history.
  8. SAK


    What’s with this half time interview shit.
  9. SAK


    From joke player to scoring for Brazil.
  10. SAK


    Lost the ball a couple times with poor control, against better teams he won’t get away with it.
  11. Little bit Kate and Leo on the Titanic that.
  12. SAK

    Nicolo Barella

    We want Inters Nicolo Barella, apparently 50m deal close.
  13. SAK


    Been added by many of our fans on Twitter and followed them back as a courtesy, should see the amount of EDL type shit that a significant portion of our fans tweet. I Wouldn’t discount it.
  14. Do I remember correctly someone posting here he’s been shite?
  15. Think he’s a front for the Qatari state, PSG got Qatar what they wanted i.e. a World Cup but the premier league is where you go to buy a club to boost national pride/standing. Think they’ll quietly drop PSG, first by spending less on transfers, we already see it with them stating they’re going for a homegrown policy. Eventually they’ll sell them to a wealthy French national.
  16. SAK

    Felix Nmecha

    We sure Baldwards got the right United as all Google searches throw up this guy linked to Man U and Dortmund.
  17. For some reason I thought Feynoord had gone downhill in recent years but just checked and they won the Eredivisie last season. Hopefully a good loan for him.
  18. Foden stripped ready to go, just giving KDB time to see if he can run it off.
  19. Rodri has been pretty poor so far which is surprising.
  20. Saudia were on the hoardings in recent matches.
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