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Everything posted by SAK

  1. Whats up with the half time Cristiano Ronaldo montage (sp)|?
  2. Can't see them beating chelsea away. Watching the smug Liverpool fans shut up mid chorus was hilarious.
  3. Always believed in the lad even though early on in the season at worst his performances were average. The reasons why I believed this is because he has the attributes to be a top left back e.g. well built physique and strength, height (useful against opposition trying to play the cross field ball over the full back) , pace, good control and passing. He's not afraid to bring the ball forward to start of attacks (his drbbling is good as he has a turn of pace and good ball control). He links up well with midfield and the strikers with ball to feet or the ball over the top for Martins. Plus his reading of the game is pretty decent as well.
  4. I know Andy Reid was always a bit podgy but man has he let himeself go.
  5. Balague (or whats his name) on Revista de liga reckons his people have met Man City representives already and is seriously thinking about it. As mentioned he wants to be a big fish in a small pond. If he would consider them then why not us. The only worry would be would he have the hunger to ht the heights he once did? If not I can see fans turning on him quick and t all turning into one big expensive mess.
  6. Highly doubt Milito would come here. Why not? Real Zaragoza are 18th out of 20 in La Liga and recently changed they're manager. If we offer an attractive transfer fee/salary why shouldn't we stand a chance?
  7. Agree he doesn't lose posession easily and plays it simply to keep things ticking along attacking wise.
  8. Darren Bent. Think it was Beye who was on the end of the wall he stepped to the left and moved Malbranque in the process making space for the shot. Good play whoever it was.
  9. Look like they've run past a waiting Barton to celebrate without him. Billy no mates
  10. Lets enjoy this victory but please lets not make cocks of ourselves by invading spurs forums.
  11. Tackle by Barton in our half pass to oba with two Spuds players versus him cuts past one right foot low curled into bottom left by robinson
  12. MArtins on the right took spuds players was fouled nearly went down put puts his hand down on floor to keep balance left foot pass to viduka who dumies and lays of ball at same time to owen who chip stoke curls in into the top left of the net.
  13. I think Enrique while he doesn't get to the byline to whip in crosses does cut in alot or look to find a man with a ball to feet, would agree that Beye does hoof the ball in alot from deep would like to see him use his pace more to beat his man.
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